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A "Million March" Anti-India rally to take place in UK calling for 'independence of Kashmir'

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Sooner or later, India is on the verge of loosing rest of Kashmir. :nana:

hahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhaha what a joke, make sure you loose whatever respect you have left in the world arena.
it will be nice if they come in halloween costumes... zombie costumes are around 15 quid....
imagine a million of these :pop:
It will have ZERO impact.

I don't know if there is some sort of coordinated strategy at work here but it seems that these sort of anti-India events are being organised (primarily by Pakistani groups) more and more regularly in the West for example those rallies that were to be held protesting Modi in the US but that received precisely 0 air time.

If I got my tin foil hat on I would say there is some sort of plot at work here most likely with Pakistani govt/state fingerprints all over it.

Or, more likely, the Pakistani Diaspora are becoming ever more frustrated with their domestic issues and are lashing out at the typical "bogey man"- India and dragging up the same issues, Kashmir.

I would not be surprised if true-

WASHINGTON: In further signs that ties between the United States and Pakistan continue to deteriorate, American interlocutors have now accused Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI of spying on the Pakistani diaspora in America and intimidating them.

The latest salvo, aired through leaks in the New York Times on Sunday, comes on the heels of the FBI's arrest of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai on charges that he illegally funnelled money from the Pakistani ISI into the US to influence American policy makers.

Unnamed US officials have released the name of yet another ISI operative, who, working under diplomatic cover in New York, allegedly spied on Pakistani dissidents in America, in what some analysts suggest may be payback for Pakistanis outing CIA operatives and harassing CIA assets in Pakistan.

The FBI affidavit in the Fai case also named several ISI operatives, including high-level Pakistani spook Maj Gen Mumtaz Ahmed Bajwa, who the US says handled overseas Kashmiri militants groups in the ISI's security directorate. The public outing of ISI operatives now is in stark contrast to the Headley-Rana case where the Justice Department held back from naming Pakistani spooks.

The official, identified as Mohammed Tasleem, an attache in the Pakistani consulate in New York, went so far as to pose as an FBI agent to extract information from Pakistani immigrants and threatened them if they opposed the Pakistani military's. Tasleem was spirited out of US in a "quiet resolution" of the matter after the then CIA Director Leon Panetta had a "tense conversation" with the ISI chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha on the matter, NYT said.

But in a sign that Washington may have also tried to keep a lid on the spat between law-enforcement foot soldiers of the two countries, the report said the State Department and CIA counseled against FBI arresting Fai and his associate in the Kashmir-ISI case in the past, fearing that such a move would aggravate the already frayed ties between US and Pakistan.

US policy with regards to Pakistan is difficult to discern as this moment. Publicly, officials maintain both sides are working through a "difficult" and "complicated" relationship. But lower down, or perhaps privately, officials from both sides are going eye-ball-to-eyeball, in the process aggravating the already frayed ties.

It now appears the gloves -- and all bets -- are off. After Pakistan's aggressive moves in twice outing CIA station chiefs in Islamabad and playing hardball in the Raymond Davis case, Washington seems intent in showing that two can play the game. The US has now turned the heat on ISI, with the focus on its operations in America including its divisive ties with the Pakistani diaspora.

Some analysts see the timing of Fai's arrest, including the fingering of ISI, as significant, coming as it does on the heels of the arrest of a Pakistani doctor, Shakil Afridi, who assisted the US operation in Abbottabad (targeting Osama bin Laden). Washington is said to be pressing Pakistan to release him.

"So what you have inside of Pakistan is the arrest of a Pakistani national for assisting US efforts. And now here in Washington, you have the arrest of an American citizen of Pakistani origin for his assistance [on] Pakistani efforts. The similarities here are striking, and it...leads to questions in Pakistan as to whether this arrest and this case are being brought intentionally at this time to send a message to Islamabad," says Daniel Markey, a former state department officials who is now a senior fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations.

The US move also comes amid growing fears in the Pakistani community of more arrests in the Fai case. The FBI affidavit in the case cites a dozen unnamed "straw donors" who contributed money to Fai's Kashmir American Council in the US and were reimbursed by the Pakistani government in Pakistan in a typical hawala operation. Many donors are said to be Pakistani-American physicians and businessmen.

At the same time, the latest leaks about ISI shenanigans in US also suggests Washington is concerned about Islamabad targeting Pakistani-Americans who are critical of the militarization of Pakistan and its slide into chaos.

