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A letter from Quetta

sardar culture need to finish in balochistan take a look at akbar bugti his dera was full of grass and water and luxeries and people in dera bugti was suffering but did he make any school not that i know of

Akbar Bugti died 17 years ago. Has Balochistan changed for better in last 17 years????

People often forget that its loyalty of Baloch sardars to state of Pakistan, that Balochistan is part of Pakistan.

Do you even know that only 15 % of Balochistan is under Baloch tribes. What about rest of 85 % of Balochistan?????
Also what does Hazara killings have to do with Baloch tribes or even BLA???

Lashakr e Jhangvi are Punjab based terror outfits who have mercilessly slaughtered Shia population in Pakistan. They have openly accepted that. Will an operation against them happen or all operations are directed against Baloch and Pashtons?
Why do Baloch students and patients visit karachi and Lahore for basic schooling and treatment? whats stopping baolch govt in this day and age to establish such institutes at least in every division other than quetta ? Plz don't come up with shortage of funds and lack of opportunities as resources worth billions of $ balochistan has been exhausted since musharaf's time.
If a guys gets a heart attack in interior Sindh, lets say in Nawabshah, he must have to reach either Hyderabad or Karachi for further treatment.
This is what Sindhi and Baloch leaders have given their people.
If a guys gets a heart attack in interior Sindh, lets say in Nawabshah, he must have to reach either Hyderabad or Karachi for further treatment.
This is what Sindhi and Baloch leaders have given their people.

Lol.. I can only laugh at your ignorance. Sindh has been destroyed by Sindhi leaders, Balochistan by Baloch leaders, Karachi by MQM, KPK by Taliban pashtoons, only Punjabis are the best.
Akbar Bugti died 17 years ago. Has Balochistan changed for better in last 17 years????

People often forget that its loyalty of Baloch sardars to state of Pakistan, that Balochistan is part of Pakistan.

Do you even know that only 15 % of Balochistan is under Baloch tribes. What about rest of 85 % of Balochistan?????
Also what does Hazara killings have to do with Baloch tribes or even BLA???

Lashakr e Jhangvi are Punjab based terror outfits who have mercilessly slaughtered Shia population in Pakistan. They have openly accepted that. Will an operation against them happen or all operations are directed against Baloch and Pashtons?

TRUTH IS BANNED HERE , ..........we only celebrate 1992 world cup
not 1992 rape case,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I think you know why some good cardiac treatment centers with Balochistan and in Interior. Am I correct? Please list here. First question.
i live in rawalpindi one of my family member had a big inner ear problem we had to take him to lahore see the irony?
i live in rawalpindi one of my family member had a big inner ear problem we had to take him to lahore see the irony?
See, that's what I am saying. Nothing, just nothing. All govt funds in Sindh and Balochistan go in shit hole.
As ghalib says: Aadmi ko mayasar nahi insan hona.
See, that's what I am saying. Nothing, just nothing. All govt funds in Sindh and Balochistan go in shit hole.
As ghalib says: Aadmi ko mayasar nahi insan hona.
just because nobody realises how these areas are important to us if you give control of a local high school in sindh to a wadera the boys will have no chhoice but to become criminals and drug addicts

Imran Khan


I want to reassure the Hazara families who lost their loved ones in a brutal terrorist attack in Machh that I am cogniscant of their suffering & their demands. We are taking steps to prevent such attacks in the future & know our neighbour is instigating this sectarian terrorism.

Very interesting tweet from Pakistani PM. Who is this "neighbor" he's referring to in the last sentence? Pakistani audiences are supposed to think it is India but honestly, it is another neighbor whose name also starts with an "I"
its very hard to pull such attacks off without insider help

blaming whichever neighbor in itself won't help Pakistan unless it helps itself. Truth is Pakistani state and its leaders are not least bit interested in deradicalizing the extremist population they rule over. It is in their interests to keep them extremist & ignorant.
just because nobody realises how these areas are important to us if you give control of a local high school in sindh to a wadera the boys will have no chhoice but to become criminals and drug addicts
That's very true. Even the dues of ex servicemen of Karachi and Hyderabad were transferred to interior Sindh over past 40 years.
Karachi and Hyderabad are hostages of PPP. Punjabis are lucky that you guys are still free to make progress.
See the news below.
That's the reason why my family never received the dues of my father, ever.

if I had any say then I will tell the local administration and area commanders of intelligence agencies to provide active security and watch out all suspects before an other attack is launched against the students or Clerics of Deobandi sect. some peaceful Sunni Scholar is martyred like in Karachi later last year so that a sectarian discourse can be triggered within the society.

our police and agencies know the suspects and there is not much needed other than will to prevent follow up tragedies, our real win lies in the hands of our intelligence operations. use third degree interrogation and put a stop to future terrorism.

Pakistanis should instead be asking why is it that Pakistan still does not have a comprehensive national counter-extremism policy? Why is it that banned extremist groups still operate under different names and hold rallies openly in major cities? Ask the right questions.

Why is it that Pakistan bans websites of counter-terrorism organisations , but allows free access to websites of terrorist groups (like TTP)? Why is it that Pakistani leaders want to mainstream extremists instead of de-radicalizing them? Ask the right questions.

I ain't got no horse in this race. I am as much against Sunni extremists of all colors as I'm against Shia extremists, and vice versa. Understand this when reading my previous tweets. At the end of the day, it is Pakistan that has to decide how it wants to deal with it
That's very true. Even the dues of ex servicemen of Karachi and Hyderabad were transferred to interior Sindh over past 40 years.
Karachi and Hyderabad are hostages of PPP. Punjabis are lucky that you guys are still free to make progress.
See the news below.
That's the reason why my family never received the dues of my father, ever.

View attachment 703980
yup grandfather worked for ptcl in larkana same happened to him
Pakistanis should instead be asking why is it that Pakistan still does not have a comprehensive national counter-extremism policy? Why is it that banned extremist groups still operate under different names and hold rallies openly in major cities? Ask the right questions.

Why is it that Pakistan bans websites of counter-terrorism organisations , but allows free access to websites of terrorist groups (like TTP)? Why is it that Pakistani leaders want to mainstream extremists instead of de-radicalizing them? Ask the right questions.

I ain't got no horse in this race. I am as much against Sunni extremists of all colors as I'm against Shia extremists, and vice versa. Understand this when reading my previous tweets. At the end of the day, it is Pakistan that has to decide how it wants to deal with it
gonna tell you something from an ex serviceman very bitter but if we are overrun by large conventional threat then shia sunni bhar mai jaye they will fight them and to be honest in feb 2019 tensions some ulema were very passionate about service to islam and ghazwa e hind but hey i could be wrong do correct me if i am wrong
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Pakistanis should instead be asking why is it that Pakistan still does not have a comprehensive national counter-extremism policy? Why is it that banned extremist groups still operate under different names and hold rallies openly in major cities? Ask the right questions.

Why is it that Pakistan bans websites of counter-terrorism organisations , but allows free access to websites of terrorist groups (like TTP)? Why is it that Pakistani leaders want to mainstream extremists instead of de-radicalizing them? Ask the right questions.

I ain't got no horse in this race. I am as much against Sunni extremists of all colors as I'm against Shia extremists, and vice versa. Understand this when reading my previous tweets. At the end of the day, it is Pakistan that has to decide how it wants to deal with it
Just ask yourself this simple question- how can radicals hold a 30,000 strong rally in Pakistan's largest city to excommunicate Shias without any blowback from the state?

It's clear the state has no control over or maybe doesn't want to control the non state actors. Truly a banana republicm

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