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A layman's analysis on our last two MMRCA contenders


Sep 1, 2011
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RBE2 is officially said to be able to track up to 40 aircraft and to engage 8 of them

T/R MODULES :ACTUAL VALUE IS 898 BUT CLAIMED 1,000 gallium-arsenide T/R modules

radar ranges RBE-2 AESA (Rafale F4, post-2012) (F-16.net)
For RCS 0.0001 m2 class target: 11~13 km+
For RCS 0.001 m2 class target: 20~23 km+
For RCS 0.1 m2 class target: 62~73 km+
For RCS 1.0 m2 class target: 110~130 km+
For RCS 5.0 m2 class target: 165~195 km+
For RCS 10.0 m2 class target: 195~230 km+

Its diameter is "slightly larger" than the mechanically scanned antenna that is now on Captor.


radar ranges CAESAR AESA (EF-2000 Tranch3, post-2015 with 1,500 T/Rs)

For RCS 0.0001 m2 class target: 18~21 km+
For RCS 0.001 m2 class target: 32~38 km+
For RCS 0.1 m2 class target: 104~122 km+
For RCS 1.0 m2 class target: 185~216 km+
For RCS 5.0 m2 class target: 278~324 km+
For RCS 10.0 m2 class target: 330~385 km+

so typhoon has larger & more powerful aesa radar than rafale



The present M88-2 that churns out 76kN (x 2 engines) of thrust can make the Rafale supercruise at Mach 1.2 .The M88-3 that produces 90kN (x 2) of thrust will power the Rafale starting 2007 and is said to be able to make the Rafale supercruise at 1.4 Mach .

The Dassault Rafale can supercruise, in dry power, even with four missiles and a 1,250-liter belly drop tank and even in the naval version (Rafale M)

According to the German Luftwaffe the Typhoon can cruise at about Mach 1.2 without afterburner. The manufacturer claims that the maximum level speed possible without reheat is Mach 1.5. A EF T1 DA (Development Aircraft trainer version) demonstrate supercuise (1,21M) with 2 SRAAM, 4 MRAAM and drop tank (plus one tonne flight test equipment, plus 700 kg more weight for the trainer version) during the Singapore evaluation.

so typhoon can supercruise at more speed than rafale



The cockpit includes a wide-angle holographic head-up display (HUD), two head-down flat-panel colour multi-function displays (MFDs) and a center collimated display. Display interaction is by means of touch input for which the pilot wears silk-lined leather gloves. In addition, in full development, the pilot will have a head-mounted display (HMD).The pilot flies the aircraft with a side-stick controller mounted on his right and a throttle on his left. These incorporate multiple hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) controls.

The Eurofighter Typhoon features a glass cockpit without any conventional instruments. It includes: three full colour multi-function head-down displays (MHDDs) (the formats on which are manipulated by means of softkeys, XY cursor, and voice (DVI) command), a wide angle head-up display (HUD) with forward-looking infrared (FLIR), voice and hands-on throttle and stick (Voice+HOTAS), Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS), Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS), a manual data-entry facility (MDEF) located on the left glareshield and a fully integrated aircraft warning system with a dedicated warnings panel (DWP). Reversionary flying instruments, lit by LEDs, are located under a hinged right glareshield.

Well definitely typhoon 's cockpit is more advanced & had some more features than rafale ,but rafale's cockpit has a smooth & user friendly cockpit



TopSight is a helmet-mounted sight/display system developed by Thales Group for the French Air Force Rafale next generation multi-role aircraft. It was designed to provide Rafale's pilots with situational awareness and flight information as well as automatic target designation, tracking and acquisition. The TopSight helmet-mounted display system is coupled to the IR sensor mounted at the frontal section of Rafale's fuselage.

