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A Mughal goes to Pakistan to renew blood ties

Most of these landlords are those who collaborated with britishers and were awarded. Those who created Pakistan their families are in shambles

What about Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto, he had a big hand in creating Pakistan, his family reaped it's benefits.

Nawab of Kalabagh, Sir Muhammed Shafi, Agha Khan and many others.

This is common misconception, land owners, specific nawabs and others voted for Pakistan and supported it because if it wasn't the case then Pakistan would not have been created, they were an important aspect of it.

As for the others who created Pakistan, yes they are in shambles because they were sidelined by the establishment.

While anti Pakistan parities such as JI and other groups who opposed Pakistan are living it up.
Heay boss I am already here no buddy catering me :blink: ... :lol:

Me too, no one's catering me either.

I saw a mullah getting escorted to the airport with a 40 car security caravan in a new BMW.

Same mullahs cursed Pakistan then and now they are zooming up and down the country in style.

If only my grandfather accepted the land offered to him, I would be like those useless zamindar neighbours of mine.
Finally Mughals are getting what they deserve, I don't know why are these scums are still alive in India.

It's funny some members in pakistan have soft corner for them, after all these mughals spit on these forefathers mouth and converted to Islam.

Indeed, Indians should have a learned a lesson or 2 from Spain. I feel worried when I see Indians doing same mistakes again and again and again............
Mughal caste? I didnt know there was one. Do they classify themselves as a separate caste/community? What are the common surnames amongst them?

yeaa its a clan.. and last name they use is Mughal.. loll.. creative :P

Most of these landlords are those who collaborated with britishers and were awarded. Those who created Pakistan their families are in shambles

not true... jinnah's grandkids are multi-millionaires though they live in india.. and all other leaders of early times like liquat ali khan or bhuttos and the like were all big landlords or from big families.. liquat himself was from jatt zameendar family from karnal.. they are not poor by any standard..

this is not as it as you think.
We Love & respect them, but after only 400 years then vanished from emperor to nothing.
this is what we realize and recall our memory where they or we were wrong.?
which you reap as you sow.

more than 400 years.. being emporer of chandni chowk is not actual emporer.. thank god british came otherwise mughals would be extint long ago... mughals are nothing compared to all the other kings.. various rajput kings.. royal families of punjab.. and not to forget nizam of hyderabad.. richest man in world in '47.. but his sons were corrupt they threw all their money on women and living life like spoilt brats..

Ahh. I am guessing they must be descendants of Mughal governors/nobles of Punjab. Its a shame we dont have any left in our side of the Punjab. The only one that comes close is the Nawab of Malerkotla. Rest all left in '47.

Do they inter-marry with other communities like the Jatts/Rajputs?

nawab of malerkotla is not Mughal... sherwani families are afghanis.. maybe pathans.. but not mughals...

Yeah as far as I know their marriage preference is not limited to just Mughals only. For example my mother's side is Kashmiri and one of her sister's married to a Mughal family. Kashmiris however you'll hear are very strict about maintaining their gene pool for some reason, not my family though

what "kashmiri" are you talking about? is it Koshuri people? otherwise.. i know lot of pakistani punjabis calling themselves "kashmiri" but being Mirpuri doesn't make you kashmiri.. you're still punjabi.. just because mirpur falls in kashmir border does not make mirpuris kashmiris lolll... that is like saying dogras and tibetans on indian side are ethnic "kashmiris" because they fall in kashmir borders.. which is not true. real kashmiri people live in valley and surround area and are koshuri people..
Bro i agree with most of what your saying but you got many facts wrong. The Brits/Europeans arrived in the 1600s, the peak of Mughal rule was ca. 1700. However succession of weak rulers after Aurangzaib meant Mughal power went into decline (problem with monarchial system) . You mentioned correctly that other powers arose such as Sikhs, Awadh etc but nevertheless the Sultan in Delhi was still viewed upon as the Shehnshah. That is why in 1857 the rebels were after Bahadur Shah's support. His support would legitimize their cause eventhough he had virtually no power.

