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A Curse


What you are saying is partially true. There are lot of feminists and pussy-whipped males that say that women can overtake men in any field. You also bring up some valid points about women screaming about some male violating them and then hoards of pussy-whipped beta males descending upon the accused man. But as @abdulbarijan pointed out, you need to word your argument better. Do not try to show that women are inferior (frankly, I don't believe they are inferior either). In general, I am not sure what causes you to get into such arguments. It would be useful to know the prelude to such arguments so that we know what sort of counter-arguments would work in your situation. What you need to respond with are counter-arguments that question the original statements in a non-aggressive way. In general, try to show how their arguments are bad with respect to the concept of "equality" rather than showing women are inferior.

For example:

1) "females can outplay males in any field" -> This is more a way to encourage women to get into fields women traditionally don't get into, than a shot at men. I don't think very many people would take this statement seriously, especially those that have worked in the industry for years. I'd say just ignore this statement unless someone is saying this as a way to take shots at men.

If someone is using this as a shot at men, call this out as sexist and misandrist, and ask them where this has happened, and that they don't actually have any data to back this statement up. If they point out that women have been traditionally not encouraged to get an education and work, you can point out that even after they were, they are still far behind men in a lot of fields. They will keep coming back with arguments about women not being encouraged from childhood about engineering and stuff, then you can ask them them to not make such silly statements until they have decided that have been properly encouraged, etc.

2) "Females should be given same salary as males are given ." -> This is actually a fair ask, but it's not based on reality. Basically every study has shown that the reason why women make less is due to their own choices. Their career choice, experience, taking time off work, wanting easy careers, not doing dangerous jobs (that pay more), etc. And perhaps the biggest one of all: women tend not to negotiate their salary, whereas men do this far far more. That alone would probably account for half the difference in salaries. Ask them that if women were paid less, why are companies not hiring women more since it would be cheaper. Every time they say something made up like "men want to hire people like themselves", ask them for data proving it. Feminists use these non-falsifiable statements a lot and you want to jump on them to ensure that they are not making shit up that sounds good to them.

3) "WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THESE LEGENDS" -> You could point out that women also gave birth to the hitlers and stalins and whatnot, and that giving birth is not an accomplishment comparable to becoming a world renowned scientist (for example).

4) Keep in mind that when it comes to men, a lot of feminists and pussy-whipped males want equality but have old school traditional views when it comes to gender roles. They want men to "act like a man" (whatever that means) but don't use the same phrases for women, etc. There are a ton of other such double standards that they like. Point out their double standards and hypocrisy as much as you can. Most of these people are full of double standards and don't let them forget that. You can actually see a bunch of these double standards in the discussions I've had in this forum, if you go through the posts I've made in the Social & Current Events subforum.

I think in general, most people are not saying that men are weak or anything such. But if you do hear anti-male statements, try to refute them from the standpoint of equality rather than from the standpoint of one gender being inferior v/s the other. If a person keeps insisting that women are much better or something, then you don't really need to argue with them, and feel free to tell them in a million ways how men are better (whether you actually believe men are better or not is not really that important, just let them hear it).
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arrange a chess match, I assure you chess is too easy for them (women)
why are you crying about superiority when your race (men) reigned supreme for the entire length of time this world has existed? and suddenly you feel threatened? Are you so afraid of women? sorry to say but if you already feel threatened then the male race has already fallen inferior.
yes if it was under my control, I would have arranged,please see world ratings and you will conclude that males are far better in chess.
I am not crying like you here as you are putting same points again and again and doing personal attacks.
why I will be afraid women!!(if she is not a witch:haha::haha:)No one is threatened ,Iam jus raising a simple question is being a man means that if any facility is provided to them (which is not for women),why this is considered as misogynistic step?:warning2:
yes if it was under my control, I would have arranged,please see world ratings and you will conclude that males are far better in chess.
I am not crying like you here as you are putting same points again and again and doing personal attacks.
why I will be afraid women!!(if she is not a witch:haha::haha:)No one is threatened ,Iam jus raising a simple question is being a man means that if any facility is provided to them (which is not for women),why this is considered as misogynistic step?:warning2:
not really, no
I am not crying, you are constantly trying to prove men are superior in every field. Crying over chess, again proves my point.
When one is superior in something he/she does not repeat it over and over again.
if your fears are unfounded, then you should have no problem with women getting empowered, why do you feel threatened?

