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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

Absolutely not.

I refute this charge entirely.

No one becomes a 'radical' because of someone. Only masks fall off.
I have seen your other posts, so you can't escape the "radical" term for your behaviour. You're a radical and a very dangerous one (if you're real).
Absolutely not.

I refute this charge entirely.

No one becomes a 'radical' because of someone. Only masks fall off.

I have also often supported India.

Nation states come much later in my list 'to care about'. People come first.

I think that is good. Don't you?

No I don't believe in the teachings of the Quran.
excused the greatest of hate against Hindus ....
No one can accuse me of that. I have no record of spreading hatred against people. This is uncalled for.

No I don't believe in the teachings of the Quran.
When did I ask you to believe?

Why did you drag it in our discussion? What is the relevance and context?

Refugee? I was born in India
Offsprings of Rohingya refugees are considered to be refugee.

You can always go back to Bangladesh or West Bangladesh if you don't want to be called that.

W E L L - if you insist. If I am mistaken about your being a liar, you must have told the truth here.
There you go. Makes you happy, doesn't it?
I really am neither. Try again, and use a cookie cutter that is more varied.
What you are is pretty obvious, don't lie to yourself. A Bengal beef eating intellectual who will defend Muslims to look 'cool' and 'sophisticated'.

This is the reason why you are the only Indian who never gets banned. Your an asset to Pakistan and Islamic world
I was going on the basis of '...if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....' I know padamchen, I now think I know Afrazul Mandal, I don't know you, and I don't believe you are real.
How great of you to dismiss me as a 'real' person. It's great to know that you are playing God now.

I am not at the helm.
Yes you are. The likes of you are a part of the ruling elite.

Don't be modest. Don't forfeit your right to insult lower beings like me.
Offsprings of Rohingya refugees are considered to be refugee.

Neither of my parents was a Rohingya refugee. Why are you babbling? :D

You can always go back to Bangladesh or West Bangladesh if you don't want to be called that.

And I can always stay right where I am, where scumbags are kicked in their backside and sent on their way.

There you go. Makes you happy, doesn't it?

Whenever I have to squelch ticks and insects, I am happy. Something deeply satisfying about the popping.

What you are is pretty obvious, don't lie to yourself. A Bengal beef eating intellectual who will defend Muslims to look 'cool' and 'sophisticated'.

I don't defend Muslims, I oppose attacking them. Subtle difference, lost on fat-headed fringe elements. And, oh, I am cool and sophisticated; easy enough to look it.

This is the reason why you are the only Indian who never gets banned. Your an asset to Pakistan and Islamic world

A bit flattering, but who am I to oppose public opinion?

How great of you to dismiss me as a 'real' person. It's great to know that you are playing God now.

I am not yet sure that you are not somebody's enormous joke on the forum. You are too plastic and two-dimensional, something from a script.

Yes you are. The likes of you are a part of the ruling elite.

Don't be modest. Don't forfeit your right to insult lower beings like me.

Umm, that's socially; my sort doesn't get accepted into political circles. So even without that, we get to insult lower beings, NOT including you. YOU are a higher being; someone who gives so much innocent pleasure to others is an icon, not a lower being.

I have yet to meet someone so pleased with his role as the designated forum clown.:enjoy:
I donot consider myself....
Now I'm confused.

Just come clean already, are you that Brumby character from the twitters or no ?

You're behind a Pakistani Defensive wall of anonymity, no way you can be further compromised here just in case you are.

- your info did have that twitter handle listed.
- you have dropped, casually, that you're based down under.
- also requested me to edit out a post where your doxxed personal info (first name) was mentioned.

Now I'm confused.

Just come clean already, are you that Brumby character from the twitters or no ?

You're behind a Pakistani Defensive wall of anonymity, no way you can be further compromised here just in case you are.

- your info did have that twitter handle listed.
- you have dropped, casually, that you're based down under.
- also requested me to edit out a post where your doxxed personal info (first name) was mentioned.


Would-be great if some of us got an idea who your earlier Avatar was too.
Offsprings of Rohingya refugees are considered to be refugee.

You can always go back to Bangladesh or West Bangladesh if you don't want to be called that.

There you go. Makes you happy, doesn't it?

What you are is pretty obvious, don't lie to yourself. A Bengal beef eating intellectual who will defend Muslims to look 'cool' and 'sophisticated'.

This is the reason why you are the only Indian who never gets banned. Your an asset to Pakistan and Islamic world

How great of you to dismiss me as a 'real' person. It's great to know that you are playing God now.

Yes you are. The likes of you are a part of the ruling elite.

Don't be modest. Don't forfeit your right to insult lower beings like me.

You're back dude? Did you ever get circumcised?
Now I'm confused.

Just come clean already, are you that Brumby character from the twitters or no ?

You're behind a Pakistani Defensive wall of anonymity, no way you can be further compromised here just in case you are.

- your info did have that twitter handle listed.
- you have dropped, casually, that you're based down under.
- also requested me to edit out a post where your doxxed personal info (first name) was mentioned.

But he never contradicted himself; He always said he's brumby. So why's the confusion?

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