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9/11 TRUTH: Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement

Let me get this right. There is a "false flag" operation and if it were ever to come out, all who were directly or indirectly involved would either be hanged or jailed for life. Ruling party may never ever ever come to power again. And a damn marine knows about this? Completely normal, nothing fishy here...
I have no idea!
You have no idea who lied about WMD in Iraq, but you have no problems bringing up the initials 'WMD' anyway. It looks to me like you took the coward way out of a debate. You suspected that you probably are over your head, that I know something about the issues that you do not, and that you are afraid of being publicly embarrassed because you will end up having no answers.

But if it will make you feel any better, those who entered the issues ended up embarrassed anyway when I exposed their ignorance and failure at critical thinking. So you would be in good company.
You have no idea who lied about WMD in Iraq, but you have no problems bringing up the initials 'WMD' anyway. It looks to me like you took the coward way out of a debate. You suspected that you probably are over your head, that I know something about the issues that you do not, and that you are afraid of being publicly embarrassed because you will end up having no answers.

But if it will make you feel any better, those who entered the issues ended up embarrassed anyway when I exposed their ignorance and failure at critical thinking. So you would be in good company.

I have no idea about 9.11 not WMD.

About WMD , ask the us people who protest Bush for invade iraq without evidence, Idiot!.
I have no idea about 9.11 not WMD.

About WMD , ask the us people who protest Bush for invade iraq without evidence, Idiot!.
YOU brought on WMD back in post 39. Idiot!
YOU brought on WMD back in post 39. Idiot!

when you ask who lied , I answer the WMD.

it means USA Gov is a good liar , Bush lied to public about Saddam had WMD and hanged him .

Shame on US gov! Hypocrite !
when you ask who lied , I answer the WMD.

it means USA Gov is a good liar , Bush lied to public about Saddam had WMD and hanged him .

Shame on US gov! Hypocrite !
Are you sure that only the US supposedly 'lied' about WMD in Iraq? Be careful before you answer because the facts and truth are very embarrassing.
Fire, Not Explosives, Felled 3rd Tower on 9/11, Report Says

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — Fires in the 47-story office tower at the edge of the World Trade Center site undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, federal investigators concluded on Thursday, as they attempted to curb still-rampant speculation that explosives caused the building’s collapse on Sept. 11, 2001.

No one died when the tower, 7 World Trade Center, tumbled, as the estimated 4,000 office workers there at the time had evacuated before it gave way, nearly seven hours after the second of the twin towers came down.

But the collapse of 7 World Trade Center — home at the time to branch offices of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secret Service and the Giuliani administration’s emergency operations center — is cited in hundreds of Web sites and books as perhaps the most compelling evidence that an insider secretly planted explosives, intentionally destroying the tower.

A separate, preliminary report issued in 2002 by theFederal Emergency Management Agency questioned whether diesel fuel tanks installed in the tower to supply backup generators — including one that powered the Giuliani administration’s emergency “bunker” — might have been to blame.

But S. Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, based here in the suburbs of Washington, also rejected that theory on Thursday, even as he acknowledged that the collapse had been something of a puzzle.

“Our take-home message today is the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery,” Dr. Sunder said at a news conference at the institute’s headquarters. “It did not collapse from explosives or fuel oil fires.”

The institute’s findings were released on Thursday as part of a 915-page report resulting from the work of more than 50 federal investigators and a dozen contractors over three years.

Conspiracy theorists have pointed to the fact that the building fell straight down, instead of tumbling, as proof that explosives were used to topple it, as well as to bring down the twin towers. Sixteen percent of the respondents in a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll said it was very likely or somewhat likely that explosives were planted.

During the last four decades, other towers in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles have remained standing through catastrophic blazes that burned out of control for hours because of malfunctioning or nonexistent sprinkler systems. But 7 World Trade Center, which was not struck by a plane, is the first skyscraper in modern times to collapse primarily as a result of a fire. Adding to the suspicion is the fact that in the rush to clean up the site, almost all of the steel remains of the tower were disposed of, leaving investigators in later years with little forensic evidence.