What you are saying is partially true. There are lot of feminists and pussy-whipped males that say that women can overtake men in any field. You also bring up some valid points about women screaming about some male violating them and then hoards of pussy-whipped beta males descending upon the accused man. But as @abdulbarijan pointed out, you need to word your argument better. Do not try to show that women are inferior (frankly, I don't believe they are inferior either). In general, I am not sure what causes you to get into such arguments. It would be useful to know the prelude to such arguments so that we know what sort of counter-arguments would work in your situation. What you need to respond with are counter-arguments that question the original statements in a non-aggressive way. In general, try to show how their arguments are bad with respect to the concept of "equality" rather than showing women are inferior.

For example:

1) "females can outplay males in any field" -> This is more a way to encourage women to get into fields women traditionally don't get into, than a shot at men. I don't think very many people would take this statement seriously, especially those that have worked in the industry for years. I'd say just ignore this statement unless someone is saying this as a way to take shots at men.

If someone is using this as a shot at men, call this out as sexist and misandrist, and ask them where this has happened, and that they don't actually have any data to back this statement up. If they point out that women have been traditionally not encouraged to get an education and work, you can point out that even after they were, they are still far behind men in a lot of fields. They will keep coming back with arguments about women not being encouraged from childhood about engineering and stuff, then you can ask them them to not make such silly statements until they have decided that have been properly encouraged, etc.

2) "Females should be given same salary as males are given ." -> This is actually a fair ask, but it's not based on reality. Basically every study has shown that the reason why women make less is due to their own choices. Their career choice, experience, taking time off work, wanting easy careers, not doing dangerous jobs (that pay more), etc. And perhaps the biggest one of all: women tend not to negotiate their salary, whereas men do this far far more. That alone would probably account for half the difference in salaries. Ask them that if women were paid less, why are companies not hiring women more since it would be cheaper. Every time they say something made up like "men want to hire people like themselves", ask them for data proving it. Feminists use these non-falsifiable statements a lot and you want to jump on them to ensure that they are not making shit up that sounds good to them.

3) "WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO THESE LEGENDS" -> You could point out that women also gave birth to the hitlers and stalins and whatnot, and that giving birth is not an accomplishment comparable to becoming a world renowned scientist (for example).

4) Keep in mind that when it comes to men, a lot of feminists and pussy-whipped males want equality but have old school traditional views when it comes to gender roles. They want men to "act like a man" (whatever that means) but don't use the same phrases for women, etc. There are a ton of other such double standards that they like. Point out their double standards and hypocrisy as much as you can. Most of these people are full of double standards and don't let them forget that. You can actually see a bunch of these double standards in the discussions I've had in this forum, if you go through the posts I've made in the Social & Current Events subforum.

I think in general, most people are not saying that men are weak or anything such. But if you do hear anti-male statements, try to refute them from the standpoint of equality rather than from the standpoint of one gender being inferior v/s the other. If a person keeps insisting that women are much better or something, then you don't really need to argue with them, and feel free to tell them in a million ways how men are better (whether you actually believe men are better or not is not really that important, just let them hear it).
First of all I have not post this thread because of any of my personal issues.I am quite and have nice girlfriend:smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:.I just wrote after reading about No. of Fake rape cases,Hiring of more women in IIT's even when more capable and people with more caliber are there. Also most of the feminist Whom i met only sees any case in very misandrist way .

not really, no
I am not crying, you are constantly trying to prove men are superior in every field. Crying over chess, again proves my point.
When one is superior in something he/she does not repeat it over and over again.
if your fears are unfounded, then you should have no problem with women getting empowered, why do you feel threatened?
I am just threatened by a witch and nothing else:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot::bounce::guns::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::sleep::sleep:
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