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A letter from Quetta

As I mentioned before, it's India written all over the place.
For this killing, Pakistan should blast Indian embassy in Iran. Let's teach them a lesson that they stop poking their nose for a long time.
No offence bro but i put a piece of shit in his place

No regrets their
you are a mad man
wasting energy and anger on wrong place.
whoever is culprit why our agencies have failed our citizens for all this time and not even once captured or killed their killers
you are a mad man
wasting energy and anger on wrong place.
whoever is culprit why our agencies have failed our citizens for all this time and not even once captured or killed their killers


As i said in other thread. Your analysis has a lot of flaws.

Anyways I end it here. I stand by my position. I put a piece of shit in its place and I am proud of it.

As i said in other thread. Your analysis has a lot of flaws.

Anyways I end it here. I stand by my position. I put a piece of shit in its place and I am proud of it.

His analysis has flaws while you Macho bigmouth who never probably visited B of Balochistan or never wore a uniform is calling out loud.

I understand you linking everything with India but you've to understand that these men who did it today on the Indian whistle, did the same earlier on Establishment's whistle. However, you're way immature to understand that, you believe in the Black and White theory which is a serious sign of underdeveloped brain.

Your tactic is a demonstration of unnecessary aggression with no boundaries of decency to make an impression that nobody is loyal than you're.
As I mentioned before, it's India written all over the place.
For this killing, Pakistan should blast Indian embassy in Iran. Let's teach them a lesson that they stop poking their nose for a long time.
Orya Maqbool Jan is the last person you want to hear when it comes to Hazaras. He is a bigot.
#interestingly normally it has been observed that terrorists wear joggers or solider shoes, but here in this picture one of terrorist caught wearing #Typically local Chawat, View attachment 703771

View attachment 703771
No bro. TTP and ISIS are all foreign Indians and Americans. They have tattoos and uncircumcised members. Good Taliban and bad Taliban bro.

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Listening to Oreo Maqbool Jan about Hazaras is like asking an Indian Andh Bhakt that who killed Muslims in Gujrat.
Every instance where establishment has used brute force resulted in creating more aggrieved parties than before.

They don't have a solution for Balochistan which is now a battleground for the cold war.

Brute force is not necessary to maintain deterrence.

Pakistan's failure has been in deterring Indian intel from using proxies to terrorize our land and people. What is stopping India from continuing this? Nothing. Even a child can understand that fear of consequences is essential. But somehow our generals don't get it...?
His analysis has flaws while you Macho bigmouth who never probably visited B of Balochistan or never wore a uniform is calling out loud.

I understand you linking everything with India but you've to understand that these men who did it today on the Indian whistle, did the same earlier on Establishment's whistle. However, you're way immature to understand that, you believe in the Black and White theory which is a serious sign of underdeveloped brain.

Your tactic is a demonstration of unnecessary aggression with no boundaries of decency to make an impression that nobody is loyal than you're.

Yeah yeah

It is also on establishment whistle that this colonel was killed during an operation against lej terrorists. One of the highest ranking fatality of army in Balochistan

I am not questioning anyone's loyalty except one particular rat and I have good reasons to do that

I know you guys are extremely hurt because of your sectarian affiliations which is normal but that doesn't make your flawed analysis correct
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People of Balochistan are only to die. Be it Baloch, Hazara or Pashtun.

Government of Pakistan doesn't give a f***. Not even a single tweet from DG ISPR. This is the value of our people. No wonder people in Balochistan have been forced to think that Punjabi life is more valuable than a BAlochistani life.

Why do Baloch students and patients visit karachi and Lahore for basic schooling and treatment? whats stopping baolch govt in this day and age to establish such institutes at least in every division other than quetta ? Plz don't come up with shortage of funds and lack of opportunities as resources worth billions of $ balochistan has been exhausted since musharaf's time.

The problem lies with the mentality of a baloch tribal chief who is still living in the past trying to assert his "writ" against the state and "defending" his tribe from aliens (hazaras , punjabis and pakhtoons) by not letting them enjoy amenities which even people of fata are now getting access to .