The helmet can enable a pilot to lock-on target and shoot by voice command, merely after looking at the target.“Using the new helmet system, the pilot can now look at multiple targets, lock-on to them, and then, by voice-command, prioritize them. It’s a lightning-fast system to let the pilot look, lock-on, and fire,” said BAE Systems of the system,

SO Typhoon HMD sytem is more advanced than rafale's HMD system as it lacks voice command feature as in typhoon



The Rafale features a delta wing combined with active integrated (close-coupled) canard to maximize maneuverability, while withstanding 9 g or -3 g) and maintaining stability in flight.According to internal sources (Les essais en vol du Rafale) low speed limit is 100 knots (190 km/h; 120 mph) but 80 knots (150 km/h; 92 mph) is sometimes demonstrated during airshows by pilots willing to underline low speed qualities of the aircraft." "A minimum of 15 kt have been reached during simulated combat vs a Mirage 2000 by an aggressive pilot.

The Eurofighter consortium claims their fighter has a larger sustained subsonic turn rate, sustained supersonic turn rate, and faster acceleration at Mach 0.9 at 20,000 feet (6,100 m) than the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet, Dassault Mirage 2000, Dassault Rafale, the Sukhoi Su-27, and the Mikoyan MiG-29.

Eurofighter, EuroJet and a number of consortium nations and other companies have indicated a desire to include the nozzle (if possible) in Tranche-3 aircraft (due from 2010).The are several real benefits to employing thrust vectoring, for example; decreased take-off and landing distances, higher achievable angles of attack, improved control at low speeds/altitudes, reduction in size and number of control surfaces and reduced supersonic drag (by using the vectoring equipment to adjust trim rather than the control surfaces)
According to Eurojet, a Typhoon equipped with thrust vectoring nozzles (TVN) could reduce fuel burn on a typical mission by up to 5%, while increasing available thrust in supersonic cruise by up to 7%. Typhoon is already capable of performing ‘super-cruise’ (flying supersonically without afterburner) and the proposed modification will further increase this capability. Other cost saving aspects of thrust vectoring include the potential to extend engine life by reducing operating temperatures at a given power setting. It could also be used to reduce take-off and landing distances and approach speed. Beside the operational cost savings, TVN enhances the aircraft maneuvering as it becomes a ‘virtual control surface’ when coupled with the aircraft flight-control system. Another aspect is improving the aircraft ability to carry an asymmetric weapons load.

SO Typhoon with 3D TVC would definitely be more manuverable than rafale without TVC ,but rafale has better manuverabilty at low altitude & low speed



Lightweight materials used on the Rafale include aluminum-lithium, titanium, and carbon composites. Over 50% of the airframe
by structural weight is made of these materials, with less than 20% carbonfiber.

The airframe surface area is made of 70% Carbon Fibre Composites (CFCs), 15% lightweight alloys and titanium, 12% Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) and 3% other materials. In other words, metals make up only 15% of the materials used in building a Eurofighter Typhoon.
In tandem with the aerodynamically unstable design, these strong but lightweight materials mean that the weight and size of the airframe and engine are 10 - 20% smaller and 30% lighter, than they would otherwise have been. This not only means that the aircraft has a reduced radar signature but is also stealthy.

The radome is comprised of a complex layered Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) structure manufactured using very high tolerance automated processes.BASE, British Aerospace Systems and Equipment who supply the radome structure have developed various Frequency Sselective Surface (FSS) materials which have been subsequently put to use in the Typhoon's radome. FSS materials are composed of a precisely defined array of metallic elements contained within a conducting frame. The use of these materials (when laid up in the correct fashion) results in a reduction in the transmission of all out of band frequencies. Therefore the radome can be designed to be transparent only to those frequencies and polarisation's used by the aircraft's own radar. This of course should lead to a reduction in the aircraft's radar cross section, from all frontal aspects at least.

sO TYPHOON definitely has a edge on rafale through stealthy radome made up of (GFRP) structure & (FSS) materials.But rest all
material compostion is almost same




(i)“Front Sector Optronics” - FSO Infra Red Search & Track (IRST)
Operating in the optronic wavelengths, it is immune to radar jamming and it provides covert long-range detection and identification, high resolution multi-target angular tracking and laser range-finding for air, sea and ground targets.

