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Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapses straight down. For the building to collapse in this fashion, all of the load bearing supports would have had to fail at exactly the same time.The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire requires the fire be equally distributed throughout the entire floor of the building, providing equal heat for an equal amount of time, so that all the load bearings members would fail at the exact same moment.

yes building 7 was a controlled demolition.


Utter and complete pile of rubbish, demolition technicians do not place explosive charges on every floor--something I proved in an earlier post. You also failed to mention the 10% base of the building that was destroyed by falling debris.

Sad how people keep abusing the forum rules by creating new accounts--I guess people get humiliated to the point where they can not use their original account due to further humiliation.
larry silverstien the zionist owner of the wt centers he said lets pull it regarding building 7, pull it is used in controlled demolition termsyou are not going to say lets pull it refering to the firemen now are you, common sense he got cought out :agree:
have you seen any other building collapse( implode) like the ones on 9/11 after 2001 me thinks not ,what is so hard about understanding controlled demolitions you troll::sniper:

this shining cow needs to shine some light in your dark head:smokin:
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larry silverstien the zionist owner of the wt centers he said lets pull it regarding building 7, pull it is used in controlled demolition termsyou are not going to say lets pull it refering to the firemen now are you, common sense he got cought out :agree:
have you seen any other building collapse( implode) like the ones on 9/11 after 2001 me thinks not ,what is so hard about understanding controlled demolitions you troll:rofl:

this shining cow needs to shine some light in your dark head:smokin:


Fool, he was talking to the fire commander when he said 'pull', certainly you can't be naive enough to think that a fire cammander is in on the conspiracy. Pull is also often used when you want people out, as in (pull out) Something that firefighter Richard Banaciski acknowledged when they told him to get out of wtc7. They also use cables to pull building away from other building, something they did around ground zero.
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larry silverstien the zionist owner of the wt centers he said lets pull it regarding building 7, pull it is used in controlled demolition termsyou are not going to say lets pull it refering to the firemen now are you, common sense he got cought out :agree:
have you seen any other building collapse( implode) like the ones on 9/11 after 2001 me thinks not ,what is so hard about understanding controlled demolitions you troll::sniper:

this shining cow needs to shine some light in your dark head:smokin:
No...The word 'pull' does not mean to detonate. Here is the proper context of the word 'pull' in the demolition business...

NOVA Online/Kaboom!/Loizeaux Interview
NOVA: A common misconception is that you blow buildings up. That's not really the case, is it?

Stacy Loizeaux: No. The term "implosion" was coined by my grandmother back in, I guess, the '60s. It's a more descriptive way to explain what we do than "explosion." There are a series of small explosions, but the building itself isn't erupting outward. It's actually being pulled in on top of itself. What we're really doing is removing specific support columns within the structure and then cajoling the building in one direction or another, or straight down.

NOVA: How do you do that?

SL: Well, you just pull it away, you peel it off. If you have room in the opposite direction, you just let the building sort of melt down in that direction and it will pull itself completely away from the building. It can be done.

NOVA: Do you get a thrill watching a building fall?

SL: Oh sure. I mean you really don't ever lose it. Your perspective changes. When I first started traveling with my Dad at fifteen, sixteen years old, I used to be awestruck. But you sort of go from that awestruck feeling to where you understand how the structure is coming down and you're watching for certain things—counting the delays or waiting for a part of the building to kick out or waiting for it to pull forward. So it does change, but it's always a rush.
So the proper context of the word 'pull' in the demolition business is about influencing the manner of the collapse AFTER detonation and as the collapse begins its journey.

NOVA: Do you tend to look at blueprints?

SL: Well, 90 percent of the time we don't have them. A lot of times those plans have been misplaced or have disintegrated into dust. But when we do have them, yeah, we use them but we don't rely on them. There's a difference between 'as drawn' and 'as built'. And you never trust the drawings. That's why we do test shots, which is going in and picking out a few key columns and actually loading them with explosives and shooting them ahead of time, to understand the loads within the columns.

NOVA: What can go wrong on a job? What do you have to watch for?

SL: Our biggest problem, when we come right down to the wire with shooting buildings, is ground control. That is the hardest thing. For some reason people think that they can stand right next to a building coming down and that they're going to be OK. We've pulled people out of manholes that were 15 feet from the building, pulled people out of trees right next to the building. And people will make great efforts to camouflage themselves. We've had guys dress up as bushes, you know, blacken their faces and try to get the best camera angle. It's unbelievable.
So to actually detonate the planted explosives, the word is 'shoot'.