Using videos, photographs and building design documents, the investigators at the National Institute spent the last three years building an elaborate computer model of 7 World Trade Center that they used to test various chains of events to figure out what caused the collapse, Dr. Sunder said.

The investigators determined that debris from the falling twin towers damaged structural columns and ignited fires on at least 10 floors at 7 World Trade Center, which stood about 400 feet north of the twin towers. But the structural damage from the falling debris was not significant enough to threaten the tower’s stability, Dr. Sunder said.

The fires on six of the lower floors burned with particular intensity because the water supply for the sprinkler system had been cut off — the upper floors had a backup water supply — and the Fire Department, devastated by the collapse of the twin towers, stopped trying to fight the blaze.

Normally, fireproofing on a skyscraper should have been sufficient to allow such a blaze to burn itself out and leave the building damaged but still standing. But investigators determined that the heat from the fire caused girders in the steel floor of 7 World Trade Center to expand. As a result, steel beams underneath the floors that provided lateral support for the tower’s structural columns began to buckle or put pressure against the vertical structural columns.

These fires might have been fed partly by the diesel from tanks and a pressurized fuel line, which were on the fifth to the ninth floors, Dr. Sunder said. But the analysis showed that even in the worst case, the diesel fuel-fed fire would not have burned hot enough or long enough to have played a major role in weakening the structure. The investigators determined that the fire that day was fed mainly by office paper and furnishings.

The collapse started when a girder on the 13th floor disconnected from a critical column — listed as Column 79 — that supported a long open floor span, the report said. Once that floor gave way, the floors below it down to the fifth floor also collapsed, although this was not visible from the building’s exterior.

Without lateral support for nine stories, Column 79 buckled, and the floors above gave way all the way up to the roof. Only then did the collapse become visible from the exterior with a penthouse area on the roof first falling in, followed by what looked like the sudden implosion of the tower, Dr. Sunder said. “The physics is consistent, it is sound, it has been analyzed,” he said.

Skeptics have questioned whether explosives were planted at the three towers at ground zero, and at the Pentagon as well, often contending that the Bush administration had planned the catastrophes to provide a justification to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. What started as a small number of such conspiracy theorists ballooned into a movement of sorts, largely fed by Internet sites and homemade videos.

Dr. Sunder said the investigators considered the possibility that explosives were used, but ruled it out because the noise associated with such an explosion would have been 10 times louder than being in front of the speakers at a rock concert, he said, and detectable from as far as a half a mile away. He said that interviews with eyewitnesses and a review of video taken that day provided no evidence of a sound that loud just before the collapse.

The skeptics — including several who attended Thursday’s news conference — were unimpressed. They have long argued that an incendiary material called thermite, made of aluminum powder and a metal oxide, was used to take down the trade center towers, an approach that would not necessarily result in an explosive boom. They also have argued that a sulfur residue found at the World Trade Center site is evidence of an inside job.

Dr. Sunder said the investigators chose not to use the computer model to evaluate whether a thermite-fueled fire might have brought down the tower, since 100 pounds of it would have had to have been stacked directly against the critical column that gave way, which he said they did not believe had occurred.

To the skeptics, it was a glaring omission.

“It is very difficult to find what you are not looking for,” said Shane Geiger, who contributes to a Web site that follows the topic and who had come to Maryland from Texas to quiz Dr. Sunder about his findings, with a bumper sticker on his laptop computer that says, “9-11 was an inside job.”

Dr. Sunder attempted to patiently answer the questions that Mr. Geiger and another obvious critic presented to him during the news conference. Five armed police officers and a bomb-sniffing dog stood guard near the rear of the room.

Dr. Sunder said there were no apparent flaws in 7 World Trade Center’s design that contributed to its collapse and that it met New York City codes. But there are some important lessons for other skyscrapers, he said, as engineers and architects should consider how the heat from fires can weaken structural elements, potentially causing a so-called progressive collapse.