(ii)DAMOCLES - Laser designation pod
The DAMOCLES laser designator pod designed by THALES, brings full day and night laser designation capability to the RAFALE, with metric precision. It permits laser-guided weapons to be delivered at stand-off range and altitude.

(iii)AREOS - Recce pod - with real-time transmission
This high-tech, day and night equipment can be used in a wide range of scenarios, from stand-off distance at high altitude down to high speed and extremely low-level. The outstanding performance of AREOS in stand-off reconnaissance makes it a sensor with a true pre-strategic value.

(iv)RBE2 radar
The RBE2 will give the Rafale the capability to track all targets in the radar field of view, irrespective of the relative location between targets and host aircraft.

(i)PIRATE Infra Red Search & Track (IRST)
Passive Air-to-Air target detection and tracking performance in the IRST mode provides totally covert-tracking capabilities.

PIRATE also fully supports Air-to-Surface operations in the Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) mode, with ground and target imagery as required during missions where passive operations are also needed.

(ii)LITENING targeting pod
LITENING is a targeting pod integrated and mounted externally to the aircraft. The targeting pod contains a high-resolution, forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor that displays an infrared image of the target to the aircrew; it has a wide field of view search capability and a narrow field of view acquisition/targeting capability of battlefield-sized targets. The pod also contains a CCD camera used to obtain target imagery in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. An on-gimbal inertial navigation sensor has established line-of-sight and automatic boresighting capability.

(iii) CAPTOR E Radar
The conversion to AESA will give the Eurofighter a low probability of intercept radar with much better jam resistance. These include an innovative design with a gimbal to meet RAF requirements for a wider scan field than a fixed AESA.
The coverage of a fixed AESA is limited to 120° in azimuth and elevation.

SO RAFALE has a slight advantage over typhoon in avionics despite having an inferior radar to typhoon



RAFALE : SPECTRA - internal Electronic Warfare suite
Jointly developed by THALES and MBDA, the SPECTRA internal “Electronic Warfare” (EW) system is the cornerstone of the RAFALE’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats.

It is fully integrated with other systems in the aircraft, and it provides a multi-spectral threat warning capability against hostile radars, missiles and lasers.

The SPECTRA system carries out reliable long-range detection, identification and localisation of threats, allowing the pilot to instantly select the most effective defensive measures based on combinations of radar jamming, infrared or radar decoying and evasive manoeuvres.

The angular localisation performance of the SPECTRA sensors makes it possible to accurately locate ground threats in order to avoid them, or to target them for destruction with precision.
It sports an integrated electronic survival system named "SPECTRA", which embodies a software-based virtual stealth technology. The SPECTRA electronic warfare system protects the aircraft against airborne and ground threats.
SPECTRA also has ELINT functions, for recording and analysing the characteristics of hostile emitters and their locations.

Thales Group and Dassault Aviation have mentioned stealthy jamming modes for the SPECTRA system, to reduce the aircraft's apparent radar signature. Active cancellation is supposed to work by sampling and analysing incoming radar and feeding it back to the hostile emitter out of phase thus cancelling out the returning radar echo.

TYPHOON: Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS)/Praetorian
The aircraft employs a sophisticated and highly integrated Defensive Aids Sub-System named Praetorian (formerly called EuroDASS).
The DASS monitors and responds to the outside world. It is internally housed and provides the pilot with an all-round prioritised assessment of Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface threats, with fully automatic response to single or multiple threats; manual override is available.

The DASS includes:
Laser warner
Flare dispenser
Chaff dispenser
Missile warners
Wing tip ESM/ECM pods
Towed decoy

SO Rafale spectra system is definitely better than Typhoon's Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS) ,but it is comparable to spectra


The utmost degree of integration of the systems was required from the beginning in order to reduce the workload of the pilot, and also to benefit fully of the aircraft’s systems (higher survivability, better precision of the NAS (Navigation and attack system).

Everything on the rafale is networked: sensors, flight control system, engine FADEC, displays, armaments, communications, and various systems of the plane including start up, hydraulics, electrical, fuel and air conditioning system. Everything is interchangeable, with synchronised joint treatment and a capability to transmit all the data.

