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A 'Modi'-fication' of Indian politics

So is it true, Modi fixed the electricity supply problem in Gujarat, something our nation has not been able to do for 5 years and we are not even ashamed of it?

Electricity in Gujarat was because of plants construction starting before his tenure. In any case electricity falls under the ambit of planning commission and centre. Fenku, as usual, took credit for their work.
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Electricity in Gujarat was because of plants construction starting before his tenure. In any case electricity falls under the ambit of planning commission and centre. Fenku, as usual, took credit for their work.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire :lol:

1. True picture of how Gujarat and India stand in the power sector

2. Electricity generation and supply (MW) - Gujarat v/s Rest of India

3. Per capital consumption


In 2000-01, Gujarat Electricity Board had made a loss of Rs 2246 crore. The Transmission and Distribution losses were very high at 35.27%.

In 2010-11 and the entire situation was reversed. A profit of Rs 533 crores was recorded. Distribution losses were scaled down considerably to 20.13%. The collection efficiency had been maximised to 100%. The total installed capacity in the state as on March 2012 was 15306 MW and the total generation of electricity in the state was 78651 MUs in the year 2011-12.

Now a list of awards given to the Gujarat Government for its Performance in Power sector:lol:

- Power line Award 2013
- India Power Awards-2012
- India Power Awards-2012
- India Power Awards-2012
- India Power Awards-2012
- 6th ENERTIA Awards 2011
- Power Excellence Award
- India Tech Excellence Award 2012 for Green Energy
- IPPAI Power Award-2012
- IPPAI Power Award-2012
- 9th National Award for excellence in Cost Management-2011
- Power line Award 2012
- Power line Award 2012
- Power line Award 2012
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2010-11
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2009-10
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2009-10
- Power Excellence Award 2011
- India Power Awards-2011
- India Power Awards-2011
- India Power Awards-2011
- 5th ENERTIA Awards 2011
- 5th “Enertia Award 2011” under category - VIII: Top Investment & Infra Excellent State for Energy & Power
- National Award for Excellence in Cost Management - 2010
- KPMG Infrastructure Today Awards-2010
- Indi Power Awards-2010
- Indi Power Awards-2010
- Indi Power Awards-2010
- India Tech Excellence Award 2010
- Enertia Award 2010
- Power Excellence Award 2010
- EMPI- Indian Express Indian Innovation Awards 2009-10
- National Award for Excellence in Cost Management - 2009
- National Award for Excellence in Cost Management - 2009
- Innovation For India - Award - 2010 ( Public Service Innovation Award)
- Awards for Meritorious Performance in Power Distribution 2008-09
- Enertia Award 2009 - Best State Award
- Enertia Award 2009 under category “Utilities and T&D Awards” - BestPerforming PSU
- India Tech Excellence Award 2009
- India Power Award 2009
- Special Recognition Award-Project category (e-Governance Award)
- IEEMA Power Awards 2008
- IEEMA Power Awards 2008
- IEEMA Power Awards 2008
- National Awards for meritorious Performance in Power Sector
- Enertia Award 2008
- Enertia Award 2008
- India Power 2008
- National Award for Excellence in Cost Management 2007
- Bronz Shield for Best Hydro Generation
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2006-07
- India Tech Excellence Award 2007
- Infraline Energy Excellence Award
- Greentech Environment Excellence Certificate of Appreciation
- Greentech Environment Excellence Silver Shield
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2005-06
- National Awards for meritorious Performance 2005-06
- Greentech Environment Excellence Gold Shield
- India Tech Excellence Award 2005
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Electricity in Gujarat was because of plants construction starting before his tenure. In any case electricity falls under the ambit of planning commission and centre. Fenku, as usual, took credit for their work.

No it doesn't, not all of it. Only NTPC, NHPC and NPCIL fall under the central government. Don't just say things just for the sake of it.

Cobrapost is nothing but Tehelka in new avatar. The only people desperate are the Congressis.

Actually its a spin. It is clear that the congress is hiring these IT firms to malign Modi.

They are just covering it up and blaming BJP for it. They just cannot handle the tremendous support Modi gets from the Internet Hindus. No one in their sane mind supporters congress on the internet. They need to purchase their supporters, just like they pay the people to attend Rahul Gandhi's meetings. LOL.
Electricity in Gujarat was because of plants construction starting before his tenure. In any case electricity falls under the ambit of planning commission and centre. Fenku, as usual, took credit for their work.

Not true. Im well aware of enron issue and that was state govt issue.

Btw just read in my city mumbai 100 crore plot has been given to congress pimp rajiv shuklas wife for less than a lakh rupees and a bigger plot leased to her for 6000 rupees.

Congress is a dalal mafia who run their own media to subvert democracy. Keep telling me how awesome they are.

Are you a direct beneficiary of this mafia? What is your connection with congress?
Well you should tell that to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Tweedle dee is the abusive of the lot, calling everyone names, you know who i mean.He goes overboard we go overboard.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum :enjoy: :omghaha::rofl:
chennai and bangalore which have had industries many times bigger than slum ahmedabad for decades? People have JOBS- they eat FOOD and live there.

You mean to say people in Ahmadabad doesn't have jobs and food to eat and they dont live


dont give ur personal opinion stage fact

all these are facts buddy, unlike rahul's vision for congress :rofl:

In other words, acceptance of genocide - acts of terrorism - not to mention extortion.

what a great upcoming politics for "worlds biggest democracy"

In other words, acceptance of genocide - acts of terrorism - not to mention extortion.

what a great upcoming politics for "worlds biggest democracy"

Without questioning your authority on the topics of genocide and terrorism, let me say this though - prove it or shut up.
You mean to say people in Ahmadabad doesn't have jobs and food to eat and they dont live


all these are facts buddy, unlike rahul's vision for congress :rofl:

I'm not suprised. There are jokers in this forum who tried to violently oppose the idea that Ahmedabad is not like New York and London.
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