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63 Years On, India is Home to World's Biggest Population of Poor, Hungry, Illiterate

Most of foreign aid to any country, including India and Pakistan, is in the form of soft loans.

And India gets a lot more of it than most other countries of the world...certainly more than Pakistan.

In spite of all of the recent news about aid to Pakistan dominating the media, the fact remains that resurgent India has received more foreign aid than any other developing nation since the end of World War II--estimated at almost $100 billion since the beginning of its First Five-Year Plan in 1951. And it continues to receive more foreign aid in spite of impressive economic growth for almost a decade.

According to OECD group of the aid donor nations, the words "aid" and "assistance" refer to flows which qualify as Official Development Assistance (ODA) or Official Aid (OA). Such OA or ODA aid includes both grants and soft loans given by OECD nations and multi-lateral institutions like the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IMF, etc.

Britain will spend over $1.5 billion during the next three years in aid to Shining India, a nuclear-armed power that sent a spacecraft to the moon recently, to lift "hundreds of millions of people" out of poverty, the British secretary of state for international development said last November, according to the Guardian newspaper.

Douglas Alexander, the first cabinet minister to visit India's poorest state Bihar, said that despite "real strides in economic growth" there were still 828 million people living on less than $2 a day in India.

UK's Department of International Development says if the UN's millennium development goals - alleviating extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates and fighting epidemics such as Aids - are left unmet in India, they will not be met worldwide. Some 43% of children go hungry and a woman dies in childbirth every five minutes.

British Minister Alexander contrasted the rapid growth in China with India's economic success - highlighting government figures that showed the number of poor people had dropped in the one-party communist state by 70% since 1990 but had risen in the world's biggest democracy by 5%.

After the increase of British aid to $500 million (300 million pounds) a year, India will still remain the biggest recipient of Japan's official development assistance (ODA) in the near future. Since Japan's first ODA to India in 1958, the country has received monetary aid worth Rs 89,500 crore (Rs 895 billion) so far, according to Noro Motoyoshi, Japanese consul general in Kolkata. In 2008, Japan's ODA to India was up by more than 18% compared to 2007 at Rs 6916 crore (Rs 69.16 billion).

The World Bank said recently it will lend India $14 billion in soft loans by 2012 to help the country overhaul its creaking infrastructure and increase living standards in its poor states, according to Financial Express.

At the recent G20 meeting, India has asked the World Bank to raise the amount of money India can borrow as soft loans, generally considered aid, from the bank for its infrastructure projects, according to Times of India. At present, India can borrow up to $15.5 billion in soft loans as per the SBL (single borrower limit)in soft loans fixed by the Bank.

The Indian government has estimated it needs $500 billion over the five years to 2012 to upgrade infrastructure such as roads, ports, power and railways.

"Under the strategy, the bank will use lending, dialogue, analytical work, engagement with the private sector, and capacity building to help India achieve its goals," the World Bank said on its website.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development would lend $9.6 billion and the International Development Association would make available $4.4 billion of funding, according to India's Financial Express.

Only 30 per cent of India's state highways have two lanes or more, and the majority are in poor condition, the bank said. Electricity generation capacity has grown at less than 5 per cent in the past five years, much slower than overall economic growth of about 8 per cent over the same period.

The funds would also be used to help reduce poverty in seven low-income states; Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Jharkand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, the World Bank said.

The biggest direct aid donor countries to India are Japan and UK, as well as multiple international humanitarian aid programs supported through NGOs, in addition to the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, WFP, and a whole alphabet soup of organizations active in helping the teeming population of the poor, the illiterates, the hungry and and the destitute in India.

According to Japan's ministry of finance, India has received $33 billion in soft loans and a billion dollars in grants from Japan since 1997. In 2008, Japan gave India $2.5 billion in soft loans, and $5 million in grants. By contrast, Pakistan has received $10 billion in soft loans, and $2.3 billion in grants from Japan since 1999. In 2008, Japan gave Pakistan $500 million in soft loans and $63 million in grants.

