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A Chance PN Encounter with Indian Coast Guards.....Tea offered as usual.

My point precisely, like I said, nukes are not going to be used at all by any country with as little nukes as India or Pakistan. Only case where it might happen is if US/Russia use a small number of them to "escalate to deescalate".

This has not been your point. Your point has been all about Indian superiority versus the rest.

I am afraid I agree. This need not be discussed here.

Most of all, it must not be about killing the people of an entire nation through a nuclear exchange. I hope that there will be a sober discussion on the mechanics of a nuclear war, and the dangers for all concerned will undoubtedly show up, without even being directly a subject.

Don't be afraid to agree.
Who says that Indian systems will intercept Pakistani and Chinese missiles?
Can not guarrantee all, but a few will definitely be. And why are you dragging china into this? The point is pakistani missiles can not reliably evade detection and interception.
My point precisely, like I said, nukes are not going to be used at all by any country with as little nukes as India or Pakistan. Only case where it might happen is if US/Russia use a small number of them to "escalate to deescalate".
Please leave it for now, and let us re-convene later, on a separate thread.
This has not been your point. Your point has been all about Indian superiority versus the rest.

Don't be afraid to agree.
Read my posts. IF USED, then India has an advantage-Thus there is little sense for pak to start it off, and since NFU is in place for India, it means a nuclear war is impossible unless someone messes up badly.

Edit: Agree with the gentleman above me, better to have this somewhere else. If the mods could move these comments to the appropriate thread, would be appreciated. Thanks.
Please leave it for now, and let us re-convene later, on a separate thread.

We will ask them same questions all over again. There is no respite. We want actual facts. Not simulations and predictions.

Read my posts. IF USED, then India has an advantage-Thus there is little sense for pak to start it off, and since NFU is in place for India, it means a nuclear war is impossible unless someone messes up badly.

If you already know that, stop entertaining the idea of killing all Pakistanis in a nuclear war.
From you own rules:
"Responding to trolling is deemed as ‘feeding the trolls’ and would be considered trolling too. It is not justifiable to respond to trolling with trolling and would also be addresse."

Which proves my point the rules are bs, as moderators themselves are not following them.

Now how are u going to spin this one? Are u gonna give urself a warning for trolling to prove to me that the rules are followed, or ar you gonna do nothing and prove that the rules BS.

Or are u symply gonna ban me for pointing out your hypocrisy?

So many choices!

I should have banned every single of Troll so that you would have been satisfied while unable to post anything. Having said that, you are actually hyper because of the subject and being trolled in return. My work is done. I know your anger because of a lot among India & Pakistan but you don't need to break your keyboard. A troll should be the last one reminding of rules at all. Introspection is warranted. Your playing the so-called victim card since you know that you don't me to be serious but you want me to be a moderator and on the same time, had to give you leverage. Before you spell and write hypocrisy; consider the meaning and read about the definition as well. Time to walk the talk. Despite the fact that I told you as it was all on lighter mood and none of the trolls were turned pink but you keep coming back with jibes since you have nothing else to talk about.
We will ask them same questions all over again. There is no respite. We want actual facts. Not simulations and predictions.

If you already know that, stop entertaining the idea of killing all Pakistanis in a nuclear war.
I would advise you to stop entertaining the thought of starting a nuclear war. Cheers, and lets keep the discussion on the topic.

Though if the vessel was a pollution control vessel, and the opposition a frigate, hardly seems noteworthy that the pollution control vessel did not engage.
Honestly, look up wargames of tactical nukes. This wasnt some concept pakistan invented, its been there since the 60's. Tactical nukes have failed to stop armoured thrusts, and you risk all out retaliation by India in line with NFU policy.

Exactly, I tried to put some sense into that fella but ignorance is bliss and he took it way too seriously. He called it a nonsense. I know India being huge society and a lot of difference races/castes and it is a universal truth that not every human being is equally intelligent but he should read you in some peacetime and update his knowledge.
Keeping 5 agni 5 for china is good enough deterrence. MIRV with chaff hitting your capital at non interceptable speeds is a good enough threat.

India has the advantage due to better platforms for nuclear delivery. More accurate, faster, more diversified.
U should just give up with these made up "facts"...like I said...they stink all the way here giving away that u have pulled it out from ur behind...
...let me break it down for u step by step...
"MIRV with chaff hitting your capital at non interceptable speeds is a good enough threat"
Since when does India have proven MIRV tech? A simulation of an all out nuclear war(which is the discussion at hand) only takes into account present situation...not fantastical "will have" scenarios.

"India has the advantage due to better platforms for nuclear delivery. More accurate, faster, more diversified"
better platforms? On what basis? A large majority of nuclear weapons that would be lobbed at each other by both sides would be mounted on ballistic missiles.

...more accurate? How so?

...more diversified? How? India has a nuclear triad...where as Pakistan doesn't yet have the sub based option but does have its missiles(at least partially) on TELs...regardless both of these are inconsequential bcuz neither country can locate/destroy all the nuclear weapons of the other...

So unless u have access to some classified data of the nuclear tipped ballistic missiles of both countries to be able to compare this...
...give it a rest to this chest thumping.
Read the article properly, NOT just the headline like you people do :

The 2 billion figure is excess death over a period of time... As they say in long run we all are dead... there will be excess deaths over a long period of time.

Read the paper the article referencess : https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/2013EF000205

Basically they are using the assumption made for US and USSR wars and using the firestorm scenario studied back then for buildings prevelent then in USA. India today, is NOT exactly same.
Worldwide casualties, not just in the subcontinent. Irrelevant to the discussion at hand

I forgot to mention, this is using 1/3 of each country's arsenal (50 nukes) with tiny yield of 15kt, smaller than those used in a NASR battery. India and Pakistan have tested 60kt and 45kt nukes, and obviously have designed megaton range H-bombs by now.

I will continue this discussion in detail on @Joe Shearer's thread later.
Not sure any of you read real lit on Pakistani strategic weapons program, considering how absolutely ill-informed opinions seem to be going around here.

Try starting here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00963402.2018.1507796?needAccess=true&page=3

And if Pakistani deterrence was not working, the Indian side would not be contemplating counterforce options (another strategic blunder in the making, considering Indian counterforce posture will be taken at face value by China as well and not just Pakistan). This study, with Gen. Kidwai's remarks a part of it, imagines Pakistani strategic weapons program yields to be frozen in time in 98' - with an addendum that latest numbers might be a lot different.
Here is the real photo for all the Indians, looking for actual ID of @PanzerKiel
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