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A Historical Fact We should Proud of

shehbazi, would you also dispel the myths about tipu sultan fighting east india company for muslim unity?
Perhaps the most imporant battle, and the foundation of the British Empire was that of Plassey, in Bengal 1757.

The British were hopelessly outnumbered, and looked set for defeat. However, the deceit of the powerful Mir Jafar and others like RAja krishna nath, meant that they fled the battlefield at an opportune moment, to let the British in through the flanks.

That treachery is famous in literature.

Nadir Shah was a great calamity too, no doubt.
he was fighting East India Company to save his kingdom and his ppl. he was not working for any muslim unity. if I am wrong do correct me with details.

Tipu was part of an armed struggle against the foreign occupation power, thats British East India Company, who came here to do trade only. Tipu had links with other rulers of the time and the purpose was to strengthen the local forces.

Tipu was in contact with Amir of Afghanistan and King of France. After the death of Haider Ali and in the reign of Tipu, the french support diminished as they concluded a treaty with the British and french territories that were safe for Tipu like Pondicherry also went to British hands and odds jumped up from heavy to heavier.

For this purpose, Tipu knew that there is ONE MAN that can do it. That was Amir of AFGHANISTAN. India has been ruled for ages by Afghans. Tipu sent several delegations to the court of Zaman Shah and Zaman did cross the Indus several times but due to a multitude of factors could not reach Delhi.
Had Zaman Shah arrived at the scene of Delhi, the history may have been different.

British were happy with the role of Ranjit Singh, who was holding back afghans in Punjab in the time when British power was still not sufficient to tackle threats from all sides.

Only afghans were a formidable force in this whole region that potentially could have routed the British. It was only Afghan power that finished the Marhatta power in one single blow at Panipat. Ahmed shah Abdali routed Marhattas but did not occupy Delhi throne. Ahmed shah came to rescue muslims of India.

When British came to India, they duly recognised that the main danger to their kingdom would be AFGHANs. They started a multi-pronged strategy to keep afghans busy in Afghanistan only. They created tensions between Iran and Afghanistan by fueling the fire and then taking the side of one against the other over the issue of city of Herat.

British supported Afghan govt over the Herat issue and in return, Dost Mohammad, Amir of Afghanistan, concluded a treaty of no-aggression with British just before the 1857 rebellion. To me, the greatest reason that muslims did not succeed in their freedom war was the absence of afghan factor.
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Also it seems to me that the "Great Game" between Russia and British was some kind of understanding to keep Afghanistan entangled in its own security problems. At that time Czars ruled Russia and we can't say that British did not want spread of Communism. Apparently British wanted to limit the sphere of Russian influence and thus used this as an excuse for intervention in Afghan affairs.

Just one correction to my previous post is that although the Ahmed Shah did not occupy Delhi throne in the aftermath of his grand victory at Panipat in 1761, it seems that he did take the Punjab and NW Frontier region from mughals and reinstated his son Timur as governor of Punjab.
Tipu was part of an armed struggle against the foreign occupation power, thats British East India Company, who came here to do trade only. Tipu had links with other rulers of the time and the purpose was to strengthen the local forces.

Tipu was in contact with Amir of Afghanistan and King of France. After the death of Haider Ali and in the reign of Tipu, the french support diminished as they concluded a treaty with the British and french territories that were safe for Tipu like Pondicherry also went to British hands and odds jumped up from heavy to heavier.

For this purpose, Tipu knew that there is ONE MAN that can do it. That was Amir of AFGHANISTAN. India has been ruled for ages by Afghans. Tipu sent several delegations to the court of Zaman Shah and Zaman did cross the Indus several times but due to a multitude of factors could not reach Delhi.
Had Zaman Shah arrived at the scene of Delhi, the history may have been different.

British were happy with the role of Ranjit Singh, who was holding back afghans in Punjab in the time when British power was still not sufficient to tackle threats from all sides.

Only afghans were a formidable force in this whole region that potentially could have routed the British. It was only Afghan power that finished the Marhatta power in one single blow at Panipat. Ahmed shah Abdali routed Marhattas but did not occupy Delhi throne. Ahmed shah came to rescue muslims of India.

When British came to India, they duly recognised that the main danger to their kingdom would be AFGHANs. They started a multi-pronged strategy to keep afghans busy in Afghanistan only. They created tensions between Iran and Afghanistan by fueling the fire and then taking the side of one against the other over the issue of city of Herat.

British supported Afghan govt over the Herat issue and in return, Dost Mohammad, Amir of Afghanistan, concluded a treaty of no-aggression with British just before the 1857 rebellion. To me, the greatest reason that muslims did not succeed in their freedom war was the absence of afghan factor.

wasnt ranjit singh ruling over afghanistan at that time?
shehbazi, would you also dispel the myths about tipu sultan fighting east india company for muslim unity?

Tipu was in contact with any ruler, irrespective of his religion, who was ready to make alliance against British.

Although Marhatta rulers of Central/southern India did fight against Tipu on several occasions but in the last fight, it were not Marhattas but the muslim armies of Hyderabad, who fought against Tipu.

Tipu tried many times to befriend the Hyderabad rulers but in vain.

In case of Tipu Sultan, its an historical fact that it were muslim armies of Hyderabad who fought against Tipu in alliance with British in the LAST and FOURTH war of Mysore in 1799. The Marhatta (Hindu) rulers did not fight against Tipu in this last war, in which Tipu lost his life, kingdom and his race too.

Princess Noor, descendant of Tipu, worked for the British Intelligence in WW2 in France against Germans.
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wasnt ranjit singh ruling over afghanistan at that time?

I think Sikhs advanced till Jamrud and tried to move forward but were defeated by Afghans at Landikotal. Later on, Sikh General Hari Singh Nalwa was also killed at Jamrud battle by troops of Dost Mohammad, Afghan Amir.

I dont know and I dont think that sikhs went till Kabul, let alone Afghanistan.

Do share if you have some other information.
I hope our Indian brothers dont hate Iran because of what Nadir Shah has done? :S
Lets not forget Saladin! Kurd commander of Muslim army! :D

Salahuddin is a chapter of muslim history worth studying, especially for future leaders. We can't exactly say that he was commander of muslim army, because he was not a caliph. Yet it was his ardent desire to unite the muslim powers of at least the Middle East, North Africa and Spain.

During the crusades, the supplies were coming through Europe and crusading armadas were coming through Mediterranian and ships had to pass through a narrow stretch of sea between Gibraltar and Morroco. If the Moorish govt of Spain had done a naval blockade of crusader ships, Saladin's job would have been much easy.

Saladin requested the muslim ruler of Spain to do some resistance to the crusader ships that were passing by his territorial waters, but Al-Andalusian govt refused. They did not help Saladin.

After sometime, when the crusaders turned to Spain, no one came to the rescue of Al-Andalus and its rulers.
He was the supreme Sultan. The caliphate by that time had becoem powerless and irrelevant, a figure head whose rule extended to the environs of Baghdad. The other FAtimid caliphate in Egypt was also on its last legs.

The thing that Salahuddin first had to do, was fight muslims. He had to unite Syria and Egypt, Iraq, etc, before he could tackle the crusaders. The muslim princedoms and amirdoms at the time were constantly squabbling, which is what gave the crusaders and later the tartars/mongols the chance to strike.
not really, as many people are proud of Salahuddin's achievements, whose actions directly affected the course of even Subcontinental history.
Tipu Sultan was hyped up by the british becauce they beat him......anybody the british beat was a great warrior but anybody that defeated the british is never mentioned or given a high regard in western history.......the only exception being sallaudin.
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