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@Muhammad Omar
Sir, Rs860bn allocation, about Rs2bn would be spent on defence ministry establishment where the remaining Rs858bn would be distributed among the three services — Army, Air Force and Navy.
The three services would spend Rs211bn on local purchases and import of arms and ammunition; Rs216bn on operational expenses; Rs327bn on salaries of soldiers and officers; and Rs104bn on maintenance of its buildings, barracks and construction of new ones.
LOL While we are speculating the hearsay, our Bhaarti friends are stressing over our financial matters. Oh yeah and their claims/analysis of India's "strategic pull over others especially Russia" are absolutely worth a read :lol:
Can anybody share the latest source of Harris Khan claim. No offence.
2005 Musharaf cancelled F16 deal due to lack of funds (earth quake ) and also plane being old
2006 Musharaf got things rolling in right direction
2007 Pakistan will get 40 Jets soon
2008 Pakistan will get J10B soon
2009 Pakistan J10 deal done arrive 2014 (Completed deal)
2010 Day dreaming
2011 Day dreaming
2012 Day dreaming
2013 J10b deal cancelled , nothing will arrive no account of $$$ spent
2014 No plane arrive , we get Old crap from Jordan
2015 New 8 F16 will arrive
2016 Order increased to 16 expected
2016 Wait Not arriving deal cancelled by mutual agreement
2016 Now wait we are getting another possible new plane order for 40 planes

10 YEARS Went by with out a Modern Generation plane arriving

Instead of our force inducting 36+ 30 more planes , to total of 66 planes , we are now discussing again , need for origional 40 planes to be purchased from mysterious source


Still recall the word of the Cheif who stated .... the J10B won't add anything new to our force while our pilots flying Older generation MIrage and F7
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you wouldn't pay the full price for 8 F-16s for $700 million.

We wouldn't does not equate to we couldn't. Pakistan wanted US to honour original terms of agreement which the US did not thanks to Congress, so we decided to back out as well specially when this isnt the 90s anymore and Pakistan has other options.
F16 is hyped up plane (Cost perspective) majority of cost is for service and putting screws into pannels and replacing parts , we need to cut the middle service man
Among all this discussion ,I think there is some thing going around in the background .
Just today i was thinking of Air Force role in today's world and it has surpassed Navy/Army by leaps and bound . Stronger Airforce means Aerial support for men on ground ,PAF if stronger can compliment PN very nicely with deep interdiction into territory and taking care of surface fleets .So some members are suggesting its a waste of time or money to induct newer platforms but they are not correct .

1. SU35 too many links and people are talking about ,Also Chinese 2 Billion US$ deal may be a clubbed deal with PAF as Chinese are getting 24 SU 35 for 2 Billion US$ just like SAAB deal with KSA volume discounts .There was already news by sputnik of possible order of 6 birds for 500 MilUS$

2. Euro Fighter I cant comment about it other than Italian connection we have these days .Italy is going to play a pivotal role if this deal goes thru .
3. Just to offset Indian already hanging deal may be French are willing to sell Rafale along with support package for F17 .
4. MIg 35 no body is discussing this but this might be a dark horse we are missing ,why MIG corporation is desperate to sell this new bird .MIG 35 can share same engine as on thunder :P , Cost of operations is very less and MIG 29 UP is slightly different from MIG 35. So quite plausible . Egypt is also interested in MIG 35 and may be Ehlan Wasahalan is paying but when i say this we do buy our own stuff right mostly

So there are more then fewer things happening at background lets see .
you wouldn't pay the full price for 8 F-16s for $700 million

but now you all think Pakistan is capable of buying 40 Eurofighter Typhoons that cost even more than the F-16 and then you would have to buy new missiles for it like Iris-T and Meteor, the $$$$ just keeps rising.

I had no idea Pakistan has gulf country money.
Pakistan rejecting the F-16 and going for some other option is just like you going to get ice cream from the market.

If Walls stared to sell their ice cream for almost the same price as Haagen Dazs,. What would you do? You would go and buy Haagen Dazs because you know it is the worlds best.

USA F-16s cost similar to EFT and the Russian SU-35's and it is also known that the F-35 also cost similar. This is the reason why F-35 is being preferred by many countries over the EFT.

USA has not offered PAF the F-35 it has no other choice then to opt for the EFT, Rafale or the S-35. The news that came out is PAF is procuring 40 new aircraft but these do not include US or Chinese leave PAF with three options (assumed). Recently there were media reports that PAF is considering French and Russian options. There was an other news regarding people trying to make huge cut backs by getting involved with the Russians because they are expecting PAF to get SU-35. There were also other reports that the SU -35 deal is in final stages, as this deal was already going on for about 2 years.

Btw H-Khan didnt rule out china. what he said was it will not be FC31, j-20 or j-10.

there are chances for J-16 also as his wording was

J-16 = F15E

may b on lease.

@ACE OF THE AIR @Zarvan @MastanKhan @Oscar @DESERT FIGHTER
J-16 do not think would be coming to PAF till we have some other flanker from Russia.

Where did he say neither j16?
Below is HKhan's post which spawned this thread

As per AHQ, PAF is looking procure 40 high-end fighter aircraft very soon. Since the C/D deal fell through they are going to plan B with buying used or even stored Block15~32.

