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A Chinese Storm in the Brewing :Lt General Prakash Katoch

To prevent a war, you need to prepare for one.

I don't think China seriously wants to fight a major war with India. But the behavior of the Modi Government since the pandemic has essentially shattered all trust in the relationship that was built up from the previous Wuhan and Mamallapuram summits. So in the likely scenario of a major war over Taiwan in the next decade or so, China wants to make sure that India has no funny ideas about launching a surprise attack from the back. Therefore, it's aggressive posturing now is meant to be used as a message that China is ready for any surprise attack and the consequences won't be pretty.
Bigger question is, will the Sepoy Army of Pakistan, exploit this situation and make a move on Kashmir? Or will it defer to it's colonial masters just like it did in '62 and let India off the hook yet again.
they will repeate 62, no will to fight.. its a defensive army now!
If war between China and India breaks out I will give the fly in my DP a spiked bat
Only if Pakistan also involves. Unfortunately our COAS is more interested in other matters.

He is fast becoming a very big security Liability. He continuously bypasses the elected Government by directly meeting with US Officials. He moved too quickly to change ISI Chief. He continually meets with PPP and PML leaders. I hope some of the Corps Commanders take him to task and ask him to step away respectfully or ELSE.
He is fast becoming a very big security Liability. He continuously bypasses the elected Government by directly meeting with US Officials. He moved too quickly to change ISI Chief. He continually meets with PPP and PML leaders. I hope some of the Corps Commanders take him to task and ask him to step away respectfully or ELSE.

I would agree with this - PMIK has shown himself to be a nationalist and the COAS needs to learn to put his ego to one side and let the goverment govern - PTI is making all the right moves.

COAS is however undermining the ability of Pakistan to deal with the USA by putting his interests ahead of those of Pakistan right now - can't believe we are in a situation where the COAS is so toxic to the future of Pakistan.
To prevent a war, you need to prepare for one.

I don't think China seriously wants to fight a major war with India. But the behavior of the Modi Government since the pandemic has essentially shattered all trust in the relationship that was built up from the previous Wuhan and Mamallapuram summits. So in the likely scenario of a major war over Taiwan in the next decade or so, China wants to make sure that India has no funny ideas about launching a surprise attack from the back. Therefore, it's aggressive posturing now is meant to be used as a message that China is ready for any surprise attack and the consequences won't be pretty.

China needs to build more Main Operating Airforce bases, and Forward Operating bases near India and close the zones of possible conflict - China is so lack in those compared to India right now. So yet - more preparation needed - esp the altitude which will cause some operating issues for the PLAAF interms of weapons payloads.
He is fast becoming a very big security Liability. He continuously bypasses the elected Government by directly meeting with US Officials. He moved too quickly to change ISI Chief. He continually meets with PPP and PML leaders. I hope some of the Corps Commanders take him to task and ask him to step away respectfully or ELSE.
Longstanding tradition of the COAS is to actively undermine Govt. that granted them an extension.
Longstanding tradition of the COAS is to actively undermine Govt. that granted them an extension.

Yes indeed. Only if he @COAS is reading this and knew how not very popular HE IS with ordinary people of Pakistan. Please do you job as a COAS for God sake and STOP meddling.
Only if Pakistan also involves. Unfortunately our COAS is more interested in other matters. We should be using this time to train and start mobilizing reserves. We need a reserve force of atleast 3 million men minimum on standby.

I doubt that many would be needed. We will still need 200-300k elite troops, 1200 3rd generation tanks, 1200 Apcs, 1200 IFVs, 100 attack helis, 200 UCAV drones.

This force would be involved in the majority of offensive missions and would be the tip of the spear.

what are you even smoking ?

PA will not do jack in kashmir , nada

bajwa doctrine is the doctrine of nothingness - do nothing and build fences -

they are buying VT4 tanks FFS ,,,
Let s not underestimate in arrogance. India is after all a nuclear power and we all know in case india lose a big part of land or an all out invasion means use of nuclear weapons.

Yes we should not under estimate but we know a few things

a) Indian nuke tests failed
b) India could not miniaturize their nukes
c) India does not have MIRV tech
d) They still rely on M2K for nuke delivery which can be easily taken out by PAF fighters and air defence systems
e) Finally Indians are cowards. They will prefer to surrender rather than using nukes.
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