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62 million Pakistanis now living below poverty line

Myths perpetrated by the Indian media. Let me quote you some statistical evidence from all the past years.





Pakistan's poverty in 2008: 17.2%

India's