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63 Years On, India is Home to World's Biggest Population of Poor, Hungry, Illiterate


I cant speak for anyone other than me...

For me,I am not defensive.

I accpet that India is not the land of milk and honey (not yet) and we have our fair share of problems in sanitation,poverty,malnutrition etc.

But on the other side of the coin,u guys have to look at the bigger picture and the positive points (which r in plenty)....

A nation that had to pawn its gold to the Bank OF England in 1991 to pay for its import bills,a nation that had abt 23% literacy rate, a nation that had to import its food grains, a nation that had abt 10 million mobile users in 1990 - today has come to this level where we have abt 300 billion forex reserves,4 or 5 th largest gold holding nation,export food grains and almost 550 million mobile users with a 65% literacy rate.

Think at the growth that has taken place.We have not reached the destination yet but I can say with the fullest confidence that we r moving in the right direction at a good pace.

Thats wat matters...U may not be there now but u will be there in some time if ur fundamentals are strong..and for India it is.

all well all beautiful, but what's for common man. A woman who is giving birth on road side?...does she know her govt has billions dollar. But problem is trickle affect. A drop of wealth reach to commoners ?
HDR 2009

India emigration rate 0.8%
Pakistan emigration rate 2.2%

Pakistanis has more and easy option to reach out. India is basically land locked to reach out. That's lots of Indian in Australia,Singapore and other near islands.
Plus, its common perception among western and US immigration department, give one visa to Indian , next year he will bring 200 relatives. Remind me famous case, lots of Indian gujrati show their sisters as wive just to bring them in US. So, generally, if Indian got chance they take it right away. Why a poor man should have sympathy from land ,where he has nothing earn.
all well all beautiful, but what's for common man. A woman who is giving birth on road side?...does she know her govt has billions dollar. But problem is trickle affect. A drop of wealth reach to commoners ?

Thx for your concerns brother.

The common men will get their share............definitely. We have much less poverty today than at our independence............and we are now in a very good position to take care of the rest. We have great example of our neighbour (China) in front of us. They were not as dynamic and rich in the past as they are today. We can achieve the same........no doubt.:smokin:
Thx for your concerns brother.

The common men will get their share............definitely. We have much less poverty today than at our independence............and we are now in a very good position to take care of the rest. We have great example of our neighbour (China) in front of us. They were not as dynamic and rich in the past as they are today. We can achieve the same........no doubt.:smokin:

Then i would say go for tough dictatorship or one party rule. I am not very supportive for democracy in third world. Just a little example, Pakistan made all achievement during military regime. Otherwise take look a present situation, we have democracy and its the worst period.


Then i would say go for tough dictatorship or one party rule. I am not very supportive for democracy in third world. Just a little example, Pakistan made all achievement during military regime. Otherwise take look a present situation, we have democracy and its the worst period.

Nope..............We made whatever have during the democratic rule. Its up to the leaders, not to the system to take his/her nation to hell or heaven. What was US before democratic rule??? They become from newly-born baby to world leaders just because of democratic rule.

third world................We are not talking about Pakistan; we are talking about India, and India is not a Third World Country. I give a damn to what you think.

Pakistan made all achievement during military regime.........Yes; like you lost 1/3rd of your nation during military regime.:smokin:
Pakistanis has more and easy option to reach out. India is basically land locked to reach out. That's lots of Indian in Australia,Singapore and other near islands.

:rofl::rofl: OMG..........great comment. Indians cannot move out because we are landlocked.......:rofl::rofl:

And Pakistani can move out whenever they want...........they just need to pick their bicycle and paddle it.....:rofl::rofl:

So, generally, if Indian got chance they take it right away. Why a poor man should have sympathy from land ,where he has nothing earn.

You mean only a poor leave his country.....???

Amartya Sen
Amitav Ghosh
Anita Desai
Arun Netravali
Balamurali Ambati
Bhiku Parekh
Deepak Chopra
Gurinder Chadha Gururaj Deshpande
Hinduja Brothers
Ismail Merchant
Laxmi Mittal
Madhur Jaffrey
Mira Nair
Rajiv Gupta Rajiv Gupta
Rohinton Mistry
Sabeer Bhatia
Salman Rushdie
Sam Pitroda
Shashi Tharoor
Swaraj Paul
Vikram Seth
Vinod Dahm
Vinod Khosla

Yes, you are right..............and the poorest among them is Laxmi Mittal.:smokin:
Nope..............We made whatever have during the democratic rule. Its up to the leaders, not to the system to take his/her nation to hell or heaven. What was US before democratic rule??? They become from newly-born baby to world leaders just because of democratic rule.

third world................We are not talking about Pakistan; we are talking about India, and India is not a Third World Country. I give a damn to what you think.

