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A 2015 warning to Pakistan and Turkey by UAE taking shape in 2017.

But there are many members who want to read his posts...so forget the mods and he should come back
The post is legit and the content is legit. If UAE has concerns about the post there is a term "think before you speak"
As I said before Pakistan is no one's servant and UAE/Iran come after Pakistan and Pakistani Public. With current events I have more respect for Turkey than Arabs.
Here is problem, thread is related to UAE govt official statement , but from nowhere our arab friends as usual drag Iran in. Pakistan need friends, specially among neighbors, can not make enemy to keep happy arab brothers. But Arabs need to realize they have much batter relations with Pakistan arch rival India, then Pakistan itself. Just look at the Arab investment in India and Indian work force in Middle East.
So, it would be batter to stay on topic rather cross the other side of Persian gulf.
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So, it would be batter to stay with topic rather cross the other side of Persian gulf.
Thankyou for bringing the thread back to point after extensive attempts to over throw the thread's actual objective.
Here is problem, thread is related to UAE govt official statement , but from nowhere our arab friends as usual drag Iran in. Pakistan need friends, specially among neighbors, can not make enemy to keep happy arab brothers. But Arabs need to realize they have much batter relations with Pakistan arch rival India, then Pakistan itself. Just look at the Arab investment in India and Indian work force in Middle East.
So, it would be batter to stay with topic rather cross the other side of Persian gulf.

It is Iran who needs friends...Not Pakistan.....Pakistan has friends, namely China, Turkiye, KSA and other GCC state Qatar...

Iran is isolated in Muslim world and expect more sanctions on Iran...
It is Iran who needs friends...Not Pakistan.....Pakistan has friends, namely China, Turkiye, KSA and other GCC state Qatar...

Iran is isolated in Muslim world and expect more sanctions on Iran...
That's what I am saying talk about thread , which is related to UAE, Pakistan and Turkey. Iran need friends or not this is there issue. But, we need peace in our neighborhood and @home.
That's what I am saying talk about thread , which is related to UAE, Pakistan and Turkey. Iran need friends or not this is there issue. But, we need peace in our neighborhood and @home.

Yes...LEAs are after every terrorist at home and probably abroad...

Pakistan relations did get damage with UAE but I think its fine...No need to overeact unless we mess again when it comes to KSA

Pakistan and Turkiye enjoys exceptional relations...China and Turkiye are best buddies of Pakistan...
UAE minister warns Pakistan of ‘heavy price for ambiguous stand’ on Yemen

"Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries" Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash.

KARACHI: Pakistani lawmakers’ call for the government to remain neutral on the escalating crisis in Yemen has evoked a strong response from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries,” UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash said.

As quoted by renowned Emirati newspaper Khaleej Times, Garhash warned Pakistan of having to pay a “heavy price” for taking on what he called an “ambiguous stand”. He added that Pakistan should take a clear position “in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf cooperation Council”.
“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous confrontation, its strategic security is on the edge, and the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements,” Gargash tweeted moments after the Pakistani parliament passed the resolution insisting on neutrality in the Yemen conflict.
Gargash went to symbolise Pakistan’s resolution as equivalent of siding up with Iran instead of the Gulf. “Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries,” Gargash said.
“Though our economic and investment assets are inevitable, political support is missing at critical moments,” he added.
The statement comes a day after the Parliament passed a unanimous resolution vowing to defend Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity and the holy places of Makkah and Madinah. None of these locations appear to have so far been threatened by the conflict.
“Pakistan should play a mediating role and not get involved in the fighting in Yemen,” the resolution stated, adding that “the Parliament of Pakistan ... underscores the need for continued efforts by the government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis”.
“[Parliament] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis,” it stated.

Erdogan, Nawaz discuss Middle East situation
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan telephoned Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to discuss the crisis situation in Middle East and agreed that both the countries would accelerate efforts to resolve the deteriorating situation through peaceful means, said a statement issued by PM House on Saturday.
During the conversation that lasted for about 45 minutes, both the leaders stressed that Houthis didn't have any right to overthrow a legitimate government in Yemen and affirmed that any violation of the territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia would evoke a strong reaction from both the countries.
The Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes against Houthi rebels on March 26 in support of Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi after they seized the capital and forced him to flee to Aden. The government of Pakistan has so far not announced a decision on Saudi Arabia’s request for Islamabad to join a coalition fighting Houthi rebels by contributing jets, navy ships and ground troops.

As a result of this threat UAE is delivering a clear message to both Pakistan and Turkey.
EXCLUSIVE: UAE 'funnelled money to Turkish coup plotters'

Palestinian exile and Emirati middleman Dahlan was in contact with cleric Gulen before coup attempt, Turkish sources claim
The United Arab Emirates' government collaborated with coup plotters in Turkey before the unsuccessful attempt was launched, using exiled Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan as a go-between with the US-based cleric accused by Turkey of orchestrating the plot, sources close to one of Turkey’s intelligence services told Middle East Eye.

Dahlan is alleged to have transferred money to the plotters in Turkey in the weeks before the coup attempt and to have communicated with Fethullah Gulen, the cleric alleged by Turkey to have masterminded the plot, via a Palestinian businessman based in the US.

