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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

including Christians

then why are the Christians from Pakistan flocking to India?
I don't understand this?

Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc are not safe in India
But all these groups seems very eager to come to India from neighboring countries.

Can any "educated" person explain this to us evil Hindu Indians pls?
Allah jannat naseeb farmaye. Hamare liye dua karna wahan jakar
Aap kyun nahi pehle jannat jaate. Humko kyun bhej rahe ho pehle

LOL. Look at the TREND.

Yes. But at the same time get armed. Dont let Hindus in your locality and dont mix with them. For your own safety.
Aap ka bheja fry ho gaya hai. Aap mental khaane ilaaj karwao

If Muslims revolt in India like Kashmiris, the concentration of Indian armed forces will be decreased throughout India. Right now, they gather like hyenas anywhere because they have to control small parts of the country.

Indian Hindus are coward by nature. A few attacks like Taliban do in Afghanistan will put all the sanghis on continuous pissing, locked in the safety of their washrooms, so there will be no fear of mob lynchings anymore.

Remember, India is strong because of its economy. 15% population turning into freedom fighters will sink the economy, crash stock exchanges and reverse the flow of FDI. On top, there will be three neighboring governments fully supporting Indian Muslims' actions and some of the people will be joining them in their cause. Once this is achieved, their ultimate goal will not be far away at all.
Aap yeh kyu nhi samjhte ki yeh RSS ki planning hai Musalman hatyar uthaye fir unko army bulakar maar diya jaye aur Hindustan se bhaar nikal fir asaan hoga.

Hum bewakoof nahi jo RSS ki sazish kamyaab karde
then why are the Christians from Pakistan flocking to India?
I don't understand this?

Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc are not safe in India
But all these groups seems very eager to come to India from neighboring countries.

Can any "educated" person explain this to us evil Hindu Indians pls?
How many Pakistani christians have you seen flocking to India in the current scenario?
then why are the Christians from Pakistan flocking to India?
I don't understand this?

Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc are not safe in India
But all these groups seems very eager to come to India from neighboring countries.

Can any "educated" person explain this to us evil Hindu Indians pls?
Christians are also coming to India from Pakistan?
Post that proof here. We want to see.
Didn't Turks arrive too late in the 11th century? Brahmans had a head start of more than 1000+ years. How did 30% brahmans minority make life difficult for 50% buddhist majority? Invading turks could wipe out Buddhism but Brahmanism survived under their rule and became 80% in india today?
I will make a thread wth academic references from Western historians soon...But I will make the main points in a shorter post on this thread today
you have to do way more than kill a few scores of our paratroopers once every quarter...we donot underestimate your tenacity for this conflict, and we are ready to match it step by step....If we didnot lose Kashmir in the 90s, what chance is there now? given in a few years the whole demographics of Kashmir will change..before 2024...If Hindus feel that luminaries like @AfrazulMandal are even 1 percent of the Muslim population, then BJP will come back with 500 seats...India will make sure that its demographics have an overwhelming Dharmic majority for all time to come...If Indic philosophies have held sway in this land till now, it will continue to do so till the collapse of civilization and extinction of humanity
India didn't lose kashmir in 90's because it was an asymmetrical warfare. Imagine the condition of 90's in Kashmir and the invasion of Pakistani Armed Forces during that time. Would you still be sure that India wouldn't have lost Kashmir? You really think, you can change the demography while kashmiris silently watch you doing it. Hindus already are of the belief that Indian muslims are numero uno enemy of theirs thanks to whatsapp and media. Demographic change dont happen in a jiffy unless you want to unleash a genocide. And a genocide won't be a good news for Indian Hindus as well... Remember the recent Delhi Pogrom? Muslims gave a good fight on day 1 and many Hindus were slain, then Hindus returned with complete preparation and reinforcements along with active/passive support from Police. Tables were turned then...

Lot of material here to discuss, not enough time. I would like to address just one aspect here. The call for a separate Muslim homeland.

I am not in favor of a separate Muslim homeland in India. I don't think it is practical as there will always be some minority Muslims left in the Hindu state. Besides, there is no guarantee that a separate Muslim state would be a utopia. Yes, Muslims might not be killed and abused by Hindus anymore, but might have another ruling class that tramples on those very rights that we fight for.

I would rather fight for justice and equality within India, so that anyone, not just Muslim, is not subjected to arbitrary application or non-application of laws and rules; discrimination/killings/apathy on the basis of his religion or caste etc; and I could go on, you get the gist.

I know we are focused on the sufferings of Muslims in India. But that is symptomatic is the larger problem that ails India. Once all the Muslims are done away with, the abuse will carry on to the next class of people, whether they are Sikhs or Christians or Adivasis or Dalits.
That makes a lot of sense...:tup:
Cool story. Did you get your daily dose of Gowmutra today?

I am not sure what to make of your statement above. On one side you claim you are "avowedly secular" but still are giving preference to one religious tradition over the other?

If you just want Hindu (brahmin) supremacy, just say it. Don't beat around the bush trying say two words in a million lines.

I am a secular Hindu nationalist...I have no love lost for Brahmanism, but I will always have to make sure that philosophies that developed in-situ in India holds primacy...so for me Hindus that oppose Ahmaddiyya Islam should be given a good caning on their hindside ,....It is a form of Islam that the Indian state should invest billions of dollars in every year...for me the land is sacred, yeh bhagwan, devion,devataon mere liye koi maine nahin rakhte...pure racial Indic (Gangu) nationalism

West of jhelum and this area is different because it is dessert. Khushab, Mianwali, Bhakkar, Layyah Muzffargarh. In Jhang jhelum merges into Chenab then it becomes west of Chenab.