These 40 will not be J-31/FC-31 or J-20 but some other aircrafts
J-10 is out of the game so far. Its engine is a huge problem and PAF is very much aware of it.
He never said that but we know PAF is not considering it because it is a copy of Russian lanker which can not to exported. Moreover the issue regarding engines is not resolved.

If the news if true, and I have to guess, than its MIG-35, with zhuk Aesa radar and the best option for Pakistan. Stick to the Original.

J-16 could not sold to Pakistan due to IPR problem.
No Mig 35 it does not give any advantage over the Mig 29's that are upgraded.

I don't want to upset you guys

Pakistan could not scrape 600million dollars to buy 8 brand new block 52.s from USA when they stopped Grant aid last week.

Even the block 52 that paf have and the mlu programme has been partly funded by USA aid in pretext of wot support by USA.

Typhoons where designed to smash flankets over NATO skies.Brilliant brilliant war plane.

I would be astonished if Pakistan found the resources to buy this amazing fighters.

Your neighbour is struggling to find enough money to buy 36 rafales.

And may end up buying much cheaper block v f16 from USA at half price of rafale .

If you need to check mate the flankefs mki then typhoons are the dream.ticket.

Let's hope this thread is not another like the hundreds of others opened monthly on pak New fighters orders
What could be the most logical step is PAF going and procuring Rafales to replace its ageing Mirage 3/5. It could get the same electronic package for JF-17 bringing it right up to the 4.5 jet status.

Now how are we going to PAY you have your answer by selling the JF-17's to Egypt to replace her ageing Russian Mig-21's. You might find it interesting that JF-17 B (Twin seat) has a French engine.

OP says 40 new aircraft. Your guess is EF 2000? Let's do the math.

Each EF costs $100 million or Rs 1000 crores PKR. 40 would cost you $4 billion or Rs 40,000 crores! Add to that infrastructure and weapons. Add another Rs10,000 crores. Total - Rs 50,000 crores! That's a lot of dosh! Will you be able to afford them? :azn: It's slightly less than your entire defence budget!

Now add to that the operating costs for Eurofighters that do fly have gone up to an average of $30,000 per flying hour. And that's one of the reasons why the IAF rejected them!
The EFT and SU-35 both cost similar. 40 EFT = 4 billion = 48 SU-35.
Both include weapons training and infrastructure costs. KSA would finance this through sale of JF-17's to Egypt. It is also understood that this would be the initial order hence over the years they would be added till the time F-16 are due to be replaced by 5th generation aircraft.

As we know the options for PAF would come some time in 2019-2021 with both Chinese and Turkish fighters PAF can afford to procure other 4.5++ fighter aircraft.

Lets do the math again

Pakistan's Defence Procurement budget for 2016-17 is $5.5 Billion and $900 Million by US Coalition Support Fund (CSF) for Pakistan and the Congress Rejected the amendment to cut the CSF to $700 Million just a day ago.

40 Jets will Cost $6-7 Billion even if $100 Million per Plane these 40 planes will not come in a day but will take Few years to add up even if we Spare $1.5 Billion Every Year from the Procurement budget it'll take like 4-5 years to pay for these aircraft
You have to realise that Pakistan is also going to sell some JF-17's as well as other products hence can afford some new aircraft as long as they can enhance the capabilities...

LOL While we are speculating the hearsay, our Bhaarti friends are stressing over our financial matters. Oh yeah and their claims/analysis of India's "strategic pull over others especially Russia" are absolutely worth a read :lol:
This is because they are obsessed with Pakistan:D

Some also try to understand why GOI is unable to function like Pakistan. They have not heard any thing regarding MMRCA for a very long time hence they are saying PAF would have the upper hand. All the projects GOI is trying are not even on the drawing boards so what is wrong with India...

Pakistan on the other hand works on the principle when something has to be done it has to be done. It is about time PAF, PN join along with PA to get some new capabilities for deep strike, counter naval blockade along with good CAS capability.
You have to realise that Pakistan is also going to sell some JF-17's as well as other products hence can afford some new aircraft as long as they can enhance the capabilities...

Yupe We are Getting $560 million from Myanmar and payment of 12 JF-17 from Nigeria :D :D out of which we will get 58% share :D :D
its mirage 2000-9 that was my guess but I heard 2000-9 are being procured by argentina and at other side some other african country no idea. So its not mirage 2000-9 probably. But maybe its ef2000 or russian origin. nothing else seems to be there.
OP says 40 new aircraft. Your guess is EF 2000? Let's do the math.

Each EF costs $100 million or Rs 1000 crores PKR. 40 would cost you $4 billion or Rs 40,000 crores! Add to that infrastructure and weapons. Add another Rs10,000 crores. Total - Rs 50,000 crores! That's a lot of dosh! Will you be able to afford them? :azn: It's slightly less than your entire defence budget!

Now add to that the operating costs for Eurofighters that do fly have gone up to an average of $30,000 per flying hour. And that's one of the reasons why the IAF rejected them!
lets do the business typical baniya thinking. stop putting too much pressure on your small brain.
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