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9000 Kashmiri boys show up for Indian army selection, defying threat from terrorists.

BBC would have shamed India and our parliament if GOP was as faultless as you think you are

1. Why not give up your part of Kashmir to UN and have an election there ? India may or may not follow but it would be isolated. After all you love the Kashmiris more than the indians

2. Why not tell China to bugger off from the Kashmir and hold elections there ?

I could go on but its pointless.

All three GOI, China, GOP are guilty and thats that.


And when did i say that GOI and GOP are good govt and in Muslim world we say they are corrupt and act against the desires and wishes of Muslims as they are tools of foreigner than listen to their own people, latest survey about Zardari in Pakistan shows that his popularity is less than 15%.

But British media claims to be the hub of truth and fairness and master of decency and Democracy and of freedom of speech so we ask it to do what is say it it is there to do.

AS for as china is concerned at least they do/show what they say and not claim to be the hub of freedom, on the other hand those who claim to be the hub of Democracy and freedom of speech push their agenda to promote their beliefs and that my friend is hypocritical.

Albert Schweitzer:

Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil.
And when did i say that GOI and GOP are good govt and in Muslim world we say they are corrupt and act against the desires and wishes of Muslims as they are tools of foreigner than listen to their own people, latest survey about Zardari in Pakistan shows that his popularity is less than 15%.

But British media claims to be the hub of truth and fairness and master of decency and Democracy and of freedom of speech so we ask it to do what is say it it is there to do.

AS for as china is concerned at least they do/show what they say and not claim to be the hub of freedom, on the other hand those who claim to be the hub of Democracy and freedom of speech push their agenda to promote their beliefs and that my friend is hypocritical.

Albert Schweitzer:

Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil.

The British media is fair but it cannot be fair for what you consider is fair.

Indian Army has been doing that in kashmir for the past 60 years, not to mention the atrocities it committed in Amritsar attacking the holiest of holy place of Sikhs.

"Just living is not enough," said the Butterfly. "One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

In June 1984, India's late former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi gave personal approval to Operation Bluestar.

The objective was to flush out militant Sikhs who were fighting for an independent homeland in Punjab.

Bluestar achieved its military objectives - but its costs were enormous. Although there has never been any agreement on the numbers killed, Sikhs say thousands were massacred by Indian troops, many of them innocent bystanders.

The military action led to Mrs Gandhi's assassination later that year by her Sikh bodyguards. That in turn triggered a wave of anti-Sikh rioting which left nearly 3,000 dead.

Jagtar Singh of the UK Sikh Federation, said the arrival of a new Indian government, now led by a Sikh prime minister, had given hope to the Diaspora that the truth could eventually come out.

Sunday's march and rally in central London, which was expected to be attended by a number of MPs and London mayoral candidates, included demands on the British government to pressure Delhi to open up the episode to full international scrutiny.

"This temple is the holiest of holies," Mr Singh told the BBC. "And while trying to flush out a small number of militants, the Indian army killed enormous numbers of innocent pilgrims.

"During the operation there was a complete media blackout in Punjab. But 20 years later and the blood still cannot be washed from the marble floors."

Mr Singh said that while the attack had shocked Sikh communities around the world, it had also led to a reawakening of identity.

"People [in the UK] who had drifted away from their faith start practising it again," he said. "India actually laid the foundation stones for an independence movement and a more aware Sikh community."

Indian Milatery and commondos did the same thing doring Mumbai attack, as a matter of fact i think when it comes to the security of the country no religion is above or even near to it. So what Indian militery did was best to secure the integrity and to show the militant (no matter of what religion) that they would be taken down where ever they are inrespective of where they hide.

There is nothing against any religion, as all the religion in the world do have these kind of sick minded ppls.
In June 1984, India's late former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi gave personal approval to Operation Bluestar.

The objective was to flush out militant Sikhs who were fighting for an independent homeland in Punjab.

