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A Mughal goes to Pakistan to renew blood ties

The reason this is bad is because the Mughals defended the territories of India from the British and might I add racist invaders. As soon as th British took over they made sure to ridicule the rulers of India. Which also includes Tipu Sultan.
Omar you are really on the trigger today..i often wonder when will these slap happy minorities in india will wake up from their false sense of "multi cultralism" and "india superpower" pipe dreams!

The guy doesnt even have a clue. If I replace Sikhs and Christians on India with lets say Christians,Sufis or Shias or even Pashtuns in your country then you will understand. I dont have a problem with going to India as a Christian, FYI our defence minster is a born Christian like me! And many of the minorites in India have high level postions(you already know this).

Its easy to open your mouth about something you dont know to much about. Its like me saying the Pashtun areas should separate from majority Punjabi Pakistan, understand? All you think about is Hindu, hindu, hindu, and more Hindu. Grow up. As a minorty from India, I would never disown my motherland, never! If you never been to India, dont like you know..
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The guy doesnt even have a clue. If I replace Sikhs and Christians on India with lets say Christians,Sufis or Shias or even Pashtuns in your country then you will understand. I dont have a problem with going to India as a Christian, FYI our defence minster is a born Christian like me! And many of the minorites in India have high level postions(you already know this).

Its easy to open your mouth about something you dont know to much about. Its like me saying the Pashtun areas should separate from majority Punjabi Pakistan, understand?

We are talking about Religion not ethnic groups. Every Religion in the world has their own homeland, even the Pope in your picture, but Sikhism is the only Religion in the world that doesnt have its own homeland.

India is more than 80% hindu, its hindustan (land of hindus). In Middle East, people call your country hindustan or hind, and they call you people hindis. India is a hindu majority country. Sikhs should form their own country out of their land in "india" where they can rule their own land the way they want to.
We are talking about Religion not ethnic groups. Every Religion in the world has their own homeland, even the Pope in your picture, but Sikhism is the only Religion in the world that doesnt have its own homeland.

India is more than 80% hindu, its hindustan (land of hindus). In Middle East, people call your country hindustan or hind, and they call you people hindis. India is a hindu majority country. Sikhs should form their own country out of their land in "india" where they can rule their own land the way they want to.

Guess what? I am a Christian from India, and I would never want a separate state from India. Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hindu sects are all from India.

Hindustan, Hindu NEVER meant the religion, British took all the Dharamic Vedic sects/religions and labeled it "Hinduism".Arabs and Persians named Hindus, Hinds, etc after the Indus river(Sindhu). "Hindustan" was everything east of the Indus river(including modern Pakistani land)

Do you know how many Sikhs join the Indian army, are in the political system? Do you know India's PM, etc they are fighting for India in their own way.

Its like saying give Pashtuns their own land in majority Punjabi Pakistan.
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Guess what? I am a Christian from India, and I would never want a separate state from India. Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Hindu sects are all from India.

Hindustan NEVER meant the religion, British took all the Dharamic Vedic sects/religions and labeled it "Hinduism".Arabs and Persians named Hindus, Hinds, etc after the Indus river and it was everyone east of the Indus river(including modern Pakistani land)

Do you know how many Sikhs join the Indian army, are in the political system? Do you know India's PM, etc they are fighting for India in their own way.

Its like saying give Pashtuns their own land in majority Punjabi Pakistan.

Dream on. Hindustan is the word for your india, dont drag Pakistan into this. Everyone calls us Pakistanis and our land PAKISTAN in the Middle East, North America, Europe, and in the rest of the world.

Pity, indians need some foreigners to chose their name for their country and their people. While we Pakistanis chose our own name for our country and our people.

And Christians already have the Vatican as well as the rest of Europe. Where is Sikhism? Just the tiny little Punjab state in india that your hindus broke down and stole beautiful Himachal Pradesh and Haryana from the Sikhs.

And dont tell me about how Sikhs live in hindustan, the whole world watched what happened to Sikhs in 1984.
And how long will Sikhs live without their homeland. Every Religion in the world got a homeland except Sikhism. Muslims have the Middle East, Central Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. Christians got Europe, Jews got Israel.

We Punjabi Muslims already got our homeland, Pakistan. We are in every field in Pakistan, western media even refer us as the Punjabi elite :lol:

Which country can Sikhs proudly call their homeland. After partition, hindus broke your side of Punjab into three pieces and stole Haryana and beautiful hilly Himachal Pradesh.