NOVA: Can you describe the prep work that goes into dropping a building.

SL: Well, it depends on the structure, obviously. We've had chimneys prepared in half a day and we've had buildings that take three months.
So to collapse a structure, the word is 'drop'.

To 'drop' a building, we 'shoot' a few strategic columns to initiate the collapse sequence and those few columns will 'pull' the collapse in the manner and direction we want.

Get it?

If the word 'pull' actually mean to detonate, we would have demolition professionals all over the world jumping on the 9/11 conspiracy theories bandwagon. Instead, we have only suckers like yourselves making fools of yourselves in public forums.
Over 72 000 Jews took a day off from work and school on 9/11

That's a proven lie.

It takes an idiot to believe that some bearded cavemen got into a plane and flew it into the WTC.

Most, if not all of the hijackers didn't even have beards.
hey guy do you understand controlled demolition ,nforce gambit ptld one acount post some videos to shw diference between a real controlled demolition and a building falling due to fire ,what you say ?
1. Jews DID die on 9/11.
2. The Iraqi's auctioned off their oil to RUSSIA, not the US.
3. You sound like a child.

Pakistan was the one who destroyed the chances for democracy in Afghanistan anyways and now today we have to put up with the aftershocks of radicalizing those Afghans and others.

So tell me why they went into Iraq? to bring down Saddam only? Why they defended Kuwait just bcz they want to save few muslims from a bad man called Sadam who invaded their territory?

I was just thinking from another point of view...i didn't stated that it was an inside job (maybe it is maybe it is not) anyway I strongly believe that there is absolutely NO WAR WITHOUT AN ECONOMIC INTEREST. And to do war you need a cause, if you don't have any excuse then you create one! :rolleyes:

There was never so called democracy in Afghanistan, they always fight against each other for their internal matters and interests. Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, CIA used ISI to creat freedom fighters (now Taliban) and after the Soviet collapse U.S. just forget about this region and leave the total mess. ISI used these Talibans to create a regime to bring out this region from total caos. These fighters tried to get back to normal life but their countries didn't accept them so they lived in their own way until the mess of 9/11 and these Talibans become terrorists.

I'm absolutly not in favor for these Talibans, they also harmed Pakistan and have done many brutal things by miss using the name of Islam. But the fact is they were once used by ISI for the benefits of U.S.A and to achieve the goals of CIA and now they are hunting their own puppets.

My point is all this have harmed and done far more damage to the Muslims and to the Muslim world then U.S.A or west.:frown:
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So tell me why they went into Iraq? to bring down Saddam only? Why they defended Kuwait just bcz they want to save few muslims from a bad man called Sadam who invaded their territory?

I was just thinking from another point of view...i didn't stated that it was an inside job (maybe it is maybe it is not) anyway I strongly believe that there is absolutely NO WAR WITHOUT AN ECONOMIC INTEREST. And to do war you need a cause, if you don't have any excuse then you create one! :rolleyes:

There was never so called democracy in Afghanistan, they always fight against each other for their internal matters and interests. Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, CIA used ISI to creat freedom fighters (now Taliban) and after the Soviet collapse U.S. just forget about this region and leave the total mess. ISI used these Talibans to create a regime to bring out this region from total caos. These fighters tried to get back to normal life but their countries didn't accept them so they lived in their own way until the mess of 9/11 and these Talibans become terrorists.

I'm absolutly not in favor for these Talibans, they also harmed Pakistan and have done many brutal things by miss using the name of Islam. But the fact is they were once used by ISI for the benefits of U.S.A and to achieve the goals of CIA and now they are hunting their own puppets.

My point is all this have harmed and done far more damage to the Muslims and to the Muslim world then U.S.A or west.:frown:

true the taliban done more harm than good but we missing the real point,911 was done by the zionist scum who wanted a pipeline and taliban said no.hence the the false flag for geo politicle gains
Establishment of democracy in the ME by muslims -- Epic fail.

my post was not intended to offend anyone but just a joke as i love to use this word Epic fail too!:lol:

Anyway would you like to elaborate your statement please? from democracy in ME you intended Arab-Israel conflict or other internal matters btw ME countries?
More witnesses telling of explosions in lobby...
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Actually listen to secondary explosions ...

Fireman said, "Definitely a secondary explosion"... "It was like three explosions after that"
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Clear signs of exploded interior in WTC-7 & others... Rubel coming from WTC-1/2 canNOT cause such damage to building interion... It's powdered dust everywhere & papers scattered all over...

Also have a look inside the car... Simply "Exploded"...
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