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Vietnam is long standing ally of Russia... back 1950s to now... don't forget they have long relation with Vietnam... china moved closer to Russia afterwards... the point beside larger economic relationship with china.. Russians didn't ditched Vietnam....

All i know is that if india can diversify its suppliers of weapons then Russia can also diversify their buyers.
Yupe We are Getting $560 million from Myanmar and payment of 12 JF-17 from Nigeria :D :D out of which we will get 58% share :D :D
That $560 million figure includes cost of weapons, training , infrastructure as well cost of the manufacturing of the jets.The total profit for Pakistan from the 28 jets won't be more than $100-120 million.
That $560 million figure includes cost of weapons, training , infrastructure as well cost of the manufacturing of the jets.The total profit for Pakistan from the 28 jets won't be more than $100-120 million.
The profit matters, but a much bigger chunk of that money will also translate into work for Pakistanis, especially in terms of the long-term if maintenance and servicing contracts are secured. That said, however small or large the profit for PAC, I hope they put that money back into more developmental work. Whether that be improving the production facility or beginning to earnestly manufacture avionics or more of the airframe, it shouldn't go into imports.
Gripen is a 5th Generation Jet?? or 4.5??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
They can not make up what they want...Ideal aircraft for India considering their state of affairs should be
Tejas- for numerical advantage
Gripen - Replacement of Mig -21
F-18 - For Replacement of Harrier and old Mig 29's and Jaguars along with the M2K's later on.

Note these there aircraft use the same Engine hence it would limit the expenses along with similar weapons and EW could have an integrated defence capabilities that would be very hard to over power.

SU-30 MKI to provide top cover and deep strike capabilities.

T-50 PAK-FA giving 5th Gen option. Top Cover and Deep Strike

AMCA to fill in the numbers advantage.

But unfortunately the Indians like to remain in the fools paradise of running around all the weapons providers and not find what they really want. They were trying to get knowledge buy paying but they did not consider it is now very difficult because of copy right and patents.

They would get some knowledge but that would take very long to develop domestically.

This development from our Rival is playing to our advantage because all the options that were closed are opening one by one. Pakistan was able to get the French engines for JF-17B...Avionics were offered once again by France but PAF said we would like the latest and best ones not the basic ones. Rafale and EFT both are on offer and SU-35 which gives stealth coating,however this is also available with Chinese options.

The issue is if PAF would be smart enough to get some thing which would help them not just in developing the JF-17 but also improve the chances of getting other aircraft from manufacturers like Turkey, South Korea and Canada in the future.
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The profit % from maintenance and servicing contracts is very low.Around 3-5% only.
Profit is the money PAC gains, but the cost to Myanmar for production, parts and maintenance will translate into work for Pakistanis. It's a stimulus the government of Pakistan doesn't have to foot for.
All i know is that if india can diversify its suppliers of weapons then Russia can also diversify their buyers.

you guys comparing Vietnam, china relations to Russia/USSR with India and Pakistan to Russia... china is a friend to Russia but Vietnam from decades... so there is difference between Vietnam and Pakistan to the RUSSIA.. so the comparison is wrong... you have less or no chance to get offensive platforms from Russia... don't exaggerate pak-russia relations... India influence in Russia beyond pskistan capabilities...
Trust me, no one made fun of you. Pakistan will not be getting the SU-35.
Trust me Pakistan is buying third 4.5th Generation Fighter and SU-35 from Russia and Euro Fighter from Italy are most easy option. If Russia decides to sell us SU-35 believe me India can't stop this deal
Dam where are those people who were making fun of me all the time ???? Yes we are buying and most probably they are SU-35.

@Arsalan @waz
I belive a mirror would help you to find out the person who is making fun of you.
Ayna Delh k tujko yeh bole ay sanwarney waley...ab tu bemoat maryen gey tere chahney waley.

Trust me Pakistan is buying third 4.5th Generation Fighter and SU-35 from Russia and Euro Fighter from Italy are most easy option. If Russia decides to sell us SU-35 believe me India can't stop this deal
Pakistan would wait for 10 years to invest heavily on 5th Gen fighter project probably a J.V with China or home production of J-31.
Trust me Pakistan is buying third 4.5th Generation Fighter and SU-35 from Russia and Euro Fighter from Italy are most easy option. If Russia decides to sell us SU-35 believe me India can't stop this deal

Typhoon yes, SU-35 no. India will kick up a mighty fuss. You have to remember that India has tens of billions of deals in the pipeline, money that Pakistan cannot match and Russia cannot afford to lose. Money talks BS walks.....
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