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65% of investors leave KPK amid deterorating law and order

PTI needs to improve governance and invest in their province more. They must start by expanding the tax net. A government cannot increase operations without additional revenue.
They cant do both.Like Karachi, the political activity is very high in KPK. There will be much noise on new taxes.
I would advise the KPK government to shift the capital to some other city. Peshawar's proximity to Khyber agency and tribal areas is a curse for the city.
I dont buy this news.

Theres more target killing in karachi than in peshawar or kpk. Too much lies. Our media is cheap
I dont buy this news.

Theres more target killing in karachi than in peshawar or kpk. Too much lies. Our media is cheap

I can assure you, a good number of rich Peshawaris have moved to Islamabad, or have moved their families at least.

PS: There's been a lot of Karachi to Islamabad migration as well.
might be true with FATA bordering and the way people equate pashtoons to everything bad.....the first handful of investors might have been the terrorists and when this is being pulled out it should have been expected...

Plus the fact that people have been moving towards Lahore or Isb for better opportunity...To blame IK for the 30-50 odd yrs of shit accumulated in KPK is not exactly wise but like how people are still blaming a man dead for 30 odd yrs for all of Pakistan's fault it is safe to say we are not mature enough to own our shit!

I mean no one blames Punjab minister who has been a minister of the SAME province repeatedly for not being able to at least stop floods but we are quick to blame an already miserable province for not succeeding while one which has been out of harms cause hasnt been improving either...If you can give 1 excuse for PUNJAB use the same excuse and more ofr KPK as it has been neglected for longer than Punjab has been heading towards some minimal form of development! Can people please come out of their patheticness and address things as they are based on how they were and are.....

When was the last time KPK even showed an ounce of anything?

The problem with us cry babies is we are quick to point fingers and never quick to own our mistakes or even analyze based on facts!

To every bloody politically active slave ....If you thought IK could do miracles for a province long forgotten then why hasnt Punjab which has been shining all through Pakistan's life become the IDEAL province? Why is there still shit there? IK started from nothing for him toe bring KPK to present day PUNJAB would take time let alone OUTSHINE PUNJAB....When we see someone doing some mehnat learn to appreciate it or just shut up!

I am not sure what is going on KPK 90% of the media is involved in media wars- 1 either outshining KPK and the other is gone in a bashing spree!
Noone is showing kpk or imran in positive light. All the medias have taken him as target. Which is so clear if you read news .dawn news everyday or second day posts negative stuff on imran and kpk but never ever for once has highlighted punjab,rural sindh. Sindh has unimaginanbly worst areas maybe even worst than kpk but no single coverage. They all are getting paid by haramkhor politicians and india to do anti imran propaganda due to his popularity. I dont worship or infact like imran. Ya hes fine in some areas and at personal level corruption free. And has come to handle countrys worst hit province but never wailed and cried like rest politicians.
All our media is sold to india. Go read dawn news their agenda is so clear,their every next article is: ‘indians and pakistanis are same‘. They dont allow pakistanis to air their thoughts but constantly put hostile uber hostile indian comments,which are so shocking , like they would post such indians' crap: i think pakistan will have her own nukes exploding on her,she is bombing her own ppl she will use nukes on her own ppl, pakistan is bhikari,china wont give you anything in khairat and so so many bs hostile comments,they would let them show,dawn constantly writes sectarian fuelling articles that minorities are subjugated in pakistan but posts articles after articles praising modi and again blocks every single pakistani from expeessing their views. This is dawns auqat ,abutcher of 1000 muslims is eulogized ,this is pseudo liberalism completely wrapped in utter garbage hypocrisy. Their news is even not of good quality. Entire comments section is a cesspool of hostile indians and indian raw propaganda.
Indians purposefully steal my and other patriotic pakistanis names and would post comments supporting nawaz sharif, musharraf and all lame politicians and hating on imran.
India thinks if imran will come to power than pakistans state will improve so they are doing anti imran war through all our media sources.
Noone is showing kpk or imran in positive light. All the medias have taken him as target. .

