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A Formidable Enemy-The ‘good’ Taliban join forces with the ‘bad’ Taliban

See the ostriches with their heads in the sand?

I am. Right now.

I'll await any article by you suggesting that Omar is spending all his time in Afghanistan.

You've admitted the possibility, which was my purpose. You're incapable of addressing the issues I've raised, the deliberations I've made in regards to my views. That much is clear. I'll give you ‘anecdotal’ articles given your sudden taste for them. Until then, substantiate the rants, or dont rant.

Excellent debate.

I side with the 'there is no good Taliban' theory. Here's my argument.

1. The ruling ideology of Aghanistan will permeate into Pakistan. That's a fact. If the ruling ideology is Talibani, that's the ideology that will come hot and heavy across your borders. More so, given the porous western border.

2. Mullah Omar may be fine by your standards; what about the lads that follow him? Think a few decades from now. Chances are the next fellow is going to be a bit more extreme.

3. There is a high chance that those Pakistanis influenced, especially on the Western borders, by this ideology will look at their country and think, I should get a piece of that. Over years and decades. By force if necessary. As they are doing now.

Who would you rather have breathing sweet nothings in the Pakistani Pashtun or Baloch's ears? A businessman or a Taliban?

4. Are Pakistanis prepared to accept this potential blowback for decades to come and the consequent changes in your way of life?

Nation states are made secure by having neighbours that follow middle of the road policies.

You aren't acceptable. Your archaic, brutal vision isn't acceptable. Your cowardly attacks on civilians aren't acceptable. For all those reasons (and more) we wish to kill men like yourself.

Do you object to such? If so, I wish that you'd find the courage of your convictions and march to Afghanistan with a weapon in hand. Can you do so?:agree:

That would be helpful to everybody concerned, I believe, and would please me greatly. I'll look forward to your posts as never before if so.:)

That's a bit over the top, S2. A WD-40 oiled, power train driven, full blown rant if I can call it that. :enjoy:

Carry on guys.
Others have covered the topic far better than i could just a quick question.
Fundamentalist, by saying all arabs are too stupid to accomplish anything important arent you being a little disrespectfull of the prophet?
Excellent debate.
I side with the 'there is no good Taliban' theory. Here's my argument.

I have some queries.

1. Hamid Karzai is closer to India or pakistan? & Mullah Omar is closer to pakistan or india?

2. how was our western border when Taliban were ruling for 5-7 yrs? How is now for 8 yrs, after the rule of US+NATO+United northern front? & how you expect after removing US+Nato+taliban it will be?

3. Does taliban has any issue with duedrant line? Does karzai have?

4. Pakistan establishment support who more taliban or united northern front? And who support more to pakistani establishment?

Do analyze this based on the facts and figures, rather then assuming things.
Kasrkin :guns:
i thaught of u very highly...
but ur reply have left me with nothing else 2 say but that ur awesome, ur the best moderator ever, u r my ideal....
I want 2 be friends with u, i want 2 meet u...
where do u live?
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Others have covered the topic far better than i could just a quick question.
Fundamentalist, by saying all arabs are too stupid to accomplish anything important arent you being a little disrespectfull of the prophet?

Read my post again, not used word stupid , actually used word not too much intelligent to understand moves of enemy because of their ignorance of western politics, their dictator kept them back work because it is their need to extend their rule.

Every kid born with good intellegence but environment made him intelligent or duffer .I hope you understand my point.
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