Bluestar achieved its military objectives - but its costs were enormous. Although there has never been any agreement on the numbers killed, Sikhs say thousands were massacred by Indian troops, many of them innocent bystanders.

The military action led to Mrs Gandhi's assassination later that year by her Sikh bodyguards. That in turn triggered a wave of anti-Sikh rioting which left nearly 3,000 dead.

Jagtar Singh of the UK Sikh Federation, said the arrival of a new Indian government, now led by a Sikh prime minister, had given hope to the Diaspora that the truth could eventually come out.

Sunday's march and rally in central London, which was expected to be attended by a number of MPs and London mayoral candidates, included demands on the British government to pressure Delhi to open up the episode to full international scrutiny.

"This temple is the holiest of holies," Mr Singh told the BBC. "And while trying to flush out a small number of militants, the Indian army killed enormous numbers of innocent pilgrims.

"During the operation there was a complete media blackout in Punjab. But 20 years later and the blood still cannot be washed from the marble floors."

Mr Singh said that while the attack had shocked Sikh communities around the world, it had also led to a reawakening of identity.

"People [in the UK] who had drifted away from their faith start practising it again," he said. "India actually laid the foundation stones for an independence movement and a more aware Sikh community."

Indian Milatery and commondos did the same thing doring Mumbai attack, as a matter of fact i think when it comes to the security of the country no religion is above or even near to it. So what Indian militery did was best to secure the integrity and to show the militant (no matter of what religion) that they would be taken down where ever they are inrespective of where they hide.

There is nothing against any religion, as all the religion in the world do have these kind of sick minded ppls.

Therre has been a long discussion about Milatry operation Blue Star. And the conclusion has always been that.

Indian leadership should have blocked the are ans not kill indiscriminately and that eventually all those so called terrorist would have scum to no water, no food and not power, in doing they would have save thousands of life's of innocents.

Ideas is to save life and property and not visa versa and to protect and not destroy.
And when did i say that GOI and GOP are good govt and in Muslim world we say they are corrupt and act against the desires and wishes of Muslims as they are tools of foreigner than listen to their own people, latest survey about Zardari in Pakistan shows that his popularity is less than 15%.

You are right, Indian govt is also puppet in the hands of foreign powers and we are NOT responsible for anything we do.
Therre has been a long discussion about Milatry operation Blue Star. And the conclusion has always been that.

Indian leadership should have blocked the are ans not kill indiscriminately and that eventually all those so called terrorist would have scum to no water, no food and not power, in doing they would have save thousands of life's of innocents.

Ideas is to save life and property and not visa versa and to protect and not destroy.

In general, I agree that Indira Gandhi was blunt in most of her operations. I hate her for her emergency, nationalization, authoritarianism etc. etc.

But Blue star was a mistake, not an attempt at being hateful. The same situation was repeated later in 1986-88 when the Army learned from past and used the tactics you mentioned and actually cleared up the premises. No one talks about that because there was no aftermath.

I think of Operation Blue Star as more like India's Lal Masjid Operation. Something that needed to be done, and one with which the Nation had no experience.
Which kashmiris are u talking about, only maharajah and he was forced even though he did say that his populous is Muslims and they should be the one to decide, but India after 1948 did not leave while Pakistani forces did leave from out skirts of Sri naga and withdrew to the point at LOC.

document signed under duress is are not valid, your version of reason for them to rebel is different than most kashmiris i talked with, so do not make your version as official ones.

" An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

That's what Pakistan claims. And my point is simple, no detailed reports are required, no media bias in this. The UN Resolution, whatever it may say, is not binding and its implementation is dependent of both parties to the dispute. India initially was in favour of resolution through UN but now we are not. Changed our mind, BIG DEAL.

