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A beautiful timelapse video of Shanghai

Only the costal belt is relatively developed。

The rest of China(the other 3/4 of China)has hardly made a dent in the huge pile of work that needs be done to become par with the coastal areas。

China is still on the starting block。

It will be another 50 years before the Chinese can consider their country more or less than developed。

The future is bright。:enjoy:
He he he :p:. I am in Chengdu now. Since it was not a first tier city, my expectation of the city were not that high. But what a suprise. Its far more more developed that I thought. It has 2 metro lines that are much better than Kuala Lumpur's. Its mostly underground, KL is mostly above ground. It's has security video, you can watch TV.
The city center is very well develop. There are large pavement for walking. No debris, nothing blocking the pavement. It is also very clean. Again they hired an army of road sweepers.
Chengdu also has a very large evenly paved area only for walking, around Tianfu Guang Chang. No longkangs (Large open drains like in Malaysia). It is also very safe. My experience with the Taxi drivers left me a very good impression. Only once I had to bargain for a ride from the outskirts to my hotel and the price was very reasonable. Probably not much different if he had used the meter.
We sat the high speed train to Dujiangyan. First time for us. Only Y30 return. You just take the metro to the railway station. Even knowing Mandarin it may be quite tough first time getting there. But once you know, the next time its easy.

He he he :p:. I am in Chengdu now. Since it was not a first tier city, my expectation of the city were not that high. But what a suprise. Its far more more developed that I thought. It has 2 metro lines that are much better than Kuala Lumpur's. Its mostly underground, KL is mostly above ground. It's has security video, you can watch TV.
The city center is very well develop. There are large pavement for walking. No debris, nothing blocking the pavement. It is also very clean. Again they hired an army of road sweepers.
Chengdu also has a very large evenly paved area only for walking, around Tianfu Guang Chang. No longkangs (Large open drains like in Malaysia). It is also very safe. My experience with the Taxi drivers left me a very good impression. Only once I had to bargain for a ride from the outskirts to my hotel and the price was very reasonable. Probably not much different if he had used the meter.
We sat the high speed train to Dujiangyan. First time for us. Only Y30 return. You just take the metro to the railway station. Even knowing Mandarin it may be quite tough first time getting there. But once you know, the next time its easy.


Maybe you can post some photos :D
@Nan Yang
Nice man, the infrastructure and subway looks great, take more fantastic photos while you are there and share them whenever you have time.

This is LiDuiGongYuan High Speed Rail Station near the south entrance of the DuJiangYan ancient irrigation project.

The entire railway station is underground. Bear in mind this is a high speed rail station not a metro and it is completely underground !!
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