Thank You....there is a name for that desert right? @Talwar e Pakistan @Indus Pakistan @Sine Nomine
This desserts name is thal. Thal is Punjabi word for dessert. It includes Bhakkar Layyah Muzffargarh Khushab Mianwali and parts of Jhang district.

I think agriculture is a late import to these regions...most probably people would graze sheep and live stock herds by their thousands in these areas even a few hundred years back? am I right?

Why should we care about others if they dont care about us?

The ideal solution in my opinion should be the ruling of entire South Asia by Muslims. That will automatically ensure everything just. And the erasure of the entire Hindu past to prevent a resurgence in the future.

Can you tell that 'If Indic philosophies have held sway in this land till now, it will continue to do so till the collapse of civilization and extinction of humanity' to the Hindus of Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc?

LOL at your Hindu supermen concepts. Does not work in real life.

The only reason you are the masters now is because you have denied Muslims their fair share of political power. Once we get it, the natural order of things will be restored.

Keralites beg to differ it seems.

Hundreds have left and joined movements all over the world to fight for Ummah. Some may have done mistakes but the intention has always been there. This is the Truth for more than a century now starting with the martyrs of the Moplah Khilafat rebellion. Eventually North Kerala under Muslims should be given independence to manage its own culture and affairs.

We lost our outer posts to Central Asian Turks...I have no shame in accepting that steppe had an overwhelming superiority when it came to military resources, tactics, mobility etc...

I have got news for you ...this ain't the 14th century and you guys are not Turks..war doesnot depend anymore on the number of horses

and people like you seem to forget Maratha,Sikhs,Ahoms .....Islam was on its way out in India as a ruling power as nomadic empires lost their preeminence all around the world in 18th century

You are a Bengali Muslim...when was the last time you did something that left hundreds of Hindus dead in West Bengal?

There is no need for reform if something is perfect genius.

Your reform movements continue because Hindus know that their religion is f***ed up.

Yes, point 2 and 3 sound good.

Point 3 is utopian and mostly propaganda but there are many non Muslim girls willing to marry Muslims. This should be encouraged. the reverse, thankfully almost never happens.

Islam is perfect. No reform is needed. Thank you.

All concepts have been laid out by Allah Swt. You are no one to question that.

Create your own Muslim free country and decide things for yourself and let us be.


Thank you.

We already have a higher birthrate but even that is falling now.

Moving to Pakistani adjacent areas is not possible as the most Islamophobic people (Sikhs, Rajputs and Gujjus) live in the bordering states.

Hence I was wondering if the East is a better option, bordering Bangladesh.

Everybody wants to be free.

A few (like me) want all of India to ourselves.

They will be jailed. (for becoming atheists-->in parenthesis my addition)

If they become a Hindu, they should be tried for demeaning Allah's Law and if convicted may be given life imprisonment or death sentence. Of course, if he repents he can be released.

Any philosophy whose whole premise rests on supernatural events is imperfect. PERIOD

Thank You for being honest..We know what awaits us if we lose this fight..we cannot afford to lose

India didn't lose kashmir in 90's because it was an asymmetrical warfare. Imagine the condition of 90's in Kashmir and the invasion of Pakistani Armed Forces during that time. Would you still be sure that India wouldn't have lost Kashmir? You really think, you can change the demography while kashmiris silently watch you doing it. Hindus already are of the belief that Indian muslims are numero uno enemy of theirs thanks to whatsapp and media. Demographic change dont happen in a jiffy unless you want to unleash a genocide. And a genocide won't be a good news for Indian Hindus as well... Remember the recent Delhi Pogrom? Muslims gave a good fight on day 1 and many Hindus were slain, then Hindus returned with complete preparation and reinforcements along with active/passive support from Police. Tables were turned then...

That makes a lot of sense...:tup:

Okay let me make this clear...Even when I am an atheist who doesnot believe in pre existence before birth or exisence after death..This is a land for which I will fight for..This is a land whose legacy runs through my blood..
Even if they do horrible things to my mother in front of my own eyes, I won't budge regarding this land..EVen if they do horrible things to my wife, I won't budge regarding this land..even if they castrate me, I won't budge regarding this land..even if they blind me I won't budge regarding this land

Do I love Brahmanism? Hell No
Do I believe Buddhism should hold say on around 30-50 percent of the population? Hell Yes

Do I believe Islam, a foreign philosophy to the subcontinent, should hold primacy over India? If you can achieve that killing a billion+ Hindus, then sure try your luck....The only form of Islam acceptable to present Hindus (Indics) is Ahmadiyya...I am all for promotion of Ahmadiyya among Hindus as well as the existing Muslims of India

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Nope because you adhere to a philosophy that originated outside of the subcontinent..when you yourself originate from the subcontinent as well as the philosophy you adhere to originate from the subcontinent--->you are a Hindu ...Now what you think as Hindu has a precise term in academia----Brahmanism

As if we can't do the same ...You bore me, boi
Dont be bored, i have just shown you your bright future.
VHP, Bajrang Dal etc are also there

The great Calcutta Killing?

Yeah and there was no repurcussion? Did Kolkata come under the Bengali muslims? No

We as Hindus have racial respect for medieval horseborne Turkic nomads..if new Bengali converts think they have the Turkic military magic, they are sorely mistaken

Dont be bored, i have just shown you your bright future.

Your future will be as bright as Christmas

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