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7 killed: China, Uighurs offer different account of deadly shooting

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Chinese system of governance is worse than martial law, so martial law in Xinjiang would have been quite the relief and an upgrade for the Uyghurs..:lol: Also no martial law in Kashmir.

Unmarked graves were investigated by the Indian Government. Most of them were of terrorists. Rookie mistake by Indian government once again, they should have dumped the bodies in land fill instead.

Sure, give the Kashmiri the vote then if Kashmir is so free.

The Chinese system works. Uighurs are free to (and many have) participated in the Chinese political process which is based on merit and not freebies and a popularity contest. BTW, a lot Kashmiris will say they are under martial law. The pics sure look like it.
Sure, give the Kashmiri the vote then if Kashmir is so free.

The Chinese system works. Uighurs are free to (and many have) participated in the Chinese political process which is based on merit and not freebies and a popularity contest. BTW, a lot Kashmiris will say they are under martial law. The pics sure look like it.

They do get to vote in the provincial government elections.
We stand with the Uyghur people in their hour of need as fellow-human beings knowing full well that if ever human rights and justice are ignored and denied to any individual or group the rest of us suffer as a result in this small world of ours.. The Chinese communist party does not control the truth and can not continue to commit its atrocities against Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongols and Falun Gong practitioners without the world taking notice and taking a stand. We call upon this current Chinese regime which has the darkest human rights record of genocide in the entire history of mankind to finally see reason and stop its acts of wide-scale torture and abuse of human rights, freedoms and dignity. hope the world can not be a mere spectator of the slaughter of Uyghur people.
I just pray that chinese govt. get some wisdom and don't suppress innocent Uighurs in their own land.
We stand with the Uyghur people in their hour of need as fellow-human beings knowing full well that if ever human rights and justice are ignored and denied to any individual or group the rest of us suffer as a result in this small world of ours.. The Chinese communist party does not control the truth and can not continue to commit its atrocities against Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongols and Falun Gong practitioners without the world taking notice and taking a stand. We call upon this current Chinese regime which has the darkest human rights record of genocide in the entire history of mankind to finally see reason and stop its acts of wide-scale torture and abuse of human rights, freedoms and dignity. hope the world can not be a mere spectator of the slaughter of Uyghur people.

Yes well said my indian troll The world has taking notice and stand that s why they make us their biggest trading partner... oh and that include my beloved india too. thanks the world i salute you.

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------

I just pray that chinese govt. get some wisdom and don't suppress innocent Uighurs in their own land.

But more worrying is i think you are suppress by chinese success chill out mate, too much ***** hurt will drive you mad.
I just pray that chinese govt. get some wisdom and don't suppress innocent Uighurs in their own land.

You mean Mongolia ? Right ? The Land of Xinjiang belongs to all Chinese, Han, Hui, Kazakh and Uighur. and no just killing Terrorists.

---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 AM ----------

We stand with the Uyghur people in their hour of need as fellow-human beings knowing full well that if ever human rights and justice are ignored and denied to any individual or group the rest of us suffer as a result in this small world of ours.. The Chinese communist party does not control the truth and can not continue to commit its atrocities against Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongols and Falun Gong practitioners without the world taking notice and taking a stand. We call upon this current Chinese regime which has the darkest human rights record of genocide in the entire history of mankind to finally see reason and stop its acts of wide-scale torture and abuse of human rights, freedoms and dignity. hope the world can not be a mere spectator of the slaughter of Uyghur people.

Cool Story Bro

---------- Post added at 02:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

You will be disappointed.... :D

Your comment were already screened. and several people have already reported you and the other guy for starting flame wars.
I just pray that chinese govt. get some wisdom and don't suppress innocent Uighurs in their own land.

You might want to pray for the people in the Jammu-Kashmir State first. Unless you don't consider them your own people.

More unnamed graves investigated in Indian Kashmir | World news | The Guardian
Associated Press= SRINAGAR, India (AP) — A state-run human rights commission has broadened its investigation into unmarked graves in the Indian portion of Kashmir to include thousands more in two additional districts, officials said Friday.

The Jammu-Kashmir State Human Rights Commission is looking into residents' claims of 3,844 unmarked graves at 208 locations in the remote districts of Rajouri and Poonch. The commission asked the state government on Friday to provide any information it has on those graves within the next month, commission secretary Tariq Banday said.

In August, the commission concluded an investigation into unmarked graves in three other districts in Kashmir, issuing a report saying they held more than 2,700 bullet-riddled bodies, about 80 percent them unidentified and the rest local residents.
One day they will. And China will have their own Kashmir. It will be interesting to see whose side Pakistanis will take

You just have a day dreaming.
Most Chinese muslim are "Hui". They will alway be on the side of Han if somethings happen between Han and Uighur. And Kazakhstan will be on the side of Han too.

always, was,is and will

HAHA, do you know that?
Turkey can kill Muslims(Kurds).

Ignorant !!!

I am a Kurdish Turkiye doesn't kill kurdish people. Turkiye kills militants of terrorists pkk and they are not muslim and even pure kurdis. They are half armenian/half kurdish same as Abdullah Ocalan founder of terrorist pkk . His real Name is Agop Agopyan, its an armenian name !! Google it, learn somethings about pkk and its religion.

Most of they are Christian.. They are not Muslim.

Now tell me what do you see on this pics ??






What PDF has taught me is that it's always important to fact check an Indian.

Sigma-Aldrich and LSI are not Fortune 500 companies Vinod. So the number is 6, not 8. If you factor in one of them is from Goa, a country India annexed, the real number is 5 not 8. 5 out of 500. 1%, even worst than the 11% literacy rate. Whoop-de-doo. Don't you guys ever tire of bragging with distorted numbers???

Uighur Muslims were independent and separate race till china occupied their land. May God help the innocent Uighur Muslims.

Assam, Manipur... were independent, and separate race till British then India occupied their land. May Gods help the innocent Mongoloids.
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