This integration which is not a mere “sensor fusion” (fusion of the sensors’ data) is managed by two very powerful calculators: the MPDU (Modular Data Processing Unit).

The integration of those data works the following way: creation of a “track” file, sharing of those information to compensate for the limits of certain sensors, treatment of the “false track” and redundant tracks.

This allows to increase the range of every sensors (RBE-2, OSF, SPECTRA, L16, and missile –Mica IR-), to display all the information to the pilot under the most clear picture as possible (on the VTM (Visualisation tête moyenne or Head Level Display: a sort of “god’s view” of the situation)), to employ stealthy tactics, and also to make maintenance much easier.

Thus with the fusion of the information between SPECTRA, OSF, L16 (but not necessarily all at once), it is possible for a Rafale to fire a Mica IR missile in a completely passive manner (no use of the indiscrete radar), even at longer ranges, and even if the target is behind the Rafale.

Traditionally each sensor in an aircraft has been treated as a discrete source of information. However this can result in conflicting data and hence an increased pilot workload. Additionally it limits the ability to effectively automate systems. To overcome this the Typhoon employs what is now known as sensor fusion techniques (in a similar fashion to the U.S. F-22 Raptor). Considering that the Typhoon's avionics systems are still based on a typical distributed, or federated system (i.e. individual components linked via a standard databus) rather than a centralised architecture (which the F-22 has gone some way towards implementing) this seems like quite an achievement.

In the Eurofighter this fusion of all data sources is achieved through the Attack and Identification System, or AIS. The AIS combines all data from the major on-board sensors along with any information obtained from off-board platforms such as AWACS, ASTOR, JSTARS or even other Eurofighter's via the Multi-function Information Distribution System, or MIDS link. Additionally the AIS integrates all the other major offensive and defensive systems such as the; DASS, Navigation, ACS and Communications.

The physical design of the AIS comprises of essentially two separate units; the Avionic Computer (AC) and Navigation Computer (NC). These are linked via the STANAG-3910 databus to the other major systems such as the ACS, ECR-90/CAPTOR, PIRATE, etc. Both the NC and AC are identical in design and comprise a modular system based on Motorola 68020 CPU's with 68882 Maths co-processors. In addition several custom RISC based processors are utilised to accelerate floating point and matrix operations

Other Sensor systems

Although the radar and FLIR are the primary sensor systems there are other data sources available within the Typhoon. Of these the most notable are the Radar Warning Receiver (or RWR), Laser Warning Receiver (or LWR) and Missile Approach Warner (or MAW). These three devices provide the AIS with additional information about the external situation.

SO both rafale & typhoon have almost same sensor fusion capability



(a) RCS

minimal frontal RCS-0.1~0.3 m2

AWACSs today like E-2C Hawkeye 2000 and E-3C are capable to detect RAFALE (RCS = 0.1~0.2 m2): 140 ~ 200 km

Stealth was a major priority for the Rafale. This led to designing the fuselage in the way it is, which has produced Rafale's characteristic shape. The radar-absorbent materials initially used caused the dark color of the Rafale C prototype.But later special electromagnetic-transparent paints were developed so the aircraft could receive any color scheme. Very very low RCS :
Dassault engineers claim that they have been able to reduce the signature of the Rafale cross section by a factor of 20 to the Mirage 2000-5.

Stealth Through Electronics & Software :
The Rafale carries, for the first time in aviation history, an integrated electronic survival system named SPECTRA which features a software-based virtual stealth technology.Thales Group and Dassault Aviation have mentioned stealthy jamming modes for the SPECTRA system, to reduce the aircrafts apparent radar signature. It is not known exactly how these work or even if the capability is fully operational, but it may employ 'active cancellation' technology, such as has been tested by Thales and MBDA. Active cancellation is supposed to work by sampling and analysing incoming radar and feeding it back to the hostile emmiter slightly out of phase thus cancelling out the returning radar echo.
The Spectra [Système de Protection et d'Evitement des Conduites de Tir du Rafale] self-protection suite of the Rafale has been integrated by Thales, but it consists of elements built by various companies. The Spectra consists of a radar-warning receiver (RWR), missile-launch-warning system (MLWS), laser-warning receivers (LWS), a management computer, four chaff/flare dispensers, and a built-in jammer, all integrated into a single automatic system. The RWR and active jamming system were developed by Dassault Electronique (presently Thales) and are integrated as the Détection et Brouillage Electromagnétique (DBEM) system.

