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A little thand program please...


Mar 24, 2006
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I understand the game between Pakistan and India is a big one, and we're all just dying to rub into each others faces after the match, but lets show a little class and decide to behave in a better manner this time.

Understand that there can only be one winner and the other side would undoubtedly be a extremely sad and broken hearted. Lets not create any more reasons to hate each other by rubbing the victory in each others' faces.
I think people are getting too much enthusiastic about the match! This is much more than needed.
Pakistanis starting a new thread every hour regarding the match! :bunny:
It's just a sport. No matter what the outcome of the match, both teams will always have many accolades in their name to be proud of.
I understand the game between Pakistan and India is a big one, and we're all just dying to rub into each others faces after the match, but lets show a little class and decide to behave in a better manner this time.

Understand that there can only be one winner and the other side would undoubtedly be a extremely sad and broken hearted. Lets not create any more reasons to hate each other by rubbing the victory in each others' faces.

Nice thought agree to it.
it's only in the internet where people get their frustration out & behave like brawlers. you just get a false sense of confidence in an anonymous forum. it's not that bad at all when you are watching the match together!! people behave in a much more civilised way!!
A serious staring game going on.... no thand program will work.. extra work for mods ..:toast_sign:

I understand the game between Pakistan and India is a big one, and we're all just dying to rub into each others faces after the match,...
AA, please don't say we when you don't represent the body of all Pakistanis. I'm not even watching the cup, only a few highlights post factum. Thank you.
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