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A gold-plated gun and $20 billion: How Pakistan could get sucked into the Saudi-Iran rivalry

like how a few billion GCC money can always, I mean always buy the opinion of Pakistanis

I like how few MILLION INDIAN RUPEES CAN BUY AN IRANIAN GOVERNMENT. Especially give our enemies a free hand jus for a few million indian rupees shows how low u people can go

@I S I @Tps43
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I have absolutely zero problems with Pakistan having relations with GCC or whatever it wants, I don't even care. My main problem is how Pakistani members react toward Iran every time something like that happens, Saudis investing here and there. All this suddenly Iran becoming bad Saudis becoming angels.

Well that worked out so well with Taliban. :)
Lol, the Taliban won, where have u been these past months?
I have absolutely zero problems with Pakistan having relations with GCC or whatever it wants, I don't even care. My main problem is how Pakistani members react toward Iran every time something like that happens, Saudis investing here and there. All this suddenly Iran becoming bad Saudis becoming angels.

Political workers are like that you know. Just a phase. Will pass
Iran don't have a problem with Pakistan. Our problem is Sawdi funded jesh adl terrorists group hiding in your hills and the drug and illegal weapons smugglers operating in the border area.

There is no other issue to discuss.
Iran don't have a problem with Pakistan. Our problem is Sawdi funded jesh adl terrorists group hiding in your hills and the drug and illegal weapons smugglers operating in the border area.

There is no other issue to discuss.
Pakistan doesnt have a problem with Iran either, our problem is Indian agents hiding in Iran running BLA netwroks from there in Balochistan and oil smuglers from iran who hurt our economy.
What happened to all the money they invested in you in the 80's and 90's?

Was that a good investment?...... lol

You think this time around you're getting a fair deal? No strings attached? .....lol

No such thing as a free lunch.

So you want Pakistan to completely isolate itself from the Arab world? Why cant they invest their money in Pakistan?
1St News: Mr bone saw coming to pakistan and invest 20 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: saudis are angles, iranians are devils, they have economical relationship with our enemy india.

2nd News:after visiting pakistan, Mr bone saw immediately going to india and invest 100 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: it is just a tiny economical relationship. Saudis can have relations with whoever they want. The right devils are iranian. We should nuke iran
I stopped reading when it said there is no economic benefit for the Saudis, i mean seriously? CPEC is going to be the next big thing in this region and Saudis are no fools not to realize it.
Besides why should Pakistan carter to what Iranians think when Iran does not carter to what Pakistan thinks when it comes to India. As long as Iran does not let its soil used against Pakistan, we will not let our soil to be used against Iran either. No amount of dollars can substitute to an unstable neighbor and we know that from our experience with Afghanistan. However if Iran decides otherwise than Pakistan is neither Syria nor Yemen. This much has been made clear directly to India and indirectly to Iran.
Actually Pakistan had no other option but to join the side . By joining Saudi block Pakistan can expect large investment from gulf country which is essential for Pakistan . If Pakistan can play both side without annoying Iran would be better but as a cash strap country no option .

Cash strapped???????.....really????..........the ONLY nation on earth that can thrash and humiliate an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than itself, who is also receiving huge billions in investment from a global superpower is hardly "cash strapped".........:azn:
1St News: Mr bone saw coming to pakistan and invest 20 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: saudis are angles, iranians are devils, they have economical relationship with our enemy india.

2nd News:after visiting pakistan, Mr bone saw immediately going to india and invest 100 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: it is just a tiny economical relationship. Saudis can have relations with whoever they want. The right devils are iranian. We should nuke iran

Don't confuse both, Pakistanis got angry when you barking dogs whom you call Generals (never heard such threatning speeches from professional soldiers) started to bark against Pakistan when the situation was tense on eastern border with india. your rogue Generals and friends in India were singing in same tune against PAKISTAN.

Nothing to do with Saudi visit, As I said earlier we ara least concerned about your tribal ME wars, same as you care about conflict between north Korea and south korea, go kill each other.. but first build wall/fence on Pakistani borders.
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1St News: Mr bone saw coming to pakistan and invest 20 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: saudis are angles, iranians are devils, they have economical relationship with our enemy india.

2nd News:after visiting pakistan, Mr bone saw immediately going to india and invest 100 billion $
Pakistanis reaction: it is just a tiny economical relationship. Saudis can have relations with whoever they want. The right devils are iranian. We should nuke iran

Us Pakistanis have NO hatred towards Iran or it's people. We would NEVER wish ill on you. We would NEVER attack you. It's the Israelis and the Zionists who want to nuke Iran, NOT Pakistan. NEVER forget that. We are NOT your enemy.
Why don’t Iran just fence and monitor border then? I do not understand what stop them from their side.

They don't understand logic, their Mullah only taught them few words about Pakistan like zionists, Wahhabis, CIA, Martian, money, agents (all against holy Iran).
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