In the F1 standard, the DBEM can detect transmitters over the frequency range of 2-18 GHz, but this was increased to 2-40 GHz on the F2 standard. The system has a very high accuracy of up to one degree in azimuth. The DBEM automatically detects, classifies, and identifies emitters and inputs information about them into the computer. The Spectra's active jamming subsystem uses phased-array antennas located at the roots of the canards. The antennas can produce a pencil beam compatible with the accuracy of the receiver system, concentrating power on the threat while minimizing the chances of detection. It also uses other low-probability-of-detection techniques, so the Rafale's electronic-countermeasures (ECM) capability is also compatible with its stealth requirements.

kidney shaped air intake :
rafale has kidney shaped air intake & s shape duct with ram coating to hide engine compressor blades from radar

material composition:
high concentration of composites & RAM coating

minimal frontal RCS-0.05~0.1 m2

AWACSs today like E-2C Hawkeye 2000 and E-3C are capable to detect TYPHOON (RCS = 0.05~0.1 m2): 120 ~ 170 km

Visual Detection: the combination of small airframe and smokeless engines make the Eurofighter Typhoon very difficult to detect visually.
Radar Reflections: although not of the classic angular, zigzag edged shape usually associated with stealth designs, Eurofighter Typhoon’s shape balances aerodynamic requirements, such as low drag and high lift, with the need to minimise reflected radar energy in all directions, producing a signature which is smaller than that of all other fighter aircraft currently in production.

material composition:
The airframe surface area is made of 70% Carbon Fibre Composites (CFCs), 15% lightweight alloys and titanium, 12% Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) and 3% other materials. In other words, metals make up only 15% of the materials used in building a Eurofighter Typhoon.
In tandem with the aerodynamically unstable design, these strong but lightweight materials mean that the weight and size of the airframe and engine are 10 - 20% smaller and 30% lighter, than they would otherwise have been. This not only means that the aircraft has a reduced radar signature but is also stealthy.

Defensive Aids: Eurofighter Typhoon’s self-protection system has a number of passive modes, allowing the detection of enemy emissions without revealing the Eurofighter aircraft's presence.

Supercruise: The ability to accelerate to and maintain supersonic speeds without the use of engine re-heat drastically reduces detectability through infra-red sensors whilst at the same time increasing range.

Communications: Any radio transmission can reveal an aircraft’s position but the Eurofighter Typhoon is able to receive information, both in the form of voice and data - such as target information - from its datalink. Similarly, inter-formation communications can also be achieved via datalink, thereby minimising the need for radio transmissions.

Some external weapons are mounted semi-recessed into the aircraft, partially shielding these missiles from incoming radar waves.

In addition radar absorbent materials (RAM) developed primarily by EADS/DASA coat many of the most significant reflectors, e.g., the wing leading edges, the intake edges and interior, the rudder surrounds, and strakes.

AESA Captor-E The conversion to AESA will give the Eurofighter a low probability of intercept radar with much better jam resistance. These include an innovative design with a gimbal to meet RAF requirements for a wider scan field than a fixed AESA. The coverage of a fixed AESA is limited to 120° in azimuth and elevation.


Rafale has far less infrared signature on its M88 engine as it has 2 cooling channels

typhoon has far more infrared signature on it's EJ200 engine as it has 1 cooling channel

So typhoon has far less RCS than rafale but has more infrared signature than rafale



Hardpoints: 14 For Armée de l'Air version (Rafale B,C), 13 for Aéronavale version (Rafale M) with a capacity of 9,500 kg (21,000 lb) external fuel and ordnance

Hardpoints: Total of 13: 8 × under-wing; and 5 × under-fuselage pylon stations;holding up to 7,500 kg (16,500 lb) of payload

so rafale has higher weapon payload capacity than typhoon



When the RAFALE programme was launched, the French Air Force and French Navy published a joint requirement for an omnirole aircraft that would have to replace the seven types of combat aircraft then in operation.

