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8 month old baby raped in Delhi

I agree but this applies to most of Latin America, Russia, most of Africa and big chunk of Asia. Maybe upwards of 50 countries. Why pick on India/Pak only? Do you even freakin know the state of law/order in Brazil. They chew up bodies like flies everyday and you you can damn well bet rape is rampant. These issues are relevant to most of the developing world.

The developed world has it's own issues so chill will you with this "rape" fascination.

Why should I chill? Just because I am speaking out as a man? This the attitude in India etc about women, they are too scared to report rape, sexual assault because they will be shamed, but everyone needs to speak out.

I don't care if you think I have an "obsession" with rape at least I speak out.

They will say, this happen else where as well. With that attitude, rape will be easily excused.

To stop rape, India need to go after sexual harassment. Don’t excuse sexual harassment with names like Eve teasing. Sickos.

Exactly India, the Middle East, Brazil, Pakistan, SA all these countries have a massive problem because the men just make excuses and try and brush it under the carpet.
They will say, this happen else where as well. With that attitude, rape will be easily excused.

To stop rape, India need to go after sexual harassment. Don’t excuse sexual harassment with names like Eve teasing. Sickos.

to be honest this also exists in Pakistan and Pakistani society , recent example is Rape/Murder of a 7 year old girl name Zainab.. after few days some people start a campaign over social media Targeting a TV show/host who in his show has small kids dance .. so they try to give an impression that if we in society let our kids dance and make it public rape cases are bound to happen which i find very disgusting ..
The thing is that it happens everywhere around the world, but in the West the police, child welfare take things like this very seriously.

But in India, Pakistan etc nothing is done about it, the politicians don't care and the police turn a blind eye to paedophiles.

Even in the west they are not taken as seriously as they should be, didn't you hear about this pedophile that was realized in Australia recently and with-in 30mins of his release he raped a school girl at the bus stop. And that is just one case, there are numerous cases where rapists are released back in the community and they recommit the crimes.

Now i am not trying to justify the lack of effort from the politicians and the police in other countries. I saw a video last night on facebook of some men cutting pieces of meat from the chest of a bonded man while he was still alive. The caption said Buddist monks killing Rohingya. A few days ago i saw a video of a man in India killing another man with a mattock. They all are the reason that i said that humanity has lost its meaning.
All you guy's need to take a step back from this "rape" fetish I see on PDF. This evil happens everywhere. Please stop scoring points and just as reminder it was as bad in the so called "good old days". I can understand if such a event has import beyond the fact that it is evil like for instance political or wider consequences. But just reporting rape here on PDF is not constructive. I am sure we all have female relatives and do we want to read this crap every day?

I +10 you on that...this has to be stopped. This is PDF, a defense forum

An eight-month-old baby girl is in a critical condition in hospital after being raped in her home in India.

The infant, who was being looked after by her 28-year-old cousin at the time, suffered what has been described as “horrific” injuries in the attack that required hours long surgery, the BBC reports.

The child’s cousin has since been arrested for her rape.

The sexual assault happened over the weekend while the baby girl’s mother was at work and has sparked nation-wide anguish across India.

“Her heart-rending cries could be heard in the intensive-care unit of the hospital. She has horrific injuries in her internal organs,” Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal tweeted after visiting the child in hospital.


“What to do? How can Delhi sleep today when 8-month baby has been brutally raped in capital? Have we become so insensitive or we have simply accepted this as our fate?”

According to the latest data from India’s Crime Records Bureau, there has been an 82 percent rise in child rape across the country in the 12 months from 2016 to 2015, the BBC reports.

In 2016 there were 19,765 cases or reported rape against children, up from 10,854 in 2015.

In 2016, a 36-year-old construction worker was accused of raping an 11-month-old baby girl over a two-hour period. He had abducted the child while she was sleeping next to her mother.


