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65% of investors leave KPK amid deterorating law and order

65% of investors leave KPK? If Imran Khan cannot handle one major city, what makes you guys think he can handle the state as whole assuring major international corporations with confident that is willing to invest their billion-dollar on Pakistan?

PMLN seems to be doing fine given the confident and backing he enjoys from major International corporation on large-scale. I hope PMLN wins the election again. PTI has messed up priority which will only backfire on Pakistan, and already has given their policies.

# Cannot handle Puraana state, brag about Naya state..:tdown:

Well so much so for Mr.Imran Khan and his PTI ruling KPK, this shows their performance report, and this Idiot wants to rule Pakistan !!!

Imran Khan is charismatic leader, but that means nothing as that adds virtually nothing for Pakistan. At best, he can do is to hold dharnas which he has been doing successfully, but taken heavy drains on the economy of Pakistan given previous dharnas earlier where it tried to take Islamabad as hostage, and other dharnas where it forcibly lock-down major cities as their wills. No wonder why 65% of investors from KPK is leaving to the cities that rule by PMLN majority. It is time PMLN should assume it real influence over Karachi as Karachi is in mess thank to MQM, PPP, Lyari, Afghan criminal networks,...etc.

Those who voted for PMLN, mostly middle-age people, are actually contributing for the economy of Pakistan while many young burgers voted for PTI adds virtually nothing for the economy of Pakistan. It is about quality, not quantity.
this news is baseless wrong...i am from KPK the LAW&order situation is 1000 time better than last ANP government and also better than Karachi.
might be true with FATA bordering and the way people equate pashtoons to everything bad.....the first handful of investors might have been the terrorists and when this is being pulled out it should have been expected...

Plus the fact that people have been moving towards Lahore or Isb for better opportunity...To blame IK for the 30-50 odd yrs of shit accumulated in KPK is not exactly wise but like how people are still blaming a man dead for 30 odd yrs for all of Pakistan's fault it is safe to say we are not mature enough to own our shit!

I mean no one blames Punjab minister who has been a minister of the SAME province repeatedly for not being able to at least stop floods but we are quick to blame an already miserable province for not succeeding while one which has been out of harms cause hasnt been improving either...If you can give 1 excuse for PUNJAB use the same excuse and more ofr KPK as it has been neglected for longer than Punjab has been heading towards some minimal form of development! Can people please come out of their patheticness and address things as they are based on how they were and are.....

When was the last time KPK even showed an ounce of anything?

The problem with us cry babies is we are quick to point fingers and never quick to own our mistakes or even analyze based on facts!

To every bloody politically active slave ....If you thought IK could do miracles for a province long forgotten then why hasnt Punjab which has been shining all through Pakistan's life become the IDEAL province? Why is there still shit there? IK started from nothing for him toe bring KPK to present day PUNJAB would take time let alone OUTSHINE PUNJAB....When we see someone doing some mehnat learn to appreciate it or just shut up!

I am not sure what is going on KPK 90% of the media is involved in media wars- 1 either outshining KPK and the other is gone in a bashing spree!

Your posts is so contradictory. At one time you are saying people are moving to Punjab, then you say how Punjab governance has failed.

Clearly people shouldn't move to a province that is plagued with your said problems.

Oh and KPK isn't the only province with borders attached to Fata.
Your posts is so contradictory. At one time you are saying people are moving to Punjab, then you say how Punjab governance has failed.

Govt has failed to provide in large terms maybe if you stop trying to read between the lines you would understand better!

Clearly people shouldn't move to a province that is plagued with your said problems.

People move ....Punjab as a province (nothing to do with the govt) has NEVER in its history been anyway close to what KPK has always been! Shabaz Shariff never got a torn down province to build...Punjab esp Lahore has ALWAYS been developed more than any other province while Sindh had only Karachi which was developed ....While KPK had Peshawar which doesnt even come 1/10 of what Lahore has always been!
People move ....Punjab as a province (nothing to do with the govt) has NEVER in its history been anyway close to what KPK has always been! Shabaz Shariff never got a torn down province to build...Punjab esp Lahore has ALWAYS been developed more than any other province while Sindh had only Karachi which was developed ....While KPK had Peshawar which doesnt even come 1/10 of what Lahore has always been!
The easiest way is not to build but destroy what has already been built. Lahore could easily be let gone to rot but in Punjab except one or two reigns, every goverment has focused on development work. The building we see today is in good shape because her every mason had his fairshare in beautifying it. But its amazing that those who made claims of making Peshawar like Hong Kong are now finding refuge in excuses.
The easiest way is not to build but destroy what has already been built. Lahore could easily be let gone to rot but in Punjab except one or two exception, every goverment has focused on development work. The building we see today is in good shape because her every mason had his fairshare in building it. But its amazing that those who made claims of making Peshawar like Hong Kong are now finding refuge in excuses.
Listen, I am not going to repeat this for every politically active person!

