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A Chance PN Encounter with Indian Coast Guards.....Tea offered as usual.

I'd be happy to invite you to the discussion if you are able to speak and discuss things calmly. C'mon, you know you can.
Deal...but he will have to be objective. None of this making tall claims and giving unrelated analogies...along with pulling stuff from his behind. Simple objective discussion...and u will see me well behaved and objective on my end.
He said since Indian society is already backwards and lawless, life will be back to normal after a couple of hundred nukes.
I don't have to subscribe to someone's views to discuss an issue in a calm and reasonable tone, do I?
I said keep thinking that.
I am done thinking on that.
So shall we agree that we have convinced the other?
Calling out Mods; well, that's a different kettle of fish.
Regarding the mod...discussion for another day...
...but yeah...I guess we have switched spots...as to where we stood.
Deal...but he will have to be objective. None of this making tall claims and giving unrelated analogies...along with pulling stuff from his behind. Simple objective discussion...and u will see me well behaved and objective on my end.
I think we can ask him for that. Let us see. I am still not very well, so you have to give me a couple of days more.
A lesson for the moderators of this forum. Don't hide your head like an ostrich. Don't hide behind the vague slogan we allow others to share their opinions. All blah blah. There are redlines. Look at how other forums operate and immediately intervene as soon as trolls take over and spread their hate. The state of this forum is really pathetic.

Look at how the trolls turned PN topic into Pakistan will be annihilated by Indian nukes.
Regarding the mod...discussion for another day...
...but yeah...I guess we have switched spots...as to where we stood.
Deal...but he will have to be objective. None of this making tall claims and giving unrelated analogies...along with pulling stuff from his behind. Simple objective discussion...and u will see me well behaved and objective on my end.
I will give you code of simulation, its data source (with references) and you can run it yourself and tell me where it is wrong. If you can do that.
they do not model India Pakistan.
They do, and they say that 2 BILLION people will be killed in a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

@Cookie Monster

Gentlemen, can we agree to postpone this discussion and start it on a new thread in a day or two from now? Of course, it will be open, and others will wish to post, but essentially, I see the four of us as interested in a calm and rational discussion, without any hatred for any country or set of people being involved.

They do, and they say that 2 BILLION people will be killed in a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

That was the figure I had and that citation looks familiar; I think that is where Ihad gained my initial impression.

Would you be interested in a discussion later, on this subject? On a new thread?
They do, and they say that 2 BILLION people will be killed in a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

Read the article properly, NOT just the headline like you people do :

A 2008 paper by Brian Toon of the University of Colorado, Alan Robock of Rutgers University, and Rich Turco of UCLA, "Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War", concluded that a war between India and Pakistan using fifty Hiroshima-sized weapons with 15-kiloton yield on each country, exploded on cities, would immediately kill or injure about forty-five million people.

These urban explosions were assumed to start 100 firestorms.

The 2 billion figure is excess death over a period of time... As they say in long run we all are dead... there will be excess deaths over a long period of time.

Read the paper the article referencess : https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/2013EF000205

n the 1980s, studies of the aftermath of a global nuclear conflict between the United States and theSoviet Union predicted that airborne particles, such as fine soil and smoke resulting from explosionsand fires, could circle the globe, producing “twilight at noon,” and cooling the surface for years, in whatbecame known as “nuclear winter” [Crutzen and Birks, 1982;Turco et al., 1983;Pittock et al., 1985].

Basically they are using the assumption made for US and USSR wars and using the firestorm scenario studied back then for buildings prevelent then in USA. India today, is NOT exactly same.
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I will give you code of simulation, its data source (with references) and you can run it yourself and tell me where it is wrong. If you can do that.

In the other topic we will ask you the same questions.

1. Provide an actual source for Pakistani nuke yields. Not simulations.
2. Provide actual number of Pakistani nukes. Not estimates.
3. What is Pakistani nuclear strategy in face of nuclear war? Not simulations and hearsay.
Would you be interested in a discussion later, on this subject? On a new thread?
Please give me a day or two. I can barely crawl out of bed and stay upright for a few hours.
I will give you code of simulation, its data source (with references) and you can run it yourself and tell me where it is wrong. If you can do that.
What is this? U assigning homework?
How about u lay out the parameters used(how many total nukes in exchange...what target cities...air burst vs ground burst...etc)

What was modelled?...wind speed/direction, the amount of debris thrown into atmosphere, amount of fall out, fuel density and fire intensity(would vary for each city), and so on.

I highly doubt u were able to run a simulation modelling all that on ur "super advanced" home computer that u r showing off about.

From ur back and forth...it seems like u have taken some number off the internet about Pakistan's number of nuclear weapons, their yield, Indian population, the amount of ppl killed by a certain yield nuclear bomb(like for example the known example from Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and then with some simple arithmetic...u arrived at a crude number of deaths for Indian side.
If it's something like that or similar enough...plz don't bother engaging me with such a "study"(if we can call it that).
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