Haq's Musings: Foreign Aid Continues to Pour in Resurgent India

Rank Country Value
1 Iraq $21,650,000,000
2 Greece $8,000,000,000
3 Nigeria $6,437,000,000
4 Vietnam $5,400,000,000
5 Afghanistan $2,775,000,000
6 Indonesia $2,524,000,000
7 Yemen $2,300,000,000
8 Serbia $2,000,000,000
9 Sudan $1,829,000,000
10 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $1,828,000,000
11 India $1,724,000,000
12 Pakistan $1,666,000,000
13 China $1,641,000,000
14 Ethiopia $1,600,000,000
15 Poland $1,524,000,000

Economic aid - recipient 2010 country ranks, By Rank

Now compare it with the size of the economy..............Pakistan with India and China; don't you think this is a bad situation for Pakistan??? Getting as much aid (whether Loan or grant) as 8 times bigger economy (India) and 20 times bigger economy than Pak (China).

India doesn't get A LOT MORE than other countires; you can check list.......we are almost equal to China and Pakistan.

Now the loand and aid issue. You yourself mentioned in your post

According to Japan's ministry of finance, India has received $33 billion in soft loans and a billion dollars in grants from Japan since 1997. In 2008, Japan gave India $2.5 billion in soft loans, and $5 million in grants. By contrast, Pakistan has received $10 billion in soft loans, and $2.3 billion in grants from Japan since 1999. In 2008, Japan gave Pakistan $500 million in soft loans and $63 million in grants.

India has received $33 billion in soft loans and a billion dollars in grants from Japan since 1997.

By contrast, Pakistan has received $10 billion in soft loans, and $2.3 billion in grants from Japan since 1999.

In 2008, Japan gave India $2.5 billion in soft loans, and $5 million in grants.

In 2008, Japan gave Pakistan $500 million in soft loans and $63 million in grants.

Hence proved, as I said in my previous post, India gets loans and pakistan gets Grants.:smokin:
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Some other figures..........

The Asian Development Bank will provide close to $6 billion development assistance to Pakistan during 2006-9. The World Bank unveiled a lending program of up to $6.5 billion for Pakistan under a new four-year, 2006–2009, aid strategy showing a significant increase in funding aimed largely at beefing up the country's infrastructure. Japan will provide $500 million annual economic aid to Pakistan. In November 2008, The International Monetary Fund(IMF) has approved a loan of 7.6 Billion to Pakistan, to help Stabilize and rebuild the country's economy. More recently the govt of Pakistan received an economic aid of US $5bn dollars out of which the US pledge of $1bn was described as a down-payment on the previously announced $1.5bn already promised to Pakistan for each of the next five years.The European Union promised $640m over four years, while reports said Saudi Arabia had pledged $700m over two years. Overall Friends of Pakistan had pledged $1.6 billion in aid, which would help Pakistan move forward on its way to self-reliance.

The IMF, The World Bank, provide long term loans to Pakistan. From 2006-2009 the Asian Development Bank will provide development assistance in the amount of $6 billion to Pakistan. Both the U.S and Japan provide $500 million non-military annual economic aid to Pakistan . In addition to this aid, the debt of $3 billion dollars was forgiven by the United States.
Mr. Haq i posted my arguements twice but you choose not to reply them so i am assuming that you don't have an answer.
you are one among those who always write essays on other one's fever and cold But afraid to address your own cancer because that makes you insecure.
There are some serious Indians who have the maturity to accept the very serious problems in India that are forcing over a million Indians a year to escape "Shining India"

India has some of the longest lines outside Middle Eastern and European consulates to seek visa, while many more are being trafficked illegally.

According to recent survey, 68% of Indians want to leave India for good and settle in Canada.

A Zillion reasons to escape from India
There are some serious Indians who have the maturity to accept the very serious problems in India that are forcing over a million Indians a year to escape "Shining India"

India has some of the longest lines outside Middle Eastern and European consulates to seek visa, while many more are being trafficked illegally.

According to recent survey, 68% of Indians want to leave India for good and settle in Canada.

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

you are citing a nearly 3 year old blog to support your point (haha can u even call it a point?)?

I have one sentence to sum up my answer to this stupid thread.

The percentage of poor in india from 1947 to 2010 has come down drastically and is coming down every single day. We are improving. We are moving ahead. Can you say the same about your own country. :wave:
you are citing a nearly 3 year old blog to support your point (haha can u even call it a point?)?

