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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

Only in India, people would democratically, freely, under no force or coercion elect a Hindu Extremist Government, especially one which is infamous for committing mass genocide against India's Muslim population the last time it was elected democratically, freely, under no force or coercion.

Thoo (SUPARCO spits on Indian flag).
From what I have been reading about India, I think it is a very racist country.

They have caste system and religious discrimination which we don't have in our country (even though majority of people here came from India!)

Even among Hindus, they hate other Hindus. For example Shiv Sena is a Hindu nationalist party and they hate our Behari people.
Yep. And we whup your *** whenever we meet - whether a battlefield or the cricket field, a university or the market.

Is that what you are taught in Indian textbooks :omghaha:

Ive personally seen many Pakistanis beat up a Indian whose **** talking... Australia, US, UK, you name it...

Most sensible indians though stay back... sad...

You will find another person going 'Dear (insert your leader here) please kill all (insert your ethinc group here) because they are evil/bad/stupid/ugly/inferior'. Don't go on blaming the Hindus, there are quite a few Hindus in Pakistan too ever heard of them threatening you?

No Sir. But probably you have never gone to the areas of Sindh where Pakistani Hindus live in good numbers - I have. These Pakistani Hindus have such a hold on their areas and they are so powerful that nobody can dare stand up against them. But it never turned communal even in those areas. Probably the Muslims in those areas are much more in number, but nothing of this kind has even happened in those areas. I support the hold of Pakistani Hindus in those areas as they help in development and also help keep peace.

I respect and understand your sentiments. This thread is not against a community, it is to understand the Indian Hindu's hatred against Indian Muslim and why such riots take place time and time again since 1947. I have not brought in the name of Pakistan in this thread.

The surprising aspect here is that most Indians deny such sentiments that exist in India. And it is not only the Indian Muslims, it is the Sikhs, Christians and other minority communities that fall under and suffer in such hateful environment.
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Normally comments below newspaper articles are insulting to the human brain, but in this case, as unpopular as it may be with the muslims/pakistanis here, each and every word except maybe the last two sentences is true. The root cause of this is many muslims consider tolerance as a weakness and not a virtue. Dont know why, buts its always been like that. You have to keep the danda always in vicinity and also be ready to use it, if you have to live in areas where there is significant muslim presence..
In many cases the minority communities are meted out community punishment for crimes a few from their community may have committed. This is done to create such a fear amongst the minorities that they would never dare to stand up against the majority Hindu population. We have a lot of such examples. Sikh killings in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's murder. 3000 innocent Sikhs were killed in New Delhi alone. Godhara incident is another example of community punishment. In the aftermath of this incident, over 2000 Muslims were killed, most of them burnt alive as a community punishment. Hashimpura massacre of Muslims is another such example. The recent ongoing riots is Muzaffarnagar is probably another such example. One can quote similar examples of community punishment of Christians as well.

This is 21st century and in this modern era, such actions horrific as they are, can be allowed to happen.
:omghaha: Bring it on you skinny phucks. They talk all this **** online but never do anything in real life. I have seen brolic indians, and the funny thing is that they are still not that big. Maybe in there country the cowards can go into groups and kill. But here in america I've seen alot of indians getting there *** handed to them.
There is a good possibility that Indian Hindu mobs will massacre more of the 200 million Muslims in India and in these chaos some crazy Hindutva terrorist may press the red button and use nukes to exterminate other Muslim nations, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.

They want revenge for the 1000 year Muslim rule.
Is that what you are taught in Indian textbooks :omghaha:

Ive personally seen many Pakistanis beat up a Indian whose **** talking... Australia, US, UK, you name it...

Most sensible indians though stay back... sad...

Bro, these indians are delusional. They think there the smartest and strongest country in the world and everyone loves them. They think there culture is actually respected in the world. I guess it's a shock to them when they come here and no one gives a **** about them and makes fun of that stupid accent. Going to school here my whole life, people liked pakistanis more. The black guys would rip apart the indians, while they used to hang out with us. They actually believe that everyone thinks pakistanis are terrorists and indian are saints.Maybe in geopolitics but certainly not in civilian life.
Normally comments below newspaper articles are insulting to the human brain, but in this case, as unpopular as it may be with the muslims/pakistanis here, each and every word except maybe the last two sentences is true. The root cause of this is many muslims consider tolerance as a weakness and not a virtue. Dont know why, buts its always been like that. You have to keep the danda always in vicinity and also be ready to use it, if you have to live in areas where there is significant muslim presence..

In this case you would probably agree with this comment as well.

PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE ---------> As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country/region/city they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness: Nation % Muslim United States 1.0% Australia 1.5% Italy 1.5% Norway 1.8% Canada 1.9% China 2.0% At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs: Nation % Muslim Denmark 2.0% United Kingdom 2.7% Germany 3.7% Spain 4.0% Thailand 4.6% From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply. Nation % Muslim Switzerland 4.3% Philippines 5.0% Sweden 5.0% The Netherlands 5.5% Trinida and Tabago 5.8% France 8.0% At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not only to convert the world but also to establish Sharia law over the entire world. When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Mohammed cartoons, Music-Shows Ban). Nation % Muslim Guyana 10.0% Israel 16.0% Kenya 10.0% Russia 15.0% India 19.4% (Riots, terror attacks). After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burnings: Nation % Muslim Ethiopia 32.8% At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare: Nation % Muslim Bosnia 40.0% Chad 50.1% Lebanon 59.7% From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels: Nation % Muslim Albania 70.0% Malaysia 60.4% Qatar 77.5% Sudan 70.0% After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide: Nation % Muslim Bangladesh 90.0% Egypt 90.0% Gaza 98.7%, Algeria 85%, Indonesia 86.1% Iran 98.0% Iraq 97.0% Jordan 92.0% Morocco 98.7% Pakistan 97.0% Syria 90.0% Tajikistan 90.0% Turkey 99.8% United Arab Emirates 96.0% 100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' ? the Islamic House of Peace ? there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim: Nation % Muslim Yemen 99.9% Afghanistan 100.0% Saudi Arabia 100.0% Somalia 100.0% Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons like Shiya, Sunni, Wahibi, Ahmedi etc like blood thirsty animals like ****** Muhammad (*********)
There is a good possibility that Indian Hindu mobs will massacre more of the 200 million Muslims in India and in these chaos some crazy Hindutva terrorist may press the red button and use nukes to exterminate other Muslim nations, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.

They want revenge for the 1000 year Muslim rule.

I wouldn't doubt if they did something like what happened in rwanda. But as soon as they press that button, there will still be a billion muslims, but i gurantee there will not be many hindus left in the world.
Another comment which may be appreciated more by the Indians here.

Dear Indians, There is no such thing called "Indian Muslim", they are Pakistanis or Bangladeshis living in India. These are the same Muslims that you think are "moderate" and are your friends. Your government is sold for their vote banks. You must fight till the last man for your nation. Muslims hate India and their loyalty is towards Islam. Nationalist is haram in Islam (Google it) . Before partition 90% of Muslims living in India voted for Pakistan. They will blame the British, Jinnah, Nehru, Patel or Someone else for it but the reality is that they all wanted a separate Islamic nation and got it. Just before partition Sardar Patel once said, every Muslim(with a handful of exceptions) from top to bottom is working for the creation of Pakistan. These people stayed in India so that they can breed more and take over India too. Muslim logic is "My country (Pakistan and Bangladesh) is 100% mine, but your country (India) is shared between me and you" How do we defend ourselves? First get rid of casteism, regionalism and other differences etc. Rajputs, Dalits, Yadavs, Brahmins, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists you are all the sons of the same mother. Doesn't matter whether Christians worship Jesus, Hindus worship Ram, as long as they they consider this land as their mother, that is more than enough. When you fight on caste, The **** (AKA "Indian" Muslim) living among you laughs. He gets orders from his masters in Arabia and Pakistan to breed as fast as he can. He will teach his sons to lure Hindu, Christian, other non Muslim women in to conversion. He is very well funded with oil money from the gulf. There are good and bad people in all communities but 95% of Hindus/Christians/Sikhs/Jains/other non Muslims want to raise their children in a good healthy atmosphere and live a good life. On the other hand the Pakistani living among you keeps devising plans to overtake your country even when he has taken his share. He will marry many wives, have as many children as he can support. He will teach each his children that non Muslims are unclean(Quran says that they are enemies of Islam) but Sunni Arabs are perfect. He will support terrorists like MIM. And if he is in majority in a state like J&K, then he will wipe off all the kuff@r from there. You need to understand it and act for the future of our children. Do not buy anything from Muslims. Do not do any business with Muslims. Do not lease your property to Muslims or rent anything from them. Do not hire Muslims. If you are in a company where you make a decision to hire someone try your best to make sure that the Muslim does not get hired. I understand that your heart will not allow you to do this because it is not in our culture, but remember you let them live among yourself after partition and they grew from 10% to 15% and your non-Muslim brothers in Pakistan shrank from 15% to 1%. Your enemy is not a normal human. You will have to give up humanity. Remember they have declared a war against
Bro, these indians are delusional. They think there the smartest and strongest country in the world and everyone loves them. They think there culture is actually respected in the world. I guess it's a shock to them when they come here and no one gives a **** about them and makes fun of that stupid accent. Going to school here my whole life, people liked pakistanis more. The black guys would rip apart the indians, while they used to hang out with us. They actually believe that everyone thinks pakistanis are terrorists and indian are saints.Maybe in geopolitics but certainly not in real life.

What you are saying is 100% correct.
Kudos to you
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