Punjab was never close to KPK so what it claimed to do and hasnt delivered and given benefit of the doubt should also be done for KPK in fact more...If you harbour favoritism you wont see this!

KPK is what Punjab was few hundered yrs ago (most of the moghul architecture and all that never broke while NEW ROADS which keep breaking- nothing similar to this is present in Peshawar they need to build from scratch)...SO if it took Punjab a hundred plus yrs to get to where it is ...People with common sense know it will take time for KPK too!

If you say this is not true tell me 1 time in its history when Punjab was in the state KPK has been (neglected) for a very long time!
Listen, I am not going to repeat this for every politically active person!

Punjab was never close to KPK so what it claimed to do and hasnt delivered and given benefit of the doubt should also be done for KPK in fact more...If you harbour favoritism you wont see this!

KPK is what Punjab was few hundered yrs ago (most of the moghul architecture and all that never broke while NEW ROADS which keep breaking- nothing similar to this is present in Peshawar they need to build from scratch)...SO if it took Punjab a hundred plus yrs to get to where it is ...People with common sense know it will take time for KPK too!

If you say this is not true tell me 1 time in its history when Punjab was in the state KPK has been (neglected) for a very long time!
100 Years! Wow . KPK govt promised a visible change. 2 Years have passed and nothing even close to that has happened. Partly because of the confused priorities,policies and politics. How much time PTI needs in KPK? A 100 years? They can have it given their have something to show for and nothing's helping them, so it seems. Probably add a slogan of "InshaAllah Agli baar tabdili aaye GE" in their election campaign.
100 Years! Wow . KPK govt promised a visible change.
You mean similar to what SS promised? electricity problems solved in how many months was that?

Dragging Zardari on which street again?

When a province lacks something it is plain STUPIDITY to compare it to another province thanks to your hatred for a party over acknowledging shit is happening!

Partly because of the confused priorities,policies and politics. How much time PTI needs in KPK? A 100 years? They can have it given their have something to show for and nothing's helping them, so it seems. Probably add a slogan of "InshaAllah Agli baar tabdili aaye GE" in their election campaign.
Lets give SS the 6 mths mein electricity khattam man KPK and IK Punjab then talk?
WoW, that's some propaganda.

Last I checked, all indicators were showing that things are improving in KPK and their is slight improvement in Law & Order too.

Is any other media house reporting the same? Can anyone provide any other news paper claiming same things?
WoW, that's some propaganda.

Last I checked, all indicators were showing that things are improving in KPK and their is slight improvement in Law & Order too.

Is any other media house reporting the same? Can anyone provide any other news paper claiming same things?
you yourself said that the CM is an idiot and should be removed, didn't you?

Look man, Imran is a honest man. But you people need to stop saying PTI is a party of saints. There are idiots in KPK and in NA that are ruining the party. Example, giving JI education ministry.

So don't find it too hard to believe such news. I believe almost anything (bad news) for Punjab, Sindh or Balochistan. The top chain may be honest, but the cabinet always have a few idiots.

100 Years! Wow . KPK govt promised a visible change. 2 Years have passed and nothing even close to that has happened. Partly because of the confused priorities,policies and politics. How much time PTI needs in KPK? A 100 years? They can have it given their have something to show for and nothing's helping them, so it seems. Probably add a slogan of "InshaAllah Agli baar tabdili aaye GE" in their election campaign.
You just wasted 20 mins of your life with someone who has their eyes shut. May you be rewarded these minutes in the afterlife.
Police and LEA reforms
Look man, Imran is a honest man. But you people need to stop saying PTI is a party of saints. There are idiots in KPK and in NA that are ruining the party. Example, giving JI education ministry.

Education Ministry in KPK was never given to JI, its been with PTI since day one. JI demanded Education Ministry, but PTI refused them straight away. From where did you pulled this off?
Education Ministry in KPK was never given to JI, its been with PTI since day one. JI demanded Education Ministry, but PTI refused them straight away. From where did you pulled this off?
Revised curriculum: JI pushes through its agenda on textbooks in K-P - The Express Tribune

I read an outdated source: Forming K-P government: PTI to give JI three ministries - The Express Tribune

None the less, per first link, it shows how PTI is allowing JI to ruin education.

JI has its input in ministry of education as well as in other ministries being an ally. But I was more specific to your claim, nothing to prove that education ministry in KP is with JI?
JI has its input in ministry of education as well as in other ministries being an ally. But I was more specific to your claim, nothing to prove that education ministry in KP is with JI?
Did you manage to read the second sentence?
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