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A Mughal goes to Pakistan to renew blood ties

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA are already Pakhtun dominated. Punjabis dont even make 20% of the population in those areas.

What about Himachal Pradesh and Haryana (Punjabi Sikh land). Now has more hindus than Sikhs.

lolllll... dude im loving all the support and im really flattered really.. but you totally knocked the thread off the rails.. effectively deflecting the questions i asked you onto totally unrelated subject... :no:
lolllll... dude im loving all the support and im really flattered really.. but you totally knocked the thread off the rails.. effectively deflecting the questions i asked you onto totally unrelated subject... :no:

Why are you wasting your time with these idiots. They don't even know 2 hoots about Punjab government. They don't see Sikh leaders ruling Punjab. All these delusional dummies know is Hindu, Hindu, Hindu and Hindu. They had been fed this crap for decades, that their minds have become deluded to the point where they only see a Hindu in India. Rest don't even exist to them.

Why do you think Pakistan is in such a state that they are set to self destructing mode. :hang2:
Why are you wasting your time with these idiots. They don't even know 2 hoots about Punjab government. They don't see Sikh leaders ruling Punjab. All these delusional dummies know is Hindu, Hindu, Hindu and Hindu. They had been fed this crap for decades, that their minds have become deluded to the point where they only see a Hindu in India. Rest don't even exist to them.

Why do you think Pakistan is in such a state that they are set to self destructing mode. :hang2:

broo sikh leaders aren't ruling Punjab.. don't call baap-puttar duo of PSBadal and Sukhbir Badal as religious duo lolll... but yeaa its totally different topicc...
Mughals were turly warriors better than our jatts and Rajputs. But later Marathas and Sikhs really fought back.
Mugjals used treachery and also deceit to take lands, and also afghan assistance too, because Afghanistan was the first land under Mughal rule, also if the Jatts teamed up with Marathas in the 3rd panipat battle, they would have ended the Mughals, you shouldn't talk a lot since Persian Afghan Turk Pakistani Tajik ancestors are not Arabs from bedouin tribes which means Jatts did put up a fight then

Please get your concepts right....

Rajputs are a Hindu Kshatriya Varna.....ie. The caste right below the Brahmin..
a. If you're Muslim, you can be a descendent of a Rajput, but cannot be of a Rajput caste since it indicates the same structure as Hindu Caste system...Rajputs in present form exists only in Hinduism and majority exist in India....the rest are simply descendents.
b. Gujjars are low caste (hate saying this) or OBCs:
c. Also, I believe Rao is simply a last name shared between Pakistan and India....Rao's of India are very different from your kind....

You're mixing concepts of Tribal clans (Jat), Varnas (Rajputs) and common last names to indicate some hybrid "caste system" that does not exist...
Gujjars are Hepalite descendants mixed and they resisted the Mughals and the British, they also defeated the Ummayad Caliphate.

But isnt this also true that 99.99% of pakistani muslims who are boasting of their country/culture/nationalism take arabic/iranian/turkic/whatever names and are accusing Indians of having foreign names.

Btw officially India has a Indian name Bharat, whats your punjabi name ?
Most of northern India is Aryan descent and you also have hordes of Scythian and Hun blood from gene studies, also remember Arabs lost and never went passed Sindh, they took Iran and Afghanistan, the Mongols stopped here and never advanced either, even Alexander and Cyrus stopped here.

Guess what? I am a Christian from India, and I would never want a separate state from India. Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hindu sects are all from India.

Hindustan, Hindu NEVER meant the religion, British took all the Dharamic Vedic sects/religions and labeled it "Hinduism".Arabs and Persians named Hindus, Hinds, etc after the Indus river(Sindhu). "Hindustan" was everything east of the Indus river(including modern Pakistani land)

Do you know how many Sikhs join the Indian army, are in the political system? Do you know India's PM, etc they are fighting for India in their own way.

Its like saying give Pashtuns their own land in majority Punjabi Pakistan.
Not true, Arabs identified many Hindu tribes of Hepahlite people in southern Afghanistan also, you have to remember that Hinduism was started from the Brahmin Aryan elite to subjugate the dravidian masses proven through gene studies, till this day, the bania Aryan usury system plagues forest australoid tribes who then the upper caste Aryan Hindus tell the world that they're the same blood people as us when in reality, they know they're the first invaders to south asia, the RSS denies Aryan invasion theory even though gene studies, language studies have proven it and the fact that northern India is the only area that is lactose tolerant which means 80% of India can't drink milk but northern India can, the Aryans were proven milk drinkers, and the reason for Punjabis all over bollywood is to show Aryan facial hegemony till this day.
If you read about mugha emperors, the story of throne goes like this...sons kills father and sits on throne, brother kills brother and sits on throne. and ofcourse the numerous reasons of sins, laziness, short-sightedness and personal vendettas led to their downfall.
There was a prediction about Mughals that they will not be found after so and so years.

Ironically, what if nawaz shareef's great grandson shows up someday in future and says that his great grandfather ruled pakistan atleast 3 times :-)
The Nawabs, feudal land owners, pirs and many other of this kind are enjoying the creation of Pakistan since its inception. They will continue to do so for years to come becuase of their stature and it boggles my mind as to why these descendents of Mughals did not move to Pakistan.

The GoP of should prepare a large mansion, land in interior provinces, servants, government protection and a ministry for these people if they want to move to Pakistan.

Please move to Pakistan and regain your Mughal lifestyle, we would appreciate it.

Come on think about the hard working tax payer who is paying for the development of the country. Dont waste it on people like these people have to earn their own living. Not just keep asking for help when she can work and earn it. There are so many people in India who don't have food to eat but at lest she gets pension.
Give Balochistan back to Balochis then :azn:

They're not considered Desis
If they're not desis then you're mongoloid people in the northeast, your dravidian tamils, and your australoid forest tribes aren't desi either.

Also it has been genetically proven that many Scythian and Hun mixed people are in northern india, are they considered to be desi? Are Bhils and Gond tribes desi? These people sure don't feel like it, are Andaman Islanders also desi? Would you consider Burmese desi? They don't feel like it, are some dravidian people desi? Who is a desi? Is it just the Indo Aryan elite who started the caste system after the Aryan invasion or is it anyone who lives in south asia?
Revival is only possible if you shift the wholesale market in the walled city, and this is impossible.
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