The identity of this man, who is close to Dahlan, is known to a Turkish intelligence service.

Throughout the night of the coup on 15 July, pan-Arab media based in Dubai including Sky News Arabic and Al Arabiya reported that the coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the ruling Justice and Development Party had been successful.

At one point, media outlets influenced by the Emirates claimed that Erdogan had fled the country. Still, there is no suggestion that the media outlets were involved in the coup.

How India's strategic partnership with UAE will hit Pakistan where it hurts

The India-UAE relationship is a ‘strategic partnership’. In case there were still any lingering doubts about the matter, the joint statement signed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan mentions this upgraded relationship status no less than six times. But what does it actually mean?
India has established over 20 strategic partnerships over the years with countries that include UAE, the US, France and Japan. The final name on that list should be proof enough that this sort of bilateral partnership is not a one-size-fits-all alliance that “bind(s) nations to support each other on all strategic issues in all situations”, rather a bespoke agreement to collaborate in areas of common interest. In terms of the actual content of these partnerships, they comprise a variety of areas ranging from defence and space research to bilateral trade and investment.
This sort of deal has a two-fold advantage: It allows India to maintain its sense of strategic autonomy in areas where interests may not necessarily converge, and simultaneously, keep open lines of communication for further diplomatic engagement on military and defence issues should the need arise.

While trade, investment and energy appear in the India-UAE joint statement, the dominant theme of the agreement by far, is security and counter-terrorism.

As has already been noted by numerous media outlets and publications already, the statement reads like it was drafted with India’s concerns about Pakistan in mind. Specifically, parts of sections II and III from point 11:

II. Coordinate efforts to counter radicalisation and misuse of religion by groups and countries for inciting hatred, perpetrating and justifying terrorism or pursuing political aims.

III. Denounce and oppose terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever committed and by whomever, calling on all states to reject and abandon the use of terrorism against other countries, dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they exist, and bring perpetrators of terrorism to justice.”

The growing threat and capacity of the Islamic State in West Asia, and the chaos engulfing Yemen and Libya means that jihadi terror is now in the UAE’s neighbourhood, if not yet at its doorstep. If properly implemented, the benefits of the agreement to counter terrorism and its infrastructure, financing networks and host nations will be massive for India — a frequent victim of terror attacks and perhaps the most vocal advocate of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN. This is especially so because a crackdown on fund-raising activities, facilitated by intelligence-sharing and half-yearly meetings of national security advisers (NSA), could severely deplete the coffers of numerous groups and entities that target India.

But why would the UAE — Pakistan’s largest trade partner, and its biggest source of investment among Gulf countries — sign off an agreement that targets a country with which relations were said to be “emerging into trust-worthy strategic partnership”? As a matter of fact, Pakistan was the first country to formally acknowledge the UAE as an independent country in 1971. So what went wrong?

Look no further than April this year when Pakistan’s Parliament chose not to intervene militarily in the Yemen crisis and rejected Riyadh’s invitation to join the Saudi Arabia-led 10-nation military alliance. The decision, although well received in the Pakistani media, evoked a caustic response from the UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash, who accused Islamabad of taking an “ambiguous stand”.

The vague and contradictory stand of Pakistan… (is) an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries”, stated Dr Gargash, adding that Pakistan would have to pay a “heavy price” for taking this position.

Tweeting that “the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements”, he summed up Pakistan’s relations with the six-country Gulf Cooperation Council saying, “Though our economic and investment assets are inevitable, political support is missing at critical moments”. Clearly Abu Dhabi did not take Islamabad’s refusal to join the battle in Yemen well.

Sure enough, investment and trade continued through the 21st Century, but a trust deficit was palpable between the leadership of the two countries. According to a July 2009 cable made public by Wikileaks, the Crown Prince referred to then President Asif Zardari as “dirty but not dangerous", while Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was described as “dangerous but not dirty”, adding that he “cannot be trusted to honor his promises”.

But the UAE has apparently been wary of Pakistan for a while, judging by 2005 cable leaks that “US forces had made use of Sheikh (Crown Prince) Zayed's private airstrip in Balochistan” allegedly as a base for American drones. Considering the (arguably legitimate) outrage in Pakistan about drone strikes, it’s no surprise the UAE wanted a tight lid on the details. Support to US drones targeting terrorists (and unfortunately, many civilians) in Pakistan was an early indication of Abu Dhabi’s lack of faith in Islamabad’s ability to crack down on terrorism.

The joint statement reflects an amplification of this very lack of faith.

A decade ago, Sheikh Zayed was quoted in a leaked cable as saying that “a new personality (leader of Pakistan) may emerge but for the time being the UAE position was to play a helpful role by supporting the PM”. Whether the UAE continues to take this position, after Pakistan decided not to intervene in Yemen, remains to be seen.

But as it presently stands, India is assembling a dossier on Dawood Ibrahim ahead of NSA-level talks between India and Pakistan on 23-24 August. Intelligence shared by the UAE in this regard could be critical in building a solid case, and could very well be the “heavy price” alluded to by Dr Gargash.