Is it true the "media" is against you know, even with having a Hitler like strategy to lie about everything so much that it sounds true? When are you guys going to quit playing the blame game and keep pushing the paper in other directions. Don't you think people are seeing NOTHING but TALK. And not benefit, action, etc?
When you put a Cricketer (an anarchy style / dictator type Cricket captain), into a democratic system, you are bringing in a dictator in a nice suite, instead of a military uniform. What will happen is, he'll have a thick minded thought process, where there is no reasoning or openness to work with others. Any company or organization or country's success happens when its nation plays as a team. He doesn't want that, nor he's ever learned that. So go figure!!
Does not surprise me, I guess most of them are moving to Lahore, Islamabad and even Faisalabad.

Off topic, but you mentioned an Afghan in Faisalabad speaking perfect Punjabi in another thread. Did you know this "Punjabi rapper" from Lahore is actually a Pashtun? :laugh:

and I thought things were improving there.

:stop::nono::no: whoever believes that KPK is getting better is :offpost: in their head!!! When you put someone with ALL Talk, and no action, that's what happens. Managing a Cricket team is easier than managing a business with 5000 employees, or a nation with 200 million people. 90% of PTI's makeup is corrupt politicians who left PPP, MQM and PML, etc. So expecting them to change and work hard for their country is like asking this bunny to stop dancing :bunny:
Is it true the "media" is against you know, even with having a Hitler like strategy to lie about everything so much that it sounds true? When are you guys going to quit playing the blame game and keep pushing the paper in other directions. Don't you think people are seeing NOTHING but TALK. And not benefit, action, etc?
When you put a Cricketer (an anarchy style / dictator type Cricket captain), into a democratic system, you are bringing in a dictator in a nice suite, instead of a military uniform. What will happen is, he'll have a thick minded thought process, where there is no reasoning or openness to work with others. Any company or organization or country's success happens when its nation plays as a team. He doesn't want that, nor he's ever learned that. So go figure!!
That was hell lot of a rant maynn.
Shamain throws snicker candy at viper ,eat it ,might make you feel better.
That was hell lot of a rant maynn.
Shamain throws snicker candy at viper ,eat it ,might make you feel better.

Your candy will say "let's do a sit in" where we'll provide Alcohol and Women, you just have to hangout and enjoy the dance party, while a poor country with 200 million people takes a hit of many billions in lost business activity and innocents might get killed. BUT the dance show would be great every night, after mid night.

No thank you. I have ethics, I would never feel good about hurting a poor nation because something in my head is lose and I am listening to a guy, who people "Fancy", instead of following him due to strong leadership !!!
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Your candy will say "let's do a sit in" where we'll provide Alcohol and Women, you just have to hangout and enjoy the dance party, while a poor country 200 million people takes a hit of many billions in lost business activity and innocents might get killed. BUT the dance show would be great ever night after mid night.

No thank you. I have ethics, I would never feel good about hurting a poor nation because something in my head is lose and I am listening to a guy, who people "Fancy", instead of following him due to strong leadership !!!
Alcohol and women.. yuk you are sick slanderer. I am better off not engaging with you.
Alcohol and women.. yuk you are sick slanderer. I am better off not engaging with you.

There are people on this VERY forum, who'd witness that. I, myself had the "dishonor" of drinking with IK. The problem is, IK from our great Western / modern individual interactions, went to be a super backwards individual supporting Talibans in reality. Not sure what happened there.

I follow Pakistan, India and China as a subject matter expert for my business. Trust me, I know everything about what happens there. And yes, there was plenty of Alcohol, Women and Hash for the young. I can even tell you where some of the women were brought from, on daily rates, this is outside of the actual families that were there obviously.
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Well so much so for Mr.Imran Khan and his PTI ruling KPK, this shows their performance report, and this Idiot wants to rule Pakistan !!!
Off topic, but you mentioned an Afghan in Faisalabad speaking perfect Punjabi in another thread. Did you know this "Punjabi rapper" from Lahore is actually a Pashtun? :laugh:

Never heard of this guy before :lol:. The guy I met didn't even spoke like many Faisalabadis who I have met over the years and still speak like Indian punjabis.

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