Demonstrators hold banners and light candles during a vigil in Anantnag, Kashmir on January 15, 2018. (AAP)
In late 2015, a 50-year-old man was jailed for life for the rape of a three-month-old baby girl.

Six years ago in, 2012, India made global headlines for the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old female student on a bus in Delhi.


This is a new low for a disgusting country this baby was just 8 months old? TH8s is making headlines around the world.

India is a corrupt, disgusting country they just pay lip service and yet we have Indians on here saying how great India is.

Mate it horrific crime and there is no doubt about it.

However, you should not be calling any country disgusting, no matter what. Look at all those people who are so disturbed by this, that they protesting by giving up their time/effort and you are labeling them disgusting also.

Don't get me started on sentencing here in Australia especially Victoria. So many parolees are involved in horrific crime, Jill Meagher and Sean Price comes to mind.

I'm in the wrong side of 30s so have done lot of traveling, what I saw at some places in Mexico and Brazil will stay with me the day I die, wish I was never there.

Have extended family members in Police force and politics in India and let me tell you, this hurt them the same amount as it is hurting any decent human being. In general, people in first world have so much conscience/un-conscious bias towards third world that they think Police/Authorities are not doing anything.

Hope you take this in right context without judging me by my flags.
This crime should have not happened if India live under more civilized rule, like communism. Indian, who never live undrr communism, like to bad mouth it because that gives them some moral ground, but at least under communism, such evil can be punished and erased, partly thank to universal education.. Under *democratically elected government", possibly no one cares and the crime will persist forever. Politicians only care about how to be re elected in next 5 years, and rape may be the last things in their mind.

I do not like communism in general but for coutries like India, it may be the only answer.
Even in the west they are not taken as seriously as they should be, didn't you hear about this pedophile that was realized in Australia recently and with-in 30mins of his release he raped a school girl at the bus stop. And that is just one case, there are numerous cases where rapists are released back in the community and they recommit the crimes.
Western attitude towards rape is as bad as is in the developing countries but yeah women feel more comfortable reporting it which has both pros and cons rather some idiots even brag about it at lunch time discussion. That's a lot of rape reported in the west is rejected by police after preliminary investigation and the reason is that a lot of it is not rape.... it is just consensual act but some women give it an after thought and report it to the police. I think reporting a false crime that didn't happen should be a punishable act to some extent...some fine...something. Furthermore the punishments for rape in most of western countries are ridiculously light.

Now i am not trying to justify the lack of effort from the politicians and the police in other countries. I saw a video last night on facebook of some men cutting pieces of meat from the chest of a bonded man while he was still alive. The caption said Buddist monks killing Rohingya. A few days ago i saw a video of a man in India killing another man with a mattock. They all are the reason that i said that humanity has lost its meaning.
Mate, a simple and free advice, stop watching such crappy videos. Constant exposure to this junk will alter your mind and desensitise you towards such things...horror films play a horrible role in degrading the society especially in USA where gun culture is really popular and these neglected or spoiled teen watching horror movies often take a gun and go kill their classmates and teachers...sometimes for apparently no reason.
An 8-month old baby folks.

Now watch how Indians try to justify this one.

LOL Look at this disgusting creature. Instead of condemning the brutality he has the audacity to argue. I am so happy we got Pakistan.

I dont know why he is defending, but honestly how low can humanity go in raping an 8 month angel, its just disgusting, sickening beyond words, As an Indian he should be hanging his head in shame, that this is happening in this day and age.
Sick people are in all societies and countries , in all colours, creed ,caste and religions.
no doubt.

But when sick news consistently appear statistically more frequent in certain societies when compared to others, it's a major hint to the negative characteristics of that society.

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Rape of eight-month-old baby sickens India
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A 28-year-old man has been arrested in the Indian capital on charges of raping his 8-month-old female cousin. "The man has confessed, he was drunk when he attacked the girl," a senior police officer said on Tuesday. The incident happened at her home in Delhi on Sunday, and marks the latest such case ...
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