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9 TTP terrorists arrested in Hangu

That's uncalled for...a bit too inhuman. I'm all for strict and insane punishments for those who committed the crime...but let's leave those not responsible out of it.

How about having all 9 of these tied up in bolted chairs...sufficient distance apart...but within view of each other...remove their blindfolds
...and one by one shoot the same RPGs that were recovered from them...at these ppl. For the first one...it will be relatively quick death(he would get off the easiest IMO)...
...but the mental torture for others...knowing what's coming for them...one by one...that agony would be their real punishment. I'd say even televise it...for their loved ones to see. It will be a lesson for other families out there to keep their sons, brothers, husbands, fathers away from joining anti state actors.
In most cases families are complicit too, there is no way they didn't know what their son/brother is doing or with whom he's hanging out.
Why are they still breathing? Oxygen is precious lets not these scum waste it...
Please arrest their families too, waterboard their sisters infort of them to knock some senses in their heads.
Very bad dear. You can't punish someone for someone else's crime. Recovery of weapons and other evidences against them should be sufficient enough for taking the to noose or long term jail.
How these weapons reached inside the compound of Afghan refugee camp? A thorough investigation to determine the lapses at various levels and immediate preventive measures are required.
Lol .. You must be new to this info.

It is on record. A major general(I don't remember his name) went on ARY television and said that Afghan refugee camps are no go zone for Pakistani Army and LEA. He said that if they tried to go in .. There would be a lot of blood shed.

This is coming from a rt Pak Army general.
Very bad dear. You can't punish someone for someone else's crime. Recovery of weapons and other evidences against them should be sufficient enough for taking the to noose or long term jail.
Collective punishments have worked pretty well if you want to execute it whole heartedly and take it to its logical conclusions. History is filled with examples of it.

But it is Pakistan where nothing is taken seriously , including war.
In most cases families are complicit too, there is no way they didn't know what their son/brother is doing or with whom he's hanging out.

Don't worry .. Their families will come on the street and cry few tears for their beloved missing persons.
Like the strategy used to take down the different Mafia bosses around the world, not just the low level guys. They should turn state’s witness and pay back their debt to society by working as informants (which is why their names should not have been released)
In order take down "Mafia" bosses, Pakistan need to start a war against India, because they are being sheltered, protected, trained and funded by the Indians.
It is on record. A major general(I don't remember his name) went on ARY television and said that Afghan refugee camps are no go zone for Pakistani Army and LEA. He said that if they tried to go in .. There would be a lot of blood shed.

This is coming from a rt Pak Army general.
Please quote your source otherwise do not state such remarks.

How come Afghan refugee camp located inside Pakistan become a "no go area" for Pakistan Army?
Thanks. Very valuable info. But this is given by former ISI chief. If shura was formed and evolved in the Quetta camp, then possibility of ISI involvement cannot be ruled out. Hence armed Afghans inside the camp must have been "officially" allowed to protect shura.

ISI is an army of dark horses protecting the very existence of Pakistan and their major weapons are deceptions, lies, misinformation and denials.

However, the recent raid happened near Kohat.
Thanks. Very valuable info. But this is given by former ISI chief. If shura was formed and evolved in the Quetta camp, then possibility of ISI involvement cannot be ruled out. Hence armed Afghans inside the camp must have been "officially" allowed to protect shura.

ISI is an army of dark horses protecting the very existence of Pakistan and their major weapons are deceptions, lies, misinformation and denials.

However, the recent raid happened near Kohat.

Bro ... ISI is good but they are not GOD. If an ex ISI chief is saying that they didn't venture in with guns blazing then we should take his words at face valve and not attach some abstract or deeper meaning to it.
Bro ... ISI is good but they are not GOD. If an ex ISI chief is saying that they didn't venture in with guns blazing then we should take his words at face valve and not attach some abstract or deeper meaning to it.
The retired general is an official defence analyst. So whatever, he will say, will be taken on its face value as well as some abstract or deeper meaning will also be deduced by those who are sitting across the border.

Actual happenings will never be exposed or known. Meanwhile some "facts" are available.

Quetta Shura was formed. ISI knew about this formation. Armed men were present inside Afghan refugee camp, Quetta to protect the Shura members..

Someone from ISI spill the beans. Why? A million dollar question.
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