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A Curse



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May 23, 2017
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Iam a simple man living in a society which is becoming modern day by day. I have given the title as A CURSE so that I can have discussion on a biasness based on gender.this time it is not about women,its about other half of population -Males.
Today in country like India which is getting modern day by day by adopting western culture and adopting women friendly policies,The issue of women empowerment is everywhere in social media . Observing all these I can say that now it is becoming common to say that women can do anything that a man can do-This statement itself shows lack knowledge of people about the limits of both man and woman. They say that females can outplay males in any field.Females should be given same salary as males are given .
My simple question is why not have cricket match between Indian men team and Indian women team and then result will tell who is better. Why not have any sports event between these and let the result decide who is better. Lets talk about other fields -
worlds best businessman is male ,I can say top-10 are males , top-10 Iq people have only 1 female . Top chef - A Male. Best Scientists are males.
But if I say these things to women she will say -"WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THESE LEGENDS".
OH means legends are made by birth.This statement only shows lack debating skills of women.
I accept this fact but i have another fact that any persons body's 70-90% DNA consist of father's DNA and not mothers. Can i conclude from this fact that legends are made by men's cells only and not by women's cells?I will not Iam not that dumb. I just want to say that we should accept on how nature has made us and should do things which are beyond our reach.
I am not misogynist and I respect them too.but saying women is equal to men is wrong .The correct statement can be All are human beings and nature has given what needs to be done make human life to sustain in this planet. Women have their own abilities and man have their own.
I would say there should be common fess structure.common education system,common sports facilities for both of them and let the performance decide their fees.
I know that Countries like India need women empowerment but it does not means that saying other half is weak will make you strong.
Today india has so many facilities given to women such that if they shout in public place and point to any random man that he molested her , there can serious charges on him.
In Pakistan also this song of making males weak psychologically by saying women empowerment in their ears loudly again again is being sung by some authorities whose main aim is to earn money and make profits out of such issues.
Here world's best in each field and judge my thought
1-Cristiano ronaldo/lionel messi -football.
2.Chess-Viswanathan Anand/MAgnus Carlson
3.Cricket -Many are their SA chin ,Waseem ,Ponting,Warne many are there ..
BIll gates,Amancia Ortega,warren buffet.etc etc
Iq-Stephen Hawking,Alber einstein ,only 1 women in top 10 that too is chess player
best painter- A male-Leonadro DA vinci,Vincent van etc etc
best in literature are also males, best chef is male.

Now what is left .. After seeing this I say women empowerment is needed ,but men are not weak or a substance that society and authorities will igonre and will not make policies which do not benefit them.
Using sports as a deciding factor is extremely stupid. Women and men have different bodies, men have stronger muscles and greater stamina. You can't take two different type of bodies and make them compete.
Using sports as a deciding factor is extremely stupid. Women and men have different bodies, men have stronger muscles and greater stamina. You can't take two different type of bodies and make them compete.
then why these feminists are demanding equal fees?
And iam not talking only about Sports,what about other fields?
Iam a simple man living in a society which is becoming modern day by day. I have given the title as A CURSE so that I can have discussion on a biasness based on gender.this time it is not about women,its about other half of population -Males.
Today in country like India which is getting modern day by day by adopting western culture and adopting women friendly policies,The issue of women empowerment is everywhere in social media . Observing all these I can say that now it is becoming common to say that women can do anything that a man can do-This statement itself shows lack knowledge of people about the limits of both man and woman. They say that females can outplay males in any field.Females should be given same salary as males are given .
My simple question is why not have cricket match between Indian men team and Indian women team and then result will tell who is better. Why not have any sports event between these and let the result decide who is better. Lets talk about other fields -
worlds best businessman is male ,I can say top-10 are males , top-10 Iq people have only 1 female . Top chef - A Male. Best Scientists are males.
But if I say these things to women she will say -"WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THESE LEGENDS".
OH means legends are made by birth.This statement only shows lack debating skills of women.
I accept this fact but i have another fact that any persons body's 70-90% DNA consist of father's DNA and not mothers. Can i conclude from this fact that legends are made by men's cells only and not by women's cells?I will not Iam not that dumb. I just want to say that we should accept on how nature has made us and should do things which are beyond our reach.
I am not misogynist and I respect them too.but saying women is equal to men is wrong .The correct statement can be All are human beings and nature has given what needs to be done make human life to sustain in this planet. Women have their own abilities and man have their own.
I would say there should be common fess structure.common education system,common sports facilities for both of them and let the performance decide their fees.
I know that Countries like India need women empowerment but it does not means that saying other half is weak will make you strong.
Today india has so many facilities given to women such that if they shout in public place and point to any random man that he molested her , there can serious charges on him.
In Pakistan also this song of making males weak psychologically by saying women empowerment in their ears loudly again again is being sung by some authorities whose main aim is to earn money and make profits out of such issues.
Here world's best in each field and judge my thought
1-Cristiano ronaldo/lionel messi -football.
2.Chess-Viswanathan Anand/MAgnus Carlson
3.Cricket -Many are their SA chin ,Waseem ,Ponting,Warne many are there ..
BIll gates,Amancia Ortega,warren buffet.etc etc
Iq-Stephen Hawking,Alber einstein ,only 1 women in top 10 that too is chess player
best painter- A male-Leonadro DA vinci,Vincent van etc etc
best in literature are also males, best chef is male.

