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9000 Kashmiri boys show up for Indian army selection, defying threat from terrorists.

but u sure count who u kill :tsk:

Who is U here brother..??? If U means Indians then U means Hindus Christians and Muslims..!!! I doubt you know the difference.. it seems for you the world is divided into Believers in Islam and people who try to destroy it..!!!!! That is one reason for we got divided in the first place..!!!!
Along with the army, there are many kashmiris(muslims) in the J&K police force. According to 2001 census it was about 56% of total J&K police force and they have been involved in the counter insurgency operation extensively.
So it is not surprising that a number of Kashmiris have turned up to join the army which can also provide a source of employment and income to the impoverished community there.

Percentage of muslims in Police by state

Having said that, this has occurred over a period of time. There was and probably is a slight bias against muslims but the situation is definitely improving. It would be wrong to say it simply does not exists. Even the high handedness of the police and army in Kashmir region has improved. Employing such recruitment drives and advertising them is an important past. Hopefully the UPA government will have the political will to continue this trend.
The Hindu : The decline of the ‘encounter death’
Who is U here brother..??? If U means Indians then U means Hindus Christians and Muslims..!!! I doubt you know the difference.. it seems for you the world is divided into Believers in Islam and people who try to destroy it..!!!!! That is one reason for we got divided in the first place..!!!!

by u i mean the indian army and government
and the world divides itself i just pick up the pieces!
Also the plebiscite was to be held after clearing the entire region of the 'tribal invaders'. So no question of that until India controls entire territory.

Correct me here.

Tribal or no tribal, they were fighters for Pakistan as Pakistan was a newly created country and had no regular army as today, it took us few years to built one, at the time all those who were called Pak Army were actually in British Indian Army.

For example Ayub Khan was a colonel in British Indian Army during WW2. by design or by fate or by cleverness all those Muslims who were to come to Pakistan from British Army were stationed far enough to not make it till India did its tricks of taking all the disputed areas.

And that is why India took Hyderabad, Junagarh, even Goa and than kashmir by force. And not to mention ferozepur, pathankot and many areas.

And all our force did withdraw to the line that we have today from airport of Sri Nagar. But India did not withdraw and that is how the war in kashmir continues as it being the disputed territory.
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Not as long as Kashmir is disputed territory.
Get the international community and UN to accept IOK as sovereign Indian territory and then you can make that claim.

Kashmiris are as eligible as every other Indian for an Indian Passport and quiet a lot of them have it......Just because Pakistan is sueing India over Kashmir doesnt make Kashmiri's non-Indians, do they?.Its upto Pakistan winning that case. As of now, they are Indians. Afterall, its the territory that is disputed NOT Kashmiris.
go explain that to BJP & VARUN GANDHI.....and before you say buddy BJP lost well it lost cuz advani didn't assure the people that he will make the TEMPLE over the ruins of BABRI MASJID.....:bunny::bunny::coffee:

so ur trying to say that the congress won because it assured the people that it would build a temple over the ruins of babri masjid?

ill tell you what, it won beacuse it didnt take a stand on a particular religion.:tup:
And that is why India took Hyderabad, Junagarh, even Goa and than Kashmir by force. And not to mention ferozepur, pathankot and many areas.

Go read history kid. Kashmir was the first to be freed from the clutches of invaders and Goa the last off that list.

And you shouldn't really believe what your history books tell you, you know. Those tribals were sent by GoP. Not because it didn't have any army but because Pakistan wanted to save itself from responsibility and it face in case they lost. And that's how they end up. Didn't they?
6 Million Kashmiris stay behind defying threats from Indian Army!
6 Million Kashmiris stay behind defying threats from Indian Army!

Thank India ,it is a Democratic,Secular Country which Care for Indians(Kashmiri's included)unlike some of our neighbour Countries who don't mind ethnic cleansing,planting people in thousands from other state to dilute these kind of radicalised people.

Jai Hind.
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