maybe they arrived in 1600 but they only arrived in bengal that time.. im saying by the time they got to delhi.. mughals had no power left in them.. mughal forces were weakened by constant fighting with sikhs and after aurangzebs death mughal king was actually put in place by sikh armies who took part in battle of succession and help Muazzam (bahadur shah 1) to defeat his brothers and become king.. muazzam from then was already somewhat sikh puppet.. he gave title of "Hind ka Peer" to last Sikh guru Gobind Singh... and after that too mugh infighting within mughals.. everyone wanting power.. and whatever little pockets of mughal rule left in punjab were defeated by sikh misls when all sikh armies united to make khalsa army.. basically.. there took place British-Maratha wars... there took place Anglo-Sikh wars.. but no British-Mughal wars took place because Mughals were already pretty much dead when British came.. they had no armies left to fight they were emporer in name only...

bahadar shah was chosen to lead independance war because everyone was willing to unite under him... marathas would not fight under rajputs.. raputs would not fight under sikhs.. sikhs would not fight under marathas.. basically only token king everyone agreed to unite under was bahadur shah..

everything has already been forgiven... aurangzeb himself asked for forgiveness on his death bed...
Spot on, tired of Indians telling us, "well you have a caste system as well". Our zaat as we call it is a clan system. From what i can see it exists in India as well side by side with the caste system since you have Jatts, Rajputs etc. But the Brahmin, Dalit caste system does not exist in Pakistan.

actuallyyy.... Punjabi Sheiks are Brahmin converts.. and ask anyone from Lahore.. they will tell you what Chooras and Chamaars are... dalits in Punjab.. ;)
No buddy is getting you wrong friend ... its easy to understand about the behavior when we talk about the rulers of the past of India ... 800 years of Muslim rule ... not an easy pill to swallow ...

Must of that 800 years was parts of "Hindustan". Modern Northern India and parts of modern Pakistan.

And why give someone special treatment because they have bloodline from an old empire. It doesnt make sense, everyone is equal. We shouldnt give these descents of Maharajas special treatment either. None of that **** matters anymore.

However succession of weak rulers after Aurangzaib meant Mughal power went into decline (problem with monarchial system)

Not only weak rulers, but Aurangzib shoot himself on the foot, when he tryed putting Sharia law on Hindustan and put back harse taxes on non-Muslims

Also if you have direct ancestory to the Mughal emperors. That means you have Mongol, Rajput, and some Persian ancestory.

If you are talking the Mughal tribe, their ancestors are the people that came from central asia and steppees(Mongols, Uzbeks, etc)


Only like 3,000,000 of these people.
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not true... jinnah's grandkids are multi-millionaires though they live in india.. and all other leaders of early times like liquat ali khan or bhuttos and the like were all big landlords or from big families.. liquat himself was from jatt zameendar family from karnal.. they are not poor by any standard..

where is Jinnah's family in India :woot:

any source to prove your claim?
actuallyyy.... Punjabi Sheiks are Brahmin converts.. and ask anyone from Lahore.. they will tell you what Chooras and Chamaars are... dalits in Punjab.. ;)

And when was the last time you visited Pakistan's Punjab province.

You talk like your an expert on Pakistanis and how Pakistanis live, but I bet you never even set foot in Pakistan in your life.
The way indians think about Mughals, I believe that descendents of Mughal emperors are better off in Pakistan than they are in india.

We Pakistanis hold lots of respect for Mughals.
The way indians think about Mughals, I believe that descendents of Mughal emperors are better off in Pakistan than they are in india.

We Pakistanis hold lots of respect for Mughals.
I heared you've lot of respect for nadir shah too
The way indians think about Mughals, I believe that descendents of Mughal emperors are better off in Pakistan than they are in india.

We Pakistanis hold lots of respect for Mughals.

We dont mind the Mughals, but they can erik people like the people claim descent from the Maharajas. No one should get special treatment, because of their birth. Its similar to the caste system.

descendents of Mughal emperors

Most people claiming Mughal descent I bet are not Mughals or they where just relatives to people work for the Mughal emperors.

I heared you've lot of respect for nadir shah too

If this is true, then whats with this Mughal loving?
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