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well you have an ego when you dont have to look towards friends not masters and other brotherly nations for help for your own economik survival ...if you know what i mean :sarcastic:

as for learning our lessons well we have already lernet them and doing and prepairng for them and world is supporting us while your nation is getting only rejections one after another every time they start singing me too me too like when india got the nuclear deal or MTCR or now NSG :haha:

so dont worry we know what we are doing and what we are getting you should hope to do your work and god help yopu and good luck

as for the topic of the thread mark my words its gonna be Mig29s
So despite so much accolades from world powers who are dancing to Indian Bollywood tunes, are u getting into NSG?
There is same old rant, we are getting this, we are getting that. Tell me when u will get it.
Give me one good reason as to why I should believe Pakistan has even the slightest chance to get the Eurofighter.
go to previous pages other senior member like @waz ,@Bilal Khan 777, @QWA, @Arsalan is stated we can get EF2000
from Italy and UK with relatively easily and don't forget PAF like western weapons and give one good reason that we are getting Su-35 its maintenance intensive nightmare

well good for india if you think so as there is nothing better than an enemy who underestimates and downplays rise of its mortal enemy :cheers:
yes he is bashing now
well you have an ego when you dont have to look towards friends not masters and other brotherly nations for help for your own economik survival ...if you know what i mean :sarcastic:
Which friends are you talking about?
Pakistan is constructing a route that would allow China to transport her products to Africa, Middle East and Europe through Gawadar and Karachi ports. CPEC is being constructed on a mutual agreement that would allow bot the countries to develop as well as economies to grow.

Pakistan is already trading partner but most of the good are being smuggled so border management is required. For this Pakistan is going to construct gates at places where they were none.

Pakistan is the biggest trading partner of Afghanistan, this trade would increase once the Taliban and Government of Afghanistan stop fighting together.

Central Asian Republics
Pakistan is already exporting various items to these countries. Soon electricity and other deals would be made with these countries as the situation in Afghanistan is stabilised.

GCC Countries
Pakistan buys all her fuel and now CNG from these countries and in return Pakistan supplies them with agricultural products. Pakistan also exports meat to these countries.

If you think that Pakistan's relations with these countries staled because Pakistan did not enter the war in Yemen then you know nothing regarding Pakistan. Pakistan would never fight a War with and other Muslim Country unless that country attacked Pakistan first. This point was accepted by all the member states of GCC countries thus there is no problem.

One nation two countries...This statement is enough.

The list goes on...This was enough for your PM to run to these countries trying to back stab Pakistan...At the end what did he earl from these trips?

as for learning our lessons well we have already lernet them and doing and prepairng for them and world is supporting us while your nation is getting only rejections one after another every time they start singing me too me too like when india got the nuclear deal or MTCR or now NSG :haha:
Its simple we have our priorities you have your. If one sees that the other has a valid point which can be used to nullify the others gains both India and Pakistan do not miss this opportunity.

After all Enemies are always countering the others advantage and also appreciate others when they use some better technique.

so dont worry we know what we are doing and what we are getting you should hope to do your work and god help yopu and good luck
We also know what you are doing and how to counter...

as for the topic of the thread mark my words its gonna be Mig29s
OHH brother not this Mig29....
It is SU35 and F-16's so far but some other options are also being looked at in case the F-16's deal does not go trough.
I have a feeling Jh7 can also be a serious contender remmember Pak placed an order after show of strength by Chinese Sub which remain undetected in Arabian sea ,Now 1 or 2 days back JH7 has done some thing similar demonstration of superior electronics .
I have a feeling Jh7 can also be a serious contender remmember Pak placed an order after show of strength by Chinese Sub which remain undetected in Arabian sea ,Now 1 or 2 days back JH7 has done some thing similar demonstration of superior electronics .

JH7 not a stealthy jet, the above news looks exaggeration.
I have a feeling Jh7 can also be a serious contender remmember Pak placed an order after show of strength by Chinese Sub which remain undetected in Arabian sea ,Now 1 or 2 days back JH7 has done some thing similar demonstration of superior electronics .