There was further panic in the community over the weekend after Canada arrested what it called a Pakistani "war criminal" near Toronto.

Canadian authorities said they apprehended Arshad Mohammed, 42, just days after Ottawareleased a list of 30 "war criminals" sought in Canada, ostensibly to offset the impression that the country is being used as a liberal safe haven by overseas terrorists and criminals. Most men on the list come from failed or failing states such as Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan etc, including two from Pakistan.

Canadian officials did not identify the war crimes Arshad Mohammed is charged with.

US turns heat on ISI, says it spies on Pakistani-Americans - The Times of India
Yeah,and the result is already quite well known,history will repeat itself.............like it has in the past countless times since 1947.
not my fault if ur history starts from 1947 but muslims have always over powered pagans in history

Well, half of what existed in 1947. The other half has gone bye-bye, thanks to us.
how many times have you been broken than we can talk :rofl::rofl:
typical Pakistanis i see foreign news too and you can see YouTube filled with anti Pakistan news. you too don't just watch Urdu Pakistani channels and get your facts right. We visited Kashmir several times and I dint see any anti India activity either but we dont dis agree with the facts like you do
funny because i ground reality is different do you want me to direct u to some websites or images showing wt your so called brave army does in kashmir
Like most new members, this poor fellow has been led to believe that Pakistan was ruling India for hunreds of years, when the fact is that some parts of present day India and all parts of present day Pakistan were being ruled by outsiders. You were the conquered, not the conquerer. Since 1947, only Pak has got cut up; India has only added territories.
funny because i ground reality is different do you want me to direct u to some websites or images showing wt your so called brave army does in kashmir

Here are pictures of the latest atrocities:






india it self the holy land
And what was your "pure land" doing at the time? Being world leaders?:rofl:
Here are pictures of the latest atrocities:
well you cant out look what kashmiri awam has suffered i dont care but you people have been like how Britishers were behaving with you and the funny part is you know it better than me

And what was your "pure land" doing at the time? Being world leaders?
we were becoming a nation u dnt know wt your talking about do you

Pakistan directly translates into everything illegal in this world. Illegal state, illegal leadership, illegal existence, and not to mention a global hub of terror which focuses on using terror centric polices, Failed state & an embarrassment of epic proportions. so keep harping about BS, the rest of the world just chooses not give a flying F.... neither do we, so go on have your march, at least you will burn off a few calories & ignorance. :pop:

hahahaahahhahaahaahhaa peace... biggest joke of the day, as long as a pakistan exists, there will be no peace for the rest of planet.
i am glad you laugh at your ignorance . els you keep crying and complaining over your imaginary world..
keep it up who cares.
UK and US appreciates help of pakistan fighting with terrorist once they created in our backyard who give a blank about what you have been trying to mumbling to the world's ear that Pakistan is terrorist hub.
Ignorance is Killer .. open your eyes!
funny because i ground reality is different do you want me to direct u to some websites or images showing wt your so called brave army does in kashmir

@janon gave you perfect reply. But you are typical pakistani and we already know your next reply
we were becoming a nation u dnt know wt your talking about do you
It's you who don't know what you are talking about. I don't blame you, we all know what Pakistanis schoolchidren get taught. Your country came into existence only in 1947. 25 years later, it got cut into two pieces.
Whatever happened before 1947 was fully shared by your ancestors. It's ridiculous to see Pakistanis laughing at what Turks and Afghans did to them.

Most parts of today's India were ruled by people of the land - Marathas, Cholas, Pandyas, Sikhs, Kalingas, etc etc. Every inch of today's Pakistan was ruled by outsiders.
@janon gave you perfect reply. But you are typical pakistani and we already know your next reply
u have lost it i am not in favor of fighting at all but u know sometimes you gotta do it

It's you who don't know what you are talking about. I don't blame you, we all know what Pakistanis schoolchidren get taught. Your country came into existence only in 1947. 25 years later, it got cut into two pieces.
Whatever happened before 1947 was fully shared by your ancestors. It's ridiculous to see Pakistanis laughing at what Turks and Afghans did to them.
Most parts of today's India were ruled by people of the land - Marathas, Cholas, Pandyas, Sikhs, Kalingas, etc etc. Every inch of today's Pakistan was ruled by outsiders.
indian logic when you dnt have a reply change the topic
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