I have one sentence to sum up my answer to this stupid thread.

The percentage of poor in india from 1947 to 2010 has come down drastically and is coming down every single day. We are improving. We are moving ahead. Can you say the same about your own country. :wave:

First, the Indian officials have recently revised their poverty estimates upwards, saying there are 100 million more poor Indians than in 2004.

Second, India remains poorer than the poorest of the poor Africans, according to a recent Oxford report on multi-dimensional poverty.

Pakistan has lower levels of poverty than India, according to this Oxford report released recently.

Haq's Musings: New Index Finds Indians Poorer Than Africans and Pakistanis
Probably same view in indian forums vice versa...

Let's not blame each other, will we? each to their own...
China had exactly the same problem, only a short while ago.

If you have a big country, you will have a lot of poor people. That's just a fact of life, unfortunately.

The best path forward, is solid economic growth, and massive infrastructure investments.
63 Years On, India is Home to World's Biggest Population of Poor, Hungry, Illiterate. Yet The 2nd Fastest growing G-20 Economy, 11th Largest Economy, Growing Space Power, Leading Pharmaceuticals Industry , Booming IT Industry,Among Very Few Countries to Build Nuclear Submarines, Aircraft Carriers,Cryogenic Engines..... Wow, There is so much thing to be proud of....
i found this on another site.. a reply by someone to mr.haq's usual $2 story..

Any economist of substance will say that Pakistan's problems cannot be exposed or hidden in the game of macro indicators, and juggling of per capita and gross indicators.

Pakistan's challenge (=problems) are at micro-economic levels. Mian Riaz's attempts are laughable, and his obsession with India's belly to compare with Pakistan's shining may give consolation to some.

India may be a bigger basket, as he calls, than Pakistan but he cannot read numbers that in Indian basket, there is an entire population of Pakistan (150 million Indians) which is better than entire population of Pakistan. Even further that everyone agrees that over the next 10 years, this basket will bring another Pakistan into middle class.

I think your generation, as suggested from your thinking, against, Riaz Mian's is being delivered a basket with is not empty but has debt burden and holes. Your generation must engage in "Jawab Do" dialog with Mian Riaz's generation. They are so used to feeding anti-India opium for 63 years, that they are unable to do critical and honest self-assessment. This hopeless generation produce military dictatorships, their running dogs like Mian Riaz, and corrupt leaders who never showed any boldness to stand upto adversity. America only had to say "bomb Pakistan back to stone age), military dictators and their running dogs, like Mian Riaz, were ready to drop their pants for fist full of dollars. This generation has only given national shame, and nation in depression.

Jinnah, right or wrong, better or worse, did seized the initiative and used bright young talent from Aligarh to ensure Pakistan was delivered.

Your generation needs to produce one such leader. Nation will follow.

Chowk: Politics: Body of Lies 2 A reply to MR.Riaz Haq

and a nice quote tooooo

a rainbow is alien to a blind!
what makes you think that UNDP did not considered all datas while preparing the report ?
even if the ignored it will not bring pakistans ranking better than india's because HDI is based on the performance of several areas and tha fact is 63 Years On, India is Home to World's Biggest Population of Poor, Hungry, Illiterate but india is still better than pakistan

HDI OF INDIA - 0.612

INDIA - 134

and the link which you provided also clearly shows that india is better than pakistan

India rank 78
score 55.70

Pakistan 89
score 47.7

Interactive Infographic of the World's Best Countries - Newsweek
(works with pc)

Human Development Report 2009 - Country Fact Sheets - India
Human Development Report 2009 - Country Fact Sheets - Pakistan

Again you are SHAMELESLY ACTING BLIND towards the facts and started a new lesson about maturity TO DERAIL THE DEBATE.
Tell me please why should e be discussing our internal problems here?
How if we do plan to ameliorate them, can Pakistan benefit?
And how discussing these issues will lessen the burden Pakistan now shoulders?
I see no sense or logic on opening one thread after another on these issues, if at all you or any one are interested in what steps India are taking, then refer to India development council and projected 5 year plans.
I guess they would be better able to advice you to plan your future.
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