The new aircraft would have to be able to carry out a very wide range of missions:

Air-defence / air-superiority,
Close air support,
Air-to-ground precision strike / interdiction,
Anti-ship attacks,
Nuclear strikes.

it has better air to ground warfare capabilities than typhoon & it is definitely combat proven aircraft , On 19 March 2011, French Rafale jets conducted reconnaissance and strike missions over Libya in Opération Harmattan, in support of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, being the first to attack and destroy heavy artillery units that had reached the outskirts of Benghazi. On 24 March 2011 it was reported that a Rafale shot down a Libyan Air Force G-2/Galeb light ground attack/trainer jet

Eurofighter Typhoon as an affordable high-end swing-role weapon system whose the aircraft is fully capable of combining different operational tasks in a single mission.
• Rapid transition between Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface moding
• Can always carry at least six Air-to-Air missiles

It is also capable of carrying out wide range of missions:
Air-defence / air-superiority,
Close air support,
Air-to-ground precision strike / interdiction,
Anti-ship attacks,
Nuclear strikes.

it is definitely much better than rafale in BVR air to air combat due to superior radar ,agility & lessr rcs

So both RAFALE & TYPHOON are multirole fighter in which rafale has upperhand in air to ground warfare ,while typhoon has upperhand in air to air combat.


Service ceiling: 16,800 m (55,000 ft)

Service ceiling: 19,810 m (64,990 ft)



•Guns: 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) GIAT 30/719B cannon with 125 rounds

Magic II and in the future
MBDA Meteor
MBDA Apache or
GBU-12 Paveway II or
AM 39 Exocet or
ASMP-A nuclear missile

Thales Damocles targeting pod
RECO NG reconnaissance pod
up to 5 drop tanks
The Rafale can also carry a buddy-buddy refuelling pod

•Guns: 1 × 27 mm Mauser BK-27 Revolver cannon with 150 rounds

(i) Air-to-air missiles:
AIM-9 Sidewinder
MBDA Meteor, in the future
(ii)Air-to-surface missiles:
AGM-65 Maverick, in the future
AGM-88 HARM, in the future
Storm Shadow (AKA Scalp EG), in the future
Brimstone, in the future
Taurus KEPD 350
Penguin, in the future
AGM Armiger, in the future

6× 500lb Paveway™ IV
Paveway II/III/Enhanced Paveway series of laser-guided bombs (LGBs)
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), in the future
HOPE/HOSBO, in the future
Flares/infrared decoys dispenser pod
chaff pods
Electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods
LITENING III laser targeting pod
Up to 3 drop tanks for ferry flight or extended range/loitering time.

SO typhoon has much better air to air missiles than rafale ,while rafale has better air to ground missile in form ASMP-A nuclear missile

15 .COST

The unit flyaway price as of 2010 is €101.1 million for the F3+ version

On 17 June 2009, Germany ordered 31 aircraft of Tranche 3A for €2,800m, leading to a system cost of €90m per aircraft.

WELL prices may vary but it would have every important factor in determining the winner of MMRCA contest



so overall layman's analysis & report card on last 2 MMRCA contenders is Typhoon is much better contender for the winner of
MMRCA contest ,but Dassault Aviation is under pressure since they haven’t been able to make a single sale of their aircraft outside their own country so this deal is a game changer to them and we shouldn’t be surprised if we see them tossing everything from full Transfer of Technology (ToT) for everything including their RBE-2AA AESA radars and denying the opportunity to block future sales of the same platform to the PAF (Pakistani Air Force) only further sweetens things up & selling supersonic cruise missile platform like ASMP-A nuclear missile & reduced prices of rafale .