Lol......lol.....are these guys for real????????..
Pakistan is a nation of 200 million, our economy is taking off thanks to CPEC, we can produce SLCMs & MIRVs and these glorified camel jockeys think they can affect us......lol.......lol......:lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:..........these are the same lot that are getting battered by the nomadic Houthis.......:lol:
@Khafee you don't have to be discourage. Yes their are those who are pretend to be Pakistani patriot but are Persian Mian mittoos ( Parrots ) when Raheel Sharif was about to get something they were against it how i wish he could have taken that job.
Lets not forget the TTP commander and Kulbhushan Yadav and their Iranian connections .
what TTP commander are you talking about? i hope you are not taking bout the leader of the afghan taliban who got killed recently in the drone strike.as for kulbushan, you Pakistanis need to forgive Iran or get over it. Iran paid u in the same currency you've paid IRan in before. No relationship is perfect. THe only people who dont accept the Pakistani terrorism issues are Pakistanis.

Pakistan can ill-afford a hostile third front after Afghanistan and India. Our army is already too stretched out and if shit hits the fan from all three sides you can't expect unprofessional idiots with just nothing but fancy toys to come and help you. Those same unprofessional idiots who ran away after getting spanked by two-bit Houthi rebels.
i have to laugh at Pakistanis who call Afghanistan "hostile". THose types of Pakistanis are either in denial or are ignorant of how ISI has been managing the afghan conflict for years. US military knows if Pakistani sanctuaries for afghani taliban ends the afghan insurgency will crumble. so keep living in denial that Pakistani govt and ISI dont like where Afghanistan is now. if ISI feels it helps Pakistan or Afghanistan to be less violent the country will be lesss violent. why you think Pakistan is "invited" to every major Afhganistan stability related conference/meetings? because a big part of Afghanistan's future is influenced/decided by Pakistan.
i have to laugh at Pakistanis who call Afghanistan "hostile". THose types of Pakistanis are either in denial or are ignorant of how ISI has been managing the afghan conflict for years. US military knows if Pakistani sanctuaries for afghani taliban ends the afghan insurgency will crumble. so keep living in denial that Pakistani govt and ISI dont like where Afghanistan is now. if ISI feels it helps Pakistan or Afghanistan to be less violent the country will be lesss violent. why you think Pakistan is "invited" to every major Afhganistan stability related conference/meetings? because a big part of Afghanistan's future is influenced/decided by Pakistan.
First of all Taliban are not Pakistani they are from Afghanistan. Pakistan made Taliban to fight Russia no doubt in that but Pakistan didn't made Taliban from Pakistani public. Taliban are Afghan, Now about Afghanistan being controlled by Pakistan, well the answer is that, who wants a bad neighbor, do you want a bad neighbor no. The Gov in Afghanistan is a foreign imposed Gov. If Pakistan wants to bring Taliban remember, UAS also once supported Taliban. So Afghanistan on the whole is a messy situation with different institutions and war authorities divided with relations to different world powers. In the end it will be Afghan to unite and decide their future and divided country will always have foreign intervention and Pakistan don't wants a hostile western border, we already have a hostile eastern border. If Afghan Gov pushes for India too much Pakistan will definitely try to counter that. Will they not? You cannot blame Pakistan for every thing that is happening in Afghanistan. Pakistan is just countering the situation. If Pakistan denounce the support of Taliban as you say and starts the support of Afghan Gov then India will support Taliban so as long as Afghanistan is divided it will be a continuous problem. Afghan's need to unite and decide to throw out one side either India or Pakistan.
If you read my post then you will now that answer, but you haven't read my post carefully before responding.

Pakistan is on no ones side when it's Muslim fighting another Muslim, Pakistan have always tried to stop fighting war between Muslim countries for example Iraq, Iran war.

Kindly prove prove regarding bold underline part of your post. @Rashid Mahmood please share your expertise about the above claim.

No truth in the underlined statement.
@BATMAN lets move here

Same here UAE Pakistan relations are not as good after staements of popular leaders of Pakistani political parties, media propaganda, parliament speeches and statements of senate chairman.

Iranian and Indian relations were not spoiled, even when India blamed Iranian hand in killing of Israeli ambassador.

Ground reality is that India gets cheapest oil from Iran.
Well cheap oil will be gone after CPEC as all that oil will go to China
Thank you sir.

And for that---I blame the GCC more than Pakistan---their arrogance got the better of them---.

Emotions alone would never bring you the results, but mastering the art of how to play with emotions will surely bring you desired results. GCC could have spent some money and used Pakistanis to create a favorable narrative in Pakistan for them, incentives, preferential treatment of common Pakistanis could have win them our consent and love. To make people of Pakistan love you, you simply have to tell them "Oh you are the fort of Islam, you are the ones, the chosen ones" and then see them all charged. Emotional fools we are.......... but GCC seems to bigger fool than us.

Pakistani state could have extended its influence, its importance, we seriously have all those customer locking opportunities, we can make half the world fall addicted to our geography and our importance but we fail again and again in benefiting from it. Only if we knew that in any symbiotic relation, if we wish we can any day take control of the host's mind and make him act on our wishes ............ but petty individual interests would never let that happen.
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