EW can make you do interesting things.

go to previous pages other senior member like @waz ,@Bilal Khan 777, @QWA, @Arsalan is stated we can get EF2000
from Italy and UK with relatively easily and don't forget PAF like western weapons and give one good reason that we are getting Su-35 its maintenance intensive nightmare

yes he is bashing now

Pakistan can have the EFT, Pakistan wishes to, because the weapon and sensor suite that comes with EFT is too good to ignore. However, till the time PAF figures out how to structure the deal to satisfy BAE Systems MAI due diligence and anti corruption regulations, there is no chance of EFT coming to Pakistan. I personally feel EFT is a great candidate for the deep strike requirement of PAF, as the MIRV goes out, however, in the world of strat weapons, all the doctrines we wrote and practised are obsolete. Will a EFT ever fly with a PAF roundel? It is very hard to speculate. For now, it will be a JFT and F16 mix, as Mirages slowly come to a roundabout near you.

Typoon Sounds like a a good idea but as we are addicted to the Chinese sellers credit, it is possible that we put our future eggs in a Chinese/Turkish combination for the Gen 5 aircraft.
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JH7 not a stealthy jet, the above news looks exaggeration.
This is authentic news it stayed more than 107 min in Indian territory also JH7 role is like growler and precision ground strike .
EW can make you do interesting things.

Pakistan can have the EFT, Pakistan wishes to, because the weapon and sensor suite that comes with EFT is too good to ignore. However, till the time PAF figures out how to structure the deal to satisfy BAE Systems MAI due diligence and anti corruption regulations, there is no chance of EFT coming to Pakistan. I personally feel EFT is a great candidate for the deep strike requirement of PAF, as the MIRV goes out, however, in the world of strat weapons, all the doctrines we wrote and practised are obsolete. Will a EFT ever fly with a PAF roundel? It is very hard to speculate. For now, it will be a JFT and F16 mix, as Mirages slowly come to a roundabout near you.

Typoon Sounds like a a good idea but as we are addicted to the Chinese sellers credit, it is possible that we put our future eggs in a Chinese/Turkish combination for the Gen 5 aircraft.
All things considered, JH-7 wouldn't be a bad option. It isn't a fighter, but if we look at the JF-17 as the interceptor and tactical attack fighter, the JH-7 can be our standoff weapon truck. It could probably carry Ra'ad too.
Lets not count chickens before they are hatched. Once the planes land on our soil, then we can say that some thing concrete has happened.
all the doctrines we wrote and practised are obsolete.
Do you not consider that these doctrines would be updated by PAF?
Do you think there is no person in PAKISTAN that can be Honest? There are ways to get these aircraft if crook does not work then hook might...

Indeed the EFT with all the advanced equipment is the best available fighter aircraft for PAF's entire spectrum hence PAF should try to find a solution.

All things considered, JH-7 wouldn't be a bad option. It isn't a fighter, but if we look at the JF-17 as the interceptor and tactical attack fighter, the JH-7 can be our standoff weapon truck. It could probably carry Ra'ad too.
It could potentially work but fighter escort is still required putting more stress on F-16's. F-17 can not do it because of limited fuel for the role of deep strike.
I have a feeling Jh7 can also be a serious contender remmember Pak placed an order after show of strength by Chinese Sub which remain undetected in Arabian sea ,Now 1 or 2 days back JH7 has done some thing similar demonstration of superior electronics .
If it has completed this feat then I would say " go for one squadron at least"
This is authentic news it stayed more than 107 min in Indian territory also JH7 role is like growler and precision ground strike .

stayed 107min???:o::o::o:.. are you comparing growler to JH7 .. o_Oo_O
All things considered, JH-7 wouldn't be a bad option. It isn't a fighter, but if we look at the JF-17 as the interceptor and tactical attack fighter, the JH-7 can be our standoff weapon truck. It could probably carry Ra'ad too.
no sir we don't want to induct single role fighter bomber, we need multi-role fighter like SU-35, EF2000, J-10c-d
Almost close to 500 response , still undecided about new plane ?
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