Pakistan made all achievement during military regime.........Yes; like you lost 1/3rd of your nation during military regime.:smokin:

If it makes you happy, Pakistan is nuclear power too, but i count as third world country until practically law safeguard the rights of common people. I don't know how you guys perceive India has super power. Nothing is hidden. All provide is most favored nation for trade in West. That's bring lot of foreign exchange. Pakistan been ripped of in this war of terror. Lost all trade. Might be harsh statement but Indian is being perceived as Non Muslim, Hindu state in the west. We muslims were not able to cash out the trade because the stupidity of few people. Been victim of generalization and labeling.
:rofl::rofl: OMG..........great comment. Indians cannot move out because we are landlocked.......:rofl::rofl:

And Pakistani can move out whenever they want...........they just need to pick their bicycle and paddle it.....:rofl::rofl:

You mean only a poor leave his country.....???

Yes, you are right..............and the poorest among them is Laxmi Mittal.:smokin:

I am really surprised at your knowledge. You will find more Pakistanis settled in Europe then Indians. Why because from Pakistan more easy to reach europe through human smuggling. Indians has no chance. Then can't cross Pakistan, by land or by water to reach Europe. Mittel is just example and he is BRITISH NATIONAL, He is not Indian. Otherwise you will find lots of rich Pakistani people, but they are not Pakistani by nationality.
Gawd you few guys need to do some research. Sorry to say,Wonder why need to explain everything.
I am really surprised at your knowledge. You will find more Pakistanis settled in Europe then Indians. Why because from Pakistan more easy to reach europe through human smuggling. Indians has no chance. Then can't cross Pakistan, by land or by water to reach Europe. Mittel is just example and he is BRITISH NATIONAL, He is not Indian. Otherwise you will find lots of rich Pakistani people, but they are not Pakistani by nationality.
Gawd you few guys need to do some research. Sorry to say,Wonder why need to explain everything.

No, Mr researcher, Mittal is not british national, but net migration rate does not take into account adoption of nationality.

Also, Pallonji Mistry took Irish citizenship in 2007, he was already a multi billionaire then and now the second richest irish man in the world.

As to the poor landlocked indians, i don't know what to say, whatever makes you feel good mate!
If it makes you happy, Pakistan is nuclear power too

What...........who talked about nukes??? They are nothing, just a fancy toy. You can't use them..............simple. We Indian don't even consider them when we talk about our progress.............it is a fact and most Indian members here will accept this.

Using nuclear power in peaceful ways is totally other thing. And we are moving in that way very well.

but i count as third world country until practically law safeguard the rights of common people. I don't know how you guys perceive India has super power.

That is the reason India is not a third world country.............we have many laws to safeguard the public interest and our rights; even our in Constitution guarantees that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony, and nobody, including Indian Government, can ban our Fundamental Rights.

The fundamental rights recognised by the constitution are[1]
The right to equality
The right to freedom
The right to freedom from exploitation
The right to freedom of religion
Cultural and educational rights
The right to constitutional remedies

These two were added recently
Right to property
Right To Education

One very important tool is "Right to Information Act."

And we feel very free in India; No feeling of any Government pressure or pushing...........we can do whatever we like, until this is against the general interest of public.

India is not a super power........not now; but it is a very good country to live in. And we all proud of it; really.

Nothing is hidden. All provide is most favored nation for trade in West. That's bring lot of foreign exchange. Pakistan been ripped of in this war of terror. Lost all trade.

If Pakistan lost trade, its not our fault.

Might be harsh statement but Indian is being perceived as Non Muslim, Hindu state in the west. We muslims were not able to cash out the trade because the stupidity of few people. Been victim of generalization and labeling.

Yes........it is a harsh statement.

We are a non-Muslim state............it is very true. But we are also a non-Hindu state, non-Sikh state, non-Christian state; or in one word-A Secular State. And West also admit that.