No UN resolution makes it mandatory, and even Pakistani leadership has realised it long back. Since then they have also started talking about resolution based on political ground. Please refrain from saying that India is under any obligation for a plebiscite in Kashmir, that topic is off the table for long.
I dont know why these pakistanis are so obsessed with Kashmir..!! Its all fixed agenda.. and that is why india is so rigid in its own way..!! Entire hatred between pakistan and india is revolved around Kashmir.. if you want free and fair election in kashmir then why is it the core reason for our enmity.. the reason is you want kashmir and you support terrorism in our part so that it always remains an issue..!!!! Kashmir is not a heaven now and every single child in india and Pakistan knows it..!!! But as a nation we cannot have a meaningful dialog and things wont move in a positive direction.. if you dont stop supporting morally and physically.. the terrorism or the freedom fighters as you call it in kashmir..!! Unless and until that is done nothing is going to happen.. and this one up man ship debates wont do any good..!!!!!
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Not as long as Kashmir is disputed territory.;)

Get the international community and UN to accept IOK as sovereign Indian territory and then you can make that claim.

AgNoStIc MuSliM, just bcoz some ppls say "Kashmir is disputed territory" yes there are some issues in between India and Pakistan but this dosent make these ppls living in Kashmir less Indian, they are as much as Indian as ppls in other part of India.

Yup i can understand that these youth's can be like grain of sand in some ppls eyes, but the fact remains the fact and youths of J&K are joining IA thats the reality. If they want to join any other civil service they are most welcomes, and for the matter of fact they are doing it. :agree:
Indian leadership should have blocked the are ans not kill indiscriminately and that eventually all those so called terrorist would have scum to no water, no food and not power, in doing they would have save thousands of life's of innocents.

Do you really thing terrorist are that dumb, come on man, what IA did was the best thing and these terrorist deserve nothing less then to die like unworthy living being. What PA is doing in Northern province, tis doing to secure its Territory from these so called terrorist :whistle:.
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The document you talk about is faked and does not replace the aspirations of the peope of kashmir.......a vote under the UN is the only democratic way......you do believe in democracy dont you..does the view of a maharaja count more then all the millions and what they want.

First of all - So do you now accept that the views of maharaja were for annexation by India, that's half the topic wrapped up.

Another 25%: I am yet to receive any rebuttal about the UN charter, so I will consider it as accepted that we have an understanding that it is not binding unless both parties agree.

Democratic way - Dude you seem to be a learned man, have you not read the defenition of Democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which state-power is held by the majority of citizens within a country or a state.

Within a country, it can not be used for separation from a country.

As far as your last line
does the view of a maharaja count more then all the millions and what they want.

Sir, all the territories were annexed following the same methodology. The Maharajas from every province signed up papers to enable annexation. If we are disputing the method, then each and every state will need to be questioned. Not feasible. Not Happening.

Therre has been a long discussion about Milatry operation Blue Star. And the conclusion has always been that.

Indian leadership should have blocked the are ans not kill indiscriminately and that eventually all those so called terrorist would have scum to no water, no food and not power, in doing they would have save thousands of life's of innocents.

Ideas is to save life and property and not visa versa and to protect and not destroy.

Rather than a conclusion, it is the premise with which you started and ended the discussion, and seriously I doubt the quality of discussion of which you were a part off. I have already seen that in this discussion, you are the one wavering left and right bringing in non-issues like blue star into a Kashmir Discussion. You sir are diverting from the topic (which generally Indians are accused of)
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Not as long as Kashmir is disputed territory.;)

Get the international community and UN to accept IOK as sovereign Indian territory and then you can make that claim.

It does not matter.

Neither for those who line up for enrollment nor for India. Notice, nothing has changed over the last 62 yrs.
AgNoStIc MuSliM, just bcoz some ppls say "Kashmir is disputed territory" yes there are some issues in between India and Pakistan but this dosent make these ppls living in Kashmir less Indian, they are as much as Indian as ppls in other part of India.

The problems of pakistan and india will carry on until you get it in your head that kashmirs never call themselfs indians......its only you indians that call kashmiris indians.......they never do.
Its like me calling you pakistani.....no matter how many times i call you a pakistani you will never want to be one or accept being called pakistani.......but i can carry to make myself happy.
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