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A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

Depends what is being said, doesn't it? Ever heard the Christian, Amazing Grace or Hallelujah? Doesn't seem bad at all and is extremely pleasant to the ears.

Likewise there are even a few Hindu bhajans that may be listenable, like Om Jai Jagdish Hare. Except for one controversial paragraph that goes like Mata Pita Tuma mere... Otherwise its just praise to God.

God knows best, but I feel if you're praising him, not talking of violence against the innocent, and talking about good things all n all, there shouldn't be a problem.

I think you have mixed up things here. Because you said "may", it is best to confirm it. That hindu hymn you mention is not in praise of the One True God. It is in praise of an idol.

The idol's name is in the first sentence, which you missed.
It will be idol worship
Would you quit imposing your views on others or tell us how they should be? Again like mnsaushad said... Thekedari ka kaam choro. You know nothing about the individual so stop labeling her

No one is imposing nothing on anyone here. It was a discussion.
What are indians trying to prove constantly by posting such thread..at best i would call them flame bait...what is next...a muslim who raps., a muslim who is a priest, a muslim who makes ****, etc etc..seriously very narrow and communal mentality..no wonder india is divided and will remain so!
Really, so much hullabaloo for a lady joining in prayer.

Having studied in missionary schools, Khalsa College and served with Muslim troops one has been to Church, Gurudwara and kept roza during the holy months. None of this has made me worse off for my religion. If anything it has helped me understand the centrality in all religions - do good, be good & help others selflessly.

Lets not interpret our religious books as regimental standing orders.
Thanks for answering. Rest he/she is responsible for his/her ending. We should be worrying about ours. Being thekedar of others is the root cause of problems we are in today.

Exactly my thoughts..
If a muslim woman or man is doing something,it doesn't mean thats allowed in Islam..We have to follow the clear guide lines of shariah,and find our do's and donts from there..Not by blindly following what others are doing....

I am entitled to having my opinion,same as anybody else,and in my opinion,this woman is doing wrong,and she is deluded.

Kirtan,Ramayan,Bilble and other pure theology books of other religions are not for us..Although we do respect other religions,their icons and books.
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Yeah and it's only sunnah to read bible and torah for one's knowledge... we're not allowed to preach it!
The thing about many muslim indians are that they live in a mixed society and their minds have been polluted by sikh,hindu, and other religious thoughts.Needles to say,they fail to impress other faiths by their deeds,instead they get influences because they are lame.

I once met a Muslim Indian who had a Hindu Girl friend,and for her he went to Mandir every shaniwaar,as he told me,and ate pork..Now i dont know if hindus eat pork or not,but thats what he told me.

I asked him if the Hindu GF also tries to follow Islam? He said no she is a devout Hindu..All i had to say to him was "shame on you".
Yeah and it's only sunnah to read bible and torah for one's knowledge... we're not allowed to preach it!

Sorry mate,but i am sure Quraan has more than enough knowledge for us,and we dont really need to read other books.
But each to their own.
There are a number of other issues of matter in this article:

1) her father involved in "music" in a woman college
2) she reading the granth after the blessed Qurán al kareem and memorizing it. Has she memorized our blessed Qurán first? The eternal speech of Allah subhanahu wa taála
3) she engaging in singing hyms next to men, as seen in the picture above, and her awraa'[those parts of the body showing, like her hair] which should not be seen according to Shariat. That is the true meaning of hijab of the hair.
4) a muslim woman singing in front of men
5) her not reading the Qurán al kareem to the non-muslims in front of her.

.. and a few other matters

I think she misunderstands the idea of dawah.

The most serious issue is the perennialist theme, which is kufr in Sunni aqida.

grow up conservative:hitwall:
Sorry mate,but i am sure Quraan has more than enough knowledge for us,and we dont really need to read other books.
But each to their own.

Yes, I know, I agree with you too.
I have only read the Qur'an.

Also, reading is one thing and teaching is another.
There are a number of other issues of matter in this article:

1) her father involved in "music" in a woman college
2) she reading the granth after the blessed Qurán al kareem and memorizing it. Has she memorized our blessed Qurán first? The eternal speech of Allah subhanahu wa taála
3) she engaging in singing hyms next to men, as seen in the picture above, and her awraa'[those parts of the body showing, like her hair] which should not be seen according to Shariat. That is the true meaning of hijab of the hair.
4) a muslim woman singing in front of men
5) her not reading the Qurán al kareem to the non-muslims in front of her.

.. and a few other matters

I think she misunderstands the idea of dawah.

The most serious issue is the perennialist theme, which is kufr in Sunni aqida.

So, the problem is a WOMAN involved in MUSIC..huh...
or, Music itself..? ( In Point no. 1 )..

I will not say grow up because you seem to be a grown up man...
Just say Hi to Mullah Umar for me..:hitwall:
So, the problem is a WOMAN involved in MUSIC..huh...
or, Music itself..? ( In Point no. 1 )..

I will not say grow up because you seem to be a grown up man...
Just say Hi to Mullah Umar for me..:hitwall:

We have our beliefs.

Go cry to someone else if you don't like them.
What are indians trying to prove constantly by posting such thread..at best i would call them flame bait...what is next...a muslim who raps., a muslim who is a priest, a muslim who makes ****, etc etc..seriously very narrow and communal mentality..no wonder india is divided and will remain so!

Seems like the thread disturbed your notion of India and Indian Muslims. Do you question Pakistanis or others who post about a communal incident in India? There are a number of threads about Babri, Gujarat riots and other communal incidents in India. This thread is just an attempt to show non-Indians the pluralistic nature of India. Just to show that where there's an Ayodhya, there are a hundred other incidents that convey peace and brotherhood, like the one being talked about in the thread.
so on one side bharatis are contended of snatching 2/3rd of mosques land, and on the other hand bharatis are happy that muslims are indirectly praising their gods??

so conclusion is, bharatis get happy with muslims if muslims display their act of loyalty to them, but get angry when a muslim demands his rights...
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