Now what is left .. After seeing this I say women empowerment is needed ,but men are not weak or a substance that society and authorities will igonre and will not make policies which do not benefit them.

What a sexist thread. What's wrong with equal pay?

then why these feminists are demanding equal fees?
And iam not talking only about Sports,what about other fields?
so a woman surgeon should make less than a male surgeon simply because she is a woman?
What a sexist thread. What's wrong with equal pay?

so a woman surgeon should make less than a male surgeon simply because she is a woman?
No i never said that ,read whole post please, I said fees according performance not according to gender.
And what is so much sexist in the thread?
Men and women were created unequal by nature, in height, in size of brain, in capability, in capacity. Who the hell are we to call them equal ?
Men and women were created unequal by nature, in height, in size of brain, in capability, in capacity. Who the hell are we to call them equal ?
Actually instead of searching real answers to problems related to female backwardness feminist just say men only got power and stamina and brain is with women.... what bullshit is this.
Women have some qualities too, like making babies and taking care of next generation
Women have some qualities too, like making babies and taking care of next generation
When I denied this fact.Women have many qualities than men do not have.
But all these new authorities saying bullshit about women empowerment is baseless and unproductive.
When I denied this fact.Women have many qualities than men do not have.
But all these new authorities saying bullshit about women empowerment is baseless and unproductive.
Women empowerment a Jewish/Zionist/Freemason agenda to disrupt the world peace. Please refer to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". They claim its a fake document but the world history of last 300 years proves that the document is 100% true.
This thread is the most idiotic I have seen on PDF as of now, and I have seen quite a few idiotic threads....

The three morons who have vented their frustration at women's equality need to wake up to the fact that empowering women is the greatest achievement of the twentieth century. If women had the same opportunities as men have had throughout history, the world would be a very different place today.

As for @Aasimkhan ...so you have done some rather scientific analysis and concluded that women lagging behind in certain areas shows that they are only good for producing babies and managing the house? Let's see...

I can think of one community of 1.7 billion which is way behind Western women in every area of achievement, including almost all the men in that community. Guess which one it is? So kindly apply your great understanding to your own issues and arrive at some conclusions. I am sure you will see a great Zionist conspiracy there as well.

Pathetic human.
This thread is the most idiotic I have seen on PDF as of now, and I have seen quite a few idiotic threads....

The three morons who have vented their frustration at women's equality need to wake up to the fact that empowering women is the greatest achievement of the twentieth century. If women had the same opportunities as men have had throughout history, the world would be a very different place today.

As for @Aasimkhan ...so you have done some rather scientific analysis and concluded that women lagging behind in certain areas shows that they are only good for producing babies and managing the house? Let's see...

I can think of one community of 1.7 billion which is way behind Western women in every area of achievement, including almost all the men in that community. Guess which one it is? So kindly apply your great understanding to your own issues and arrive at some conclusions. I am sure you will see a great Zionist conspiracy there as well.

Pathetic human.
Apply it on the other 1.3 Billion (aspiring super power) and the results you will find even more pathetic than the 1.7 Billion one.

This thread is the most idiotic I have seen on PDF as of now, and I have seen quite a few idiotic threads....

The three morons who have vented their frustration at women's equality need to wake up to the fact that empowering women is the greatest achievement of the twentieth century. If women had the same opportunities as men have had throughout history, the world would be a very different place today.

As for @Aasimkhan ...so you have done some rather scientific analysis and concluded that women lagging behind in certain areas shows that they are only good for producing babies and managing the house? Let's see...

I can think of one community of 1.7 billion which is way behind Western women in every area of achievement, including almost all the men in that community. Guess which one it is? So kindly apply your great understanding to your own issues and arrive at some conclusions. I am sure you will see a great Zionist conspiracy there as well.

Pathetic human.
And the discussion had nothing to do with religion, I dont know why you tried to label it on a religion, shows your bias.
feminism is to break families, to tax the women and depopulation program.
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