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A Girl Walks Around Mumbai For 10 Hours. And Proves That Not All Men Are The Same.

when did we boost or implied that we are the champions in women safety?- all are commenting on the video- are you thinking from your behind Sir?-
If you'll go through the thread you'll get what you looking for.
These problems are usually common in Kerala , West Bengal , Mizoram , Delhi and U.P . Its usually safe in most other places .. Mizoram and West Bengal are insanely high due to illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants

I partly agree with you, this issues are reported in kerala. ( i donot know much about other states), we have huge population of workers from Bihar, bengal,jharkand and other north east states, but in most of the cases the culprits are locals......
So that mean she deserved to be abused on air? plenty of such videos are there about Pakistanis harassing on air. You ain't angels your just ignoring the elephant in the room.

We are not, but I would rather you preach this moral in advance countries like UK, USA etc and I will see what responses you get.

Also, your comparison is completely flawed and against human psychology. Sorry but Indian women in the videos were not attractive ET ALL to get the attention of passers-by. The Pakistnani video you've posted to get thumb ups is having a woman who is known for her provocative gestures and manners. Other than that she was trying to pull him out. Lastly, it was NOT a harassment, was it? Get some brownie points from fellow Indians and be happy.
If you'll go through the thread you'll get what you looking for.
how about growing up the balls and talk rubbish directly to the ones who are boosting about somethings- as you say-
why wasting my time and eating my brain?- i am not the one doing it-
2 mistakes:

1. she wasnt much of a looker
2. if you want results, try this stunt in delhi, not mumbai.
...and that too at night time.....in some occasion when there is partying and drinking all around.
not having the guts to talk to her
your point is right here. you talking about "talking to her" before that just ask them to try to sit on "ladies reserve" seats in BEST buses then you will know what kindda guts they need to have to do that.
Have u been to Mumbai????? Ladies here will kick your a$$ if u try to get smart and then men around you will join the kicking too.:lol:
Trust me i live in the city.:partay:.....IT'S NOT DELHI.
how about growing up the balls and talk rubbish directly to the ones who are boosting about somethings- as you say-

I don't mean to be an a$s, and I apologize in advance...

it's 'Boasting', not 'boosting'. Thanks.
We are not, but I would rather you preach this moral in advance countries like UK, USA etc and I will see what responses you get.

Also, your comparison is completely flawed and against human psychology. Sorry but Indian women in the videos were not attractive ET ALL to get the attention of passers-by. The Pakistnani video you've posted to get thumb ups is having a woman who is known for her provocative gestures and manners. Other than that she was trying to pull him out. Lastly, it was NOT a harassment, was it? Get some brownie points from fellow Indians and be happy.
Where does the preaching part comes in here? I am just showing the mirror to people claiming it just happens in India.

If not every women is attractive or a provocateur then the ugly ones across the border must be encouraged to not wear a Burkha, because she is aesthetically incapable to garner enough attention of passwers-by to arouse them. Pakistan is no better than India when it comes to treating the women, the only difference between you and us is we acknowledge whats wrong with our society and trying to work on it whereas you guys try to put it under the rug.
how about growing up the balls and talk rubbish directly to the ones who are boosting about somethings- as you say-
why wasting my time and eating my brain?- i am not the one doing it-
Why you wanna use my balls to shy away from the issue .. you are the one who is incapable of digesting what the video showed. not me.
Friends stop getting personal and discuss the subject, rather than making it usual thu thu mein mein..........
Why you wanna use my balls to shy away from the issue .. you are the one who is incapable of digesting what the video showed. not me.
Lol- so its me now- you look so emotionally disturbed- is it that time of the month again?- :lol:-
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