So much zulum hindus did to you in 1984, still you are living under hindu rule.

India is more than 80% hindu, how can you call india your homeland.

Better option for Sikhs is to work hard in making Khalistan and then maybe we can even have visa free policy between Pakistan and Khalistan and have long lasting friendship in both sides of Punjab.

We Punjabi Muslims are happily ruling our own land while you indian sikhs are living under hindu rule, they even stole large chunks of your land and invite their fellow hindus to settle in your land, decreasing your sikh population.

Please dont try to hide your hatred for Hindus in form of love for sikhs, you should stop your wet dreams of breaking India on basis of anything and look forward to doing something for your own minorities :)

Its not India where minorities have been almost eliminated by kidnappings and force conversions :)

We are talking about Religion not ethnic groups. Every Religion in the world has their own homeland, even the Pope in your picture, but Sikhism is the only Religion in the world that doesnt have its own homeland.

*yawn* here comes religions again. Fortunately Sikhs understand better who are 'their' people.

'The supreme arrogance of religions thinking: that a carbon-based bag of mostly water on a speck of iron-silicate dust around a boring dwarf
star in a minor galaxy in an underpopulated local group of galaxies in
an unfashionable suburb of a supercluster would look up at the sky and declare, 'It was all made so that I could exist!'" -... Peter Walker
And how long will Sikhs live without their homeland. Every Religion in the world got a homeland except Sikhism. Muslims have the Middle East, Central Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. Christians got Europe, Jews got Israel.

We Punjabi Muslims already got our homeland, Pakistan. We are in every field in Pakistan, western media even refer us as the Punjabi elite :lol:

Which country can Sikhs proudly call their homeland. After partition, hindus broke your side of Punjab into three pieces and stole Haryana and beautiful hilly Himachal Pradesh.

So much zulum hindus did to you in 1984, still you are living under hindu rule.

India is more than 80% hindu, how can you call india your homeland.

Better option for Sikhs is to work hard in making Khalistan and then maybe we can even have visa free policy between Pakistan and Khalistan and have long lasting friendship in both sides of Punjab.

We Punjabi Muslims are happily ruling our own land while you indian sikhs are living under hindu rule, they even stole large chunks of your land and invite their fellow hindus to settle in your land, decreasing your sikh population.

Unlike pakistan, India was not created on the basis of religion. India is as much of a Sikh homeland as compared to Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Muslims etc.

However by your logic you seem to forget that the original Sikh homeland consists of all pakistani Punjab as well as parts of NWFP
so it is you people who have taken their land and even insist on taxing jizya where the orginal inhabitants lived.
Dream on. Hindustan is the word for your india, dont drag Pakistan into this. Everyone calls us Pakistanis and our land PAKISTAN in the Middle East, North America, Europe, and in the rest of the world.

Pity, indians need someone else to chose their name for their country and their people. While we Pakistanis chose our own name for our country and our people.

And Christians already have the Vatican as well as the rest of Europe. Where is Sikhism? Just the tiny little Punjab state in india that your hindus broke down and stole beautiful Himachal Pradesh and Haryana from the Sikhs.

And dont tell me about how Sikhs live in hindustan, the whole world watched what happened to Sikhs in 1984.

Dream on nothing, do some research. "Hindustan", "Al-Hind", etc was named after what the Indians called the Sindhu river(Indus river). It evolved to Hindus, Hind, Hindustan by the Arabs and Persians after everyone east of the Indus river. China wasnt a name originally from China either. And I hope you know Bharat is also the official name of India.

What happened in 1984 is unfortunate and Christains suffered from backward people in Eastern India, but from an population of 800+ million Hindus the fact it doesnt happened more is a mircale. Dont talk about fare treatment of minorites because Pakistan is the last country to tell India about that.

India is our country from Jains to Christains, and there isnt nothing your going to say that can stop that. Please go look up Indian army pictures look how many Sikhs are soldiers fighting for India. Also your hatred for Hindus is seriously hilarious...
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Unlike pakistan, India was not created on the basis of religion. India is as much of a Sikh homeland as compared to Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Muslims etc.

However by your logic you seem to forget that the original Sikh homeland consists of all pakistani Punjab as well as parts of NWFP
so it is you people who have taken their land and even insist on taxing jizya where the orginal inhabitants lived.