The basic problem is............you consider yourself Muslim first; but we consider ourselves Indian first........then Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, or anything else!!!:smokin:
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If it makes you happy, Pakistan is nuclear power too, but i count as third world country until practically law safeguard the rights of common people. I don't know how you guys perceive India has super power. Nothing is hidden. All provide is most favored nation for trade in West. That's bring lot of foreign exchange. Pakistan been ripped of in this war of terror. Lost all trade. Might be harsh statement but Indian is being perceived as Non Muslim, Hindu state in the west. We muslims were not able to cash out the trade because the stupidity of few people. Been victim of generalization and labeling.

i agree india is not shiny when it comes to the other half where the good results of economic development ls yet to reach..but it surely will reach.. just a matter of time.
INDIA'S greatest strength as a country is that 'we as a multicultural society always defended against religious extremism to a great extent and I MUST THANK OUR GREAT LEADERS AND LIBERAL HINDU PEOPLE FOR THEIR SUPPORT.IT IS THE TOLERANT HINDU BROTHERS OF MINE WHO SUPPORTED SECULARISM AND STILL STAND BY IT DESPITE OF PROVOCATIONS.
thats where i have to say if pakistan is to wipe out its bad name its actions should speak..you will have to say no to extremist ideas no matter who raise it. Look at Taliban they mis Intrepreted quran to make barberic laws to make the living of the people a hell.
as a nation and religion you should mingle and coexist with others.
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No, Mr researcher, Mittal is not british national, but net migration rate does not take into account adoption of nationality.

Also, Pallonji Mistry took Irish citizenship in 2007, he was already a multi billionaire then and now the second richest irish man in the world.

As to the poor landlocked indians, i don't know what to say, whatever makes you feel good mate!

There money and properties in west. Not in India.
As far as coexistence with minorities, i think Pakistan has much better record compare to India.And you will challenge this too.....
As far as war on terror, Pakistan has already lost thousands of people. If we are no sincere, then you guys won't see any action. Civilian death is reaction of some actions. Plus Pakistan army can't take dictation from nobody. They know ground reality better then anyone else.
I am really surprised at your knowledge.

And I am really surprised at functioning of your brain........sorry to say that, but this is truth.

You will find more Pakistanis settled in Europe then Indians. Why because from Pakistan more easy to reach europe through human smuggling. Indians has no chance. Then can't cross Pakistan, by land or by water to reach Europe.

What does all that mean? What I got is that Indians cannot go to Britain or even Europe because we have to cross Pakista to do that........and Pakistan won't allow us; rite? If you are saying that, then I am more than surprised.

Leave India, I will prove that later...............Applying your logic (?), how the Israeli people travel around the world? Which country allow them to cross?

I am not sure, you will be able to understand or not but I tried my best to find easiest example for you. Have a look..........This is how world travel.


Mittel is just example and he is BRITISH NATIONAL, He is not Indian.

Mittel is not just EXAMPLE.........read below:

Indians in the United Kingdom
(British Indians/ Indian Britons)

Total population (in UK)

England 1,316,000 (2007)
Scotland 17,000 (2001)
Wales 8,200 (2001)
Northern Ireland 1,600 (2001)

2.3% of the UK's population
(Not including those of partial heritage)

Now their status:

The richest person in Britain Lakshmi Mittal is a Indian citizen with an estimated fortune of £10.8 billion in 2009. A study by Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2007 found British Indians have among the lowest poverty rates among different ethnic groups in Britain second only to white British. Of different ethnic groups Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%), black Africans (45%) had the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), , white Other (25%) and white British (20%) had the lowest rates.

According to BBC findings, the economic makeup in 2001 of Indian-born British Indians only is as follows. 65.98% of new immigrants were employed with 16.43% being 'low earners' (people earning less than £149.20 a week) and 18.13% being 'high earners' (people earning more than £750 a week). By comparison settled Indian immigrants to the UK are actually slightly less likely to be in employment, 62.85%; in fact, the percentage of low and high earners for settled immigrants stood at 15.9% and 7.88% respectively. Therefore on average, 64.42% of Indian-born immigrants to the UK are employed. This figure is approximately 10% lower than the rate of employment for British-born people (regardless of ethnicity) which stood at 73.49% in 2001. Sikhs are on average the wealthiest Indians, and the second wealthiest religious group after Jewish people, in the UK, with a median total household wealth of £229,000.

Here is Lakshmi Mittel...

Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Otherwise you will find lots of rich Pakistani people, but they are not Pakistani by nationality. Gawd you few guys need to do some research. Sorry to say,Wonder why need to explain everything.

Here is the richness of Pakistanis in Britain....

A study by Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2007 found British Indians have among the lowest poverty rates among different ethnic groups in Britain second only to white British. Of different ethnic groups Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%), black Africans (45%) had the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), white Other (25%) and white British (20%) had the lowest rates.

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