The state is almost done with providing yearly ransoms to different chiefs for maintaining their allegiance with the federal govt and their princely lifestyles
This is a deliberate massacre of a particular community .. The right term is not ‘sectarian violence’ which implies that it is a war between two sects. If this was a war, then there would be Shia suicide bombers or killers attacking other sects. The right term is ‘genocide’ defined as, “The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.


in 2008 the hazar,s had over 700 massacred, - then it was TTP CLAIM/OR BLAMED
we all know from where in punjab------ TTP MUSCLE mans came!

In terms of absolute numbers, I am sure that the number of Sunni-Punjabis (largest sect-largest ethnicity) deaths at the hands of terrorists is also quite high.

You can't call it Shia Genocide when thousands of Sunnis have also been killed at the hands of terrorists.

Do some sectarian outfits target Shias specifically? Yes.
Has the State been fighting these groups for a decade? Also yes.
Have many army/LEA/intel personnel sacrificed their lives fighting these groups --- in order to keep Shia Hazaras and others safe? Also yes.
Is it possible for the State to provide 100% protection for all Shia Hazaras, including in remote mines? Obviously not.

My heart aches for every Pakistani death --- for every innocent death anywhere --- regardless of sect and religion. I hope and pray that the perpetrators, probably from Afghanistan, are dealt with violently.
if I had any say then I will tell the local administration and area commanders of intelligence agencies to provide active security and watch out all suspects before an other attack is launched against the students or Clerics of Deobandi sect. some peaceful Sunni Scholar is martyred like in Karachi later last year so that a sectarian discourse can be triggered within the society.

our police and agencies know the suspects and there is not much needed other than will to prevent follow up tragedies, our real win lies in the hands of our intelligence operations. use third degree interrogation and put a stop to future terrorism.
before a thing was done that around hazara areas a trench was dug from all sides so outsider cannot enter scott-free but i do think recent *** whooping of BLA has something to do with it well we did claim big commanders and a hit in kandahar but i don't think they did this alone let us take a look from top that who has most to gain from it.You all know how 5 generation works if you supply money,whereabouts and weapo ns to a group who has recently been dealt well you will see their desperation before they would blow up a sngpl pipeline but it can be repaired but a citizen's distrust towards state cannot be.So they become smart and use secatarian violence.
Why do Baloch students and patients visit karachi and Lahore for basic schooling and treatment? whats stopping baolch govt in this day and age to establish such institutes at least in every division other than quetta ? Plz don't come up with shortage of funds and lack of opportunities as resources worth billions of $ balochistan has been exhausted since musharaf's time.

The problem lies with the mentality of a baloch tribal chief who is still living in the past trying to assert his "writ" against the state and "defending" his tribe from aliens (hazaras , punjabis and pakhtoons) by not letting them enjoy amenities which even people of fata are now getting access to .

The state is almost done with providing yearly ransoms to different chiefs for maintaining their allegiance with the federal govt and their princely lifestyles

Don't get me started on this again.

So if Baloch sardar are to be held responsible for all the under development, what is the state of Pakistan doing? This is a stupid argument. Its not the responsibility of Baloch sardars.

The problem lies with the mentality of a baloch tribal chief who is still living in the past trying to assert his "writ" against the state and "defending" his tribe from aliens (hazaras , punjabis and pakhtoons) by not letting them enjoy amenities which even people of fata are now getting access to .

No it doesn't , it lies in the mentality of stupid people like you, who have no idea of ground realties and come here and lecture us. If Sardars and Baloch elite is to provide education, health, clean drinking water why does Balochistan need Pakistan. Just set us free and we ll never hold you responsible, this is exactly what BLA wants.

People like me who ask for development are shut down by shity arguments like above. Have you read the constitution of Pakistan?

Article 25 says,
All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

5A.Right to education:
The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law.

No it doesn't , it lies in the mentality of stupid people like you, who have no idea of ground realties and come here and lecture us. If Sardars and Baloch elite is to provide education, health, clean drinking water why does Balochistan need Pakistan. Just set us free and we ll never hold you responsible, this is exactly what BLA wants.
sardar culture need to finish in balochistan take a look at akbar bugti his dera was full of grass and water and luxeries and people in dera bugti was suffering but did he make any school not that i know of
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