You would say that because you are hindu. Your country has over 900 million hindus, 80% hindu population. You got nothing to worry about. While Sikhs dont even make 3% of india's population, and still you hindus steal their land and invite other hindus from other states to settle in sikh land.

And Pakistan's Punjab province is not even 1% Sikh population same thing with NWFP, while most Sikhs of the subcontinent live in Punjab (indian state), Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana. Why would Sikhs want 100 million Muslims in their Sikh nation? Sikhs deserve a Sikh majority nation like every Religion has.
Dream on nothing, do some research. "Hindustan", "Al-Hind", etc was named after what the Indians called the Indus river(Sindhu river). It evolved to Hindus, Hind, Hindustan by the Arabs and Persians after everyone east of the Indus river. China wasnt a name originally from China either. And I hope you know Bharat is also the offical name of India.
Correct :tup:

And before any pakistan claims that the Indus River isn't in India.. Look again :rolleyes:
You would say that because you are hindu. Your country has over 900 million hindus, 80% hindu population. You got nothing to worry about. While Sikhs dont even make 3% of india's population, and still you hindus steal their land and invite other hindus from other states to settle in sikh land.

And Pakistan's Punjab province is not even 1% Sikh population same thing with NWFP, while most Sikhs of the subcontinent live in Punjab (indian state), Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana. Why would Sikhs want 100 million Muslims in their Sikh nation? Sikhs deserve a Sikh majority nation like every Religion has.

Are you a victim of child abuse or something? Because it seems like you've been hit pretty badly on your head.

You forget that India has the highest percentage of Sikhs in the world - 19,215,730

whereas pakistan only has 20,000 and still they're being taxed as "kaffirs" in their own homeland

Hell we even have two regiments consisting strictly to Sikhs. pakistan had their first Sikh officer and made such a big deal claiming that they're "secular"
I wouldn't be surprised if they taxed jizya on him too
You would say that because you are hindu. Your country has over 900 million hindus, 80% hindu population. You got nothing to worry about. While Sikhs dont even make 3% of india's population, and still you hindus steal their land and invite other hindus from other states to settle in sikh land.

And Pakistan's Punjab province is not even 1% Sikh population same thing with NWFP, while most Sikhs of the subcontinent live in Punjab (indian state), Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana. Why would Sikhs want 100 million Muslims in their Sikh nation? Sikhs deserve a Sikh majority nation like every Religion has.

What is stealing land? When its Indian land.. States have been divided before even in the eastern parts of India. Jharkhand was carved from Bihar, make a big deal about that? Punjab was even more divided in partition and Sikhs and Hindus have been pushed out of Punjab-Pakistan remember that one?

Also explain how Punjab is one of the most well off states in India..And Sikhs are one of the wealthest, making up only like 2%..
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You would say that because you are hindu. Your country has over 900 million hindus, 80% hindu population. You got nothing to worry about. While Sikhs dont even make 3% of india's population, and still you hindus steal their land and invite other hindus from other states to settle in sikh land.

And Pakistan's Punjab province is not even 1% Sikh population same thing with NWFP, while most Sikhs of the subcontinent live in Punjab (indian state), Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana. Why would Sikhs want 100 million Muslims in their Sikh nation? Sikhs deserve a Sikh majority nation like every Religion has.

Dude religion may be most important thing for your people but get this fact that not all people on this earth are so obsessed with their religions that they hate others for different religious beliefs. FYI Indian punjab is one of prosperous states in India.

People of different religions CAN and DO think beyond religions coz not every religion fuels the supremacist pride and bias in its followers.
If pakistanis continue to think in this direction where religion has to do with everything. I just don't see a secular country happening anytime soon. It's gonna stay with jihadi training, blasphemy laws and taxing on the kaffirs

Correct :tup:

And before any pakistan claims that the Indus River isn't in India.. Look again :rolleyes:

You indians kept the word india that the british gave to their empire while Pakistanis chose our own name for our people and our land. And most of Indus river flows through Pakistan, a sovereign independent nation of 184 million people that have nothing to do with india and indians. And the indus river originates in Tibet, China.

Where is india, hindustan, hindu...oh thats right all the words that you kept that were made up by foreigners. While we Pakistanis threw away all those foreign words and are just PAKISTAN AND PAKISTANIS.


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