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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

Again, I'm.a dinosaur.

I dint do twitter.

But apparently he's brumboys of twitter. Exposed. But out of India.
This fool isn't brumboy. He is an impostor.

Brumboy's style was way different and refined

This Afrazul is 100 percent from India. If the admins check out his IP address. It would turn out to be an Indian location
This is our Maharastra police.

You sound like a naive person who has no idea how things work in India. No offence.

I have seen police standing as mute spectators when Muslims break the law.

Basic things like Muslims riding bikes without helmets, or doing bike stunts on roads.

Then we things heated you see Muslim mob allowed to go on a rampage or making terrorist threats without any consequences.

Would Akbaruddin Owaisi allowed to roam around freely in America if he had made a similar threat over there?

It's time for to attain mental maturity. Bait varun vatun gheu naki.
Damn! Imagine Hindus acting like this in Pakistan. Pakistan absolutely has no right to talk about tolerance of India. Thanks for sharing this.

But from your end, you should still have reported these guys.
Did not he said he was living in Australia on his twitter account? Also, on PDF he said "I don't live in India".

Afzul is a problem....Even i did not realize it till some one pointed his twitter handle...It is full of anti Hindu sentiment and cherry picking issues to get attention of broder Muslim countries to pressurize India...

So it does not matter if he is in in Australia..But he is an Indian origin person who is spewing hatred and our security agencies should act on him..
This fool isn't brumboy. He is an impostor.

Brumboy's style was way different and refined

This Afrazul is 100 percent from India. If the admins check out his IP address. It would turn out to be an Indian location

I used to engage with him.earlier.

He used to put on a vernacular English in his posts. Checkered lungi style.

Suddenly his English has improved. Definitely English medium, though more KV than Jesuit.
According to his twitter account (@brumbyoz), he's living in Australia from at least 2010. He also confessed the same on PDF in an encounter with me.
Any fool with average intellect could determine that Brumboyz and Afrazul were not the same person.

Anyone with a sane mind would have reported it, looks like a cooked up story.
Here comes the liberal Sanghi.

Indian police is the best. Totally unbiased, efficient and non corrupt. And Indians can easily approach them without risk of getting harassed.

It's Shining India, babeeeyyy!
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