Owners of tall buildings with a similar floor design — he could not estimate how many such towers exist in the United States — should immediately consider whether to install reinforcements, he said, and perhaps codes should be changed to address the weakness.

A new, substantially different 7 World Trade Center — now 52 stories — reopened at roughly the same site in 2006. The new building has extra safety features, including wider emergency stairwells and a fire-resistant refuge area on each floor.

Within moments after the news conference ended, leaders of a group called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth held their own telephone conference briefing, dismissing the investigation as flawed.

“How much longer do we have to endure the coverup of how Building 7 was destroyed?” said Richard Gage, a California architect and leader of the group.

Told of the doubts, Dr. Sunder said he could not explain why the skepticism would not die.

“I am really not a psychologist,” he said. “Our job was to come up with the best science.”
Are you sure that only the US supposedly 'lied' about WMD in Iraq? Be careful before you answer because the facts and truth are very embarrassing.

No matter who lie about this, the others are not shameless like USA.

always standing on the commanding height of moral,and try to be both a bitch and memorial arch.
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Seriously @gambit do you think towers are made of hardened papers?

They are made of steel designed to resist to any fire

I think more and more you're a CIA troll
This is not the Middle Ages where scientific knowledge are scant and few have access to it. Today, even esoteric knowledge are available for all to examine, whether the person is capable of understanding or not. You brought on a couple thousands architects and engineers. How many of them have the experience of Leslie Robertson, the lead structural engineer of the WTC Towers? Firefighters all over the world is a fraternity with a very exclusive and honorable mission: protect the cities and the people. The knowledge they have are not national security secrets and they willingly share knowledge with each other. Whenever there are deaths from a building fire, all firefighters share the same sorrow.

So explain to us how is it that for countries with tall buildings that are newer than the WTC Towers, no reputable architectural and construction companies are willing to put their names on the line for the nutjobs like you? Why no firefighter unions or companies from other countries willing to do the same?

For the short time you have been here, you have been relegated to that of being the village idiot. And finally, I doubt that you are Vietnamese.
Even the two thousand Jews who were working in WTC took a leave on that day .

Juice , i tell ya :P :P :P .
Dude, i thought it was weird by keep asking me if i am the pot or the kettle?

actually, i realised i over-estimated your English Language Ability. Quite Obiviously you do not know the origin of the proverb

"Oho!" said the pot to the kettle;
"You are dirty and ugly and black!
Sure no one would think you were metal,
Except when you're given a crack."
"Not so! not so!" kettle said to the pot;
"'Tis your own dirty image you see;
For I am so clean – without blemish or blot
That your blackness is mirrored in me."

The pot calling the kettle black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The origin was said that the dirty pot look at the self-reflection of its sooted surface upon a silver polished kettle, and the pot tell the kettle ugly and black, but the kettle is not blot but was clean, the pot is merely mirrored itself on the shiny kettle.

Pot is black, Kettle is not.

lol, English class is your friend, enrol one today :lol:

And to answer your question, i am the kettle

Languages are not static and thus meanings can change over time. The same Latin word can have to very different meaning in two different languages due to usage habits.

As disingenuous as you are, you didn't post the very first sentence of the wiki article, which states: As generally understood, the person accusing (the "pot") is understood to share some quality with the target of their accusation (the "kettle"). The pot is mocking the kettle for a little soot when the pot itself is thoroughly covered in the same.
Well it seems an operation executed by Indians, supervised by RAW and planned by Mosad to killed Indians and bend India on keens.

Who took blame in good spirit --> Pakistan :sarcastic:
What did Pakistan got in return?

What a looser !! :hitwall:
No idea what you are talking about no country as a whole took any blame and why was RAW dragged in for free? The thread is not about India so please grow up!
That was another lie about the WMD Iraq was invaded to secure Israel from a hostile threat which was saddam who was a well known Palestinian supporter and he also fired scuds at Israel .
The only one who benefit from Iraq invasion are Iran and Assad. It was Khomeini's biggest dream to instal Shia rule in Iraq and Bush made it true.

BTW, Taliban's were also Iran's enemies.
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