Well personally i want to request to our INDIAN AIR FORCE & DEFENCE MINISTRY on the behalf of all common people (AAM AADMI) whose blood & sweat money is used to buy this deal ,that plz for god sake choose the best fighter for india which would definitely help to secure our airspace & defend our motherland & dont make another great indian scam on it like 2G scam
nice analysis - but cost of eft was 75 mill in the 09 deal not 90 mill...

sorry - you're right - got confused between pounds and euros ,its 90 mill euros
Comparing these planes "Technically" may not be of much imoirtance now, as IAF has selected both as meeting it's requirement. If. I'm correct , IAF has not graded the planes. Now , the ONLY deciding factor is Price AND the KICKBACK to Congress.
Real great analysis and really hard work on the thread but cost seems to wrong. Rafale is something around 70-80 million euros while EF cost is 100+ million euros.

its not that high
Eurofighter partners sign

Partner nations Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK have signed a €9 billion ($12.7 billion) contract for their first Tranche 3 Eurofighter combat aircraft, ending months of uncertainty over the programme's future prospects.

Conducted in Manching near Munich, Germany, the signing event covered the so-called Tranche 3A production of a combined 112 aircraft for the partner nations. The order split is 40 aircraft for the UK, 31 for Germany, 21 for Italy and 20 for Spain, with the deal also including the delivery of 241 Eurojet EJ200 turbofan engines.

Today's signature clears the way for the four partner nations to negotiate the configuration of their new aircraft with the Eurofighter industrial consortium via the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency.

The UK Ministry of Defence says its new commitment is worth around £3 billion ($4.97 billion), making each of its aircraft's unit cost about £75 million. Deliveries to the Royal Air Force will start in 2013, with the aircraft expected to feature "new radar and new weapons". They are likely to "accommodate future installation of additional fuel tanks mounted on the fuselage to greatly increase range and endurance".

BAE Systems says the new aircraft "will be of Tranche 2 standard provisioned with additional capability to deal with projected high-technology future capability enhancements."
The UK wants its future Eurofighters to have new radar, weapons and extended-range capability
The air force chiefs of Germany and the UK earlier this month confirmed their shared interest in equipping Tranche 3 aircraft with an active electronically scanned array radar.

With the Eurofighter nations' first two production contracts having totalled 384 aircraft, the Tranche 3A deal should move them to within 124 of honouring their shared commitment to purchase a combined 620 over the programme's life.

A total of 178 Eurofighters had been delivered by 30 June, including 24 Tranche 2 examples.

BAE says its stake in the Tranche 3A deal will be valued at around £2 billion, with Italy's Finmeccanica expecting to receive business worth over €2.8 billion. EADS has yet to disclose the expected volume of its involvement.

Rolls-Royce, which holds a 37% stake in the Eurojet consortium, says its Tranche 3A production activities will be worth over £300 million.

75 milion pounds - comes out to 87 million euros

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

he didn't know what is INDIA.....HE IS A JF-17 FAN.......being a JF-17 fan is really disappointing..

Buddy i have no problem if he is a jf 17 fan,but i have problem with my country's flag under his username ,i really doubt it :no:
Rafale anyday! The shortcomings of Rafale can be ironed out in the future and I would trust the French more than anything that involves the British anyday!

Hello, we do not want an air superiority fighter. Our Su-30s can do that much better than either the EF or the Rafale. We want a strike fighter that can do Air Superiority roles as well. The answer, Rafale my friends, Rafale. :D :D

Just getting a bit emotional here. I love that plane :)
Comparing these planes "Technically" may not be of much imoirtance now, as IAF has selected both as meeting it's requirement. If. I'm correct ,
ok u r right but it was just a last minute refresher for everyone :D
IAF has not graded the planes. Now , the ONLY deciding factor is Price AND the KICKBACK to Congress.
well brother which ever jet india choses i am happy ,but for god's sake i dont want any another great another congress 2G scam on this deal :fie:as it would further delay our MMRCA procurement
god almight did you see the IAF 2020 vision

PAK FA ,, mmrca typhoon,,, SU30MKI ,,,, & lca TEJAS. wat cool sight & thought

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