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9 Confirm Corona Virus Cases in Karachi in a Single Day

Ah i was scared for this to happen..All we can do at this point is brace ourselves for the worse and hope for the best.

This is exactly why i was so against anyone returning from Wuhan or anywhere coronavirus-infected. The moment these people enter Pakistan, they become above the law. They won't follow proper advisory precautions and....ugh. We're screwed.

This what i was talking about earlier. Now after closure of Pak Iran border Shia population in Pakistan has started to react. This moron here is claiming Sand of Karabala is curing cancer patient so what is corona virus. It is because of this attitude we will never be able to control spread of this virus in Pakistan. Duniya kay badtareen Jahil Pakistan mein rehtay hein koe illaj nae inka. People like him should be allowed to leave for Iran immediate and then kept there untill he is infected.
I'm more concerned that now during scorching summer heat the virus will die down but not completely. And if it survive by next winter it may have better ability to overcome heat by evolution process.

This is what i was talking about earlier. So many Pakistani Shia have started protesting on social media regarding closure of Pak Iran Border calling it a conspiracy against them. Ignorance amongst Pakistanis has no limit like this guy in video claiming Karabala sand is curing cancer.
1. He has named ministers who are responsible for it

2. 9 cases in a single day confirmed by government itself point clearly towards this 60% number being true. 9 confirm cases in a single day is not normal

I totally agree with these parts of your original post:
1.) Most of IK's team f-ing SUCKS; they aren't just well intentioned-yet-incompetent idiots --- many are malicious, greedy, corrupt and sold to the highest bidder
2.) Zulfi Bukhari falls in the above category; I know that he went fwd with a meeting between the PM and some Sikh investors (who were actually foreign agents) despite intel's warnings
3.) 9 cases in a day IS unfortunately normal, even in some developed countries --- however, that does not mean that it should happen or that the govt's arrangements are adequate (they're not)
4.) Health Officials were taking bribes to put people in / pull them out of quarantine at airports --- now, there are apparently people monitoring the people who are supposed to monitor incoming passengers (what a circus)
I totally agree with these parts of your original post:
1.) Most of IK's team f-ing SUCKS; they aren't just well intentioned-yet-incompetent idiots --- many are malicious, greedy, corrupt and sold to the highest bidder
2.) Zulfi Bukhari falls in the above category; I know that he went fwd with a meeting between the PM and some Sikh investors (who were actually foreign agents) despite intel's warnings
3.) 9 cases in a day IS unfortunately normal, even in some developed countries --- however, that does not mean that it should happen or that the govt's arrangements are adequate (they're not)
4.) Health Officials were taking bribes to put people in / pull them out of quarantine at airports --- now, there are apparently people monitoring the people who are supposed to monitor incoming passengers (what a circus)

When low IQ guys would be made prime ministers in this country, this will always be the end result. I think there should be an IQ test for all the members of the parliament, if they fall below a certain threshold value in the outcome of IQ test, they should be kicked out of the parliament.
His ministers...Where did 18th Amendment go? Usually Sindh always goes my choice for xyz, why or how did Balochistani CM not raise his 18th Amendment slogan?

I'm sorry, I'm confused. What is the significance of the 18th amendment here?

And like I said people with a more solid border than Pakistan, much stringent care are also reporting cases.

That does not mean that we sit back happy with our stupendous incompetence and deliberate disregard. Let alone purposefully let in people who most probably have the disease.

What are you going to do, stop breathing? Coz it is airborne!

It's not an airborne virus, not in the scientific sense, at least.

We cant contain coz than it becomes sectarian and our joshi pagal get all hyper that you dare to "check" people who are coming back from a HOLY visit?
Yes absolutely spot on. Bang on the money. We all know this b.s. that floats in Pakistan - if we dare question the returning pilgrims from Iran (or from Saudi for that matter), all hell will break loose. We have forgotten science and abandoned reason.
Now is the time to ride it through not place travel restrictions. All option left now are unpopular such as quarantine of infected cities but i doubt govt can do that without some serious political repercussions.

Then what is the government there for? What exactly is its use? Justifying the government's inaction with possible public backlash? Political repercussions? How does that make any sense? What did we vote the larger than life, strongest willed, miracle worker, leader of all leaders, messianic PM for? How can you accept that excuse, let alone present it on the government's behalf?
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When low IQ guys would be made prime ministers in this country, this will always be the end result. I think there should be an IQ test for all the members of the parliament, if they fall below a certain threshold value in the outcome of IQ test, they should be kicked out of the parliament.

Our choice always seems to be between two horrible options:
Evil Geniuses like Zardari (no patriotism despite great intelligence) VS. Well-Intentioned Idiots (lots of patriotism but no competence)

I'm sorry but what are you talking about?

So we should do nothing? Let alone purposefully let in people who most probably have the disease?

It's not an airborne virus, not in the scientific sense, at least.

Then what is the government there for? What exactly is its use? Justifying the government's inaction on what needs to be done with possible public backlash? Political repercussions? How does that make any sense? What did we vote the larger than life, strongest willed, leader of all leaders, miracle worker, messianic PM for? How can you accept that excuse, let alone present it on the government's behalf?

I like your posts. People here excuse all kinds of ridiculous dereliction of duty --- it's treason!
9 cases in a day IS unfortunately normal, even in some developed countries ---

54 UK cases in just last 24 hours and it's increasing rapidly day on day ...

374 cases in total, 6 deaths already.

UK government is about to go in Delay stage, within 10-14 days max. Delay stage means no social contact, no gatherings, work from home etc etc.

Pray for HOT weather arrival in Pakistan. 40C+ temps with social distance for 2 months may just be enough to stop the widespread.

Our media is sellout and won't broadcast the right material on prevention.

Elderly and those with critical illnesses being treated already are at the high end risk of death.

No government can fight this virus without the public fully onboard.
They took away like 8+ guys last night from Malir garrison. Probably like a mile away from my house...

People are now stocking their houses with rations etc..
We are doomed. Ban travel from/ to Iran, Syria or any coronavirus infected cities. And for god sakes, we must monitor every single person coming out of airport.
I paid no heed to this corona virus, until there was new about widespread in Iran and then soon after 2 cases in Pakistan, then i felt kind of doomed. We have no capacity to contain such a disease. As many cases that we have discovered, that's not it, there are definitely more, and it will spread until we discover those and so on, things aren't looking good at all i am afraid.
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