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8 month old baby raped in Delhi

I brought it up, because both these rapes were eerily similar, they were both reported on the same day. In both of them, a brother raped and killed his kid sister. And if you are condemning rape, do it across the board, d'ont cherrypick.

Infact there should be a single thread for reporting all the rapes...where they can be impartially, unequivocally condemned.

I did not bring bangladesh into it, because there was no child rape reported in bangladesh today.
but since you insist in dragging yourself in it.

what would you say to this?

what do i say of this?Nothing.
Every country has share of their crime but no country defend it and take comfort saying "you country also have it"

I tried to clear the misconception,you could have mentioned any country.Is it possible that no other country in the world have experienced this crime "today"?come on.But you choose only one.

I spared you easily.But since you insist on keep going

wwwdotibtimesdotcodotuk / child-sexual-abuse-top-5-countries-highest-rates-1436162

what do you say of this? :azn:
what do i say of this?Nothing.
Every country has share of their crime but no country defend it and take comfort saying "you country also have it"

I tried to clear the misconception,you could have mentioned any country.Is it possible that no other country in the world have experienced this crime "today"?come on.But you choose only one.

I spared you easily.But since you insist on keep going

wwwdotibtimesdotcodotuk / child-sexual-abuse-top-5-countries-highest-rates-1436162

what do you say of this? :azn:

No one is defending it. It simply a process of combining all similar incidents under a single header irrespective of where they happen or do you not understand, that simple logic?
If you are making a call based name of the forum, why is this topic even being discussed here ?

Tell us what does rape have to do with Pakistan's defense ?

Why dont you move to bharat-ratsh!t forums and post all your nonsense and hate about pakistan over there. All of you bharatis haters can go over to your forums and just hate each other over there.
Bhai, when you see this thread and few comments by known haters then you do feel bad that a rape of a baby is being used to defame Indians. Bas itni see baat.
Look I am Pakistani. This is a baby. No one but an *** will score points.
Why don't you stand on the roof and shout the same.

What a shame. I am truly lost for words here.

scum indian thinking

mods @waz @The Eagle just trying to troll by posting bad news from pakistan.

Look at the mentality of these people. Instead of condemning this vile act they go in defensive mode by posting news from other countries. Such disgusting people. I cannot even begin to put it in words.

An eight-month-old baby girl is in a critical condition in hospital after being raped in her home in India.

The infant, who was being looked after by her 28-year-old cousin at the time, suffered what has been described as “horrific” injuries in the attack that required hours long surgery, the BBC reports.

The child’s cousin has since been arrested for her rape.

The sexual assault happened over the weekend while the baby girl’s mother was at work and has sparked nation-wide anguish across India.

“Her heart-rending cries could be heard in the intensive-care unit of the hospital. She has horrific injuries in her internal organs,” Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal tweeted after visiting the child in hospital.


“What to do? How can Delhi sleep today when 8-month baby has been brutally raped in capital? Have we become so insensitive or we have simply accepted this as our fate?”

According to the latest data from India’s Crime Records Bureau, there has been an 82 percent rise in child rape across the country in the 12 months from 2016 to 2015, the BBC reports.

In 2016 there were 19,765 cases or reported rape against children, up from 10,854 in 2015.

In 2016, a 36-year-old construction worker was accused of raping an 11-month-old baby girl over a two-hour period. He had abducted the child while she was sleeping next to her mother.


Demonstrators hold banners and light candles during a vigil in Anantnag, Kashmir on January 15, 2018. (AAP)
In late 2015, a 50-year-old man was jailed for life for the rape of a three-month-old baby girl.

Six years ago in, 2012, India made global headlines for the gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old female student on a bus in Delhi.


This is a new low for a disgusting country this baby was just 8 months old? TH8s is making headlines around the world.

India is a corrupt, disgusting country they just pay lip service and yet we have Indians on here saying how great India is.
All you guy's need to take a step back from this "rape" fetish I see on PDF. This evil happens everywhere. Please stop scoring points and just as reminder it was as bad in the so called "good old days". I can understand if such a event has import beyond the fact that it is evil like for instance political or wider consequences. But just reporting rape here on PDF is not constructive. I am sure we all have female relatives and do we want to read this crap every day?
seriously this world is getting worse everyday, humanity has lost its meaning.

The thing is that it happens everywhere around the world, but in the West the police, child welfare take things like this very seriously.

But in India, Pakistan etc nothing is done about it, the politicians don't care and the police turn a blind eye to paedophiles.
You forgot -
South Africa

Phew .... must I go on?


Happens everywhere and it is disgusting but at least the police, politicians etc take this seriously in Australia we spend lots of money on busting these paedophile rings, I seriously doubt India, Pakistan, Middle East even care.
Happens everywhere and it is disgusting but at least the police, politicians etc take this seriously in Australia we spend lots of money on busting these paedophile rings, I seriously doubt India, Pakistan, Middle East even care.
I agree but this applies to most of Latin America, Russia, most of Africa and big chunk of Asia. Maybe upwards of 50 countries. Why pick on India/Pak only? Do you even freakin know the state of law/order in Brazil. They chew up bodies like flies everyday and you you can damn well bet rape is rampant. These issues are relevant to most of the developing world.

The developed world has it's own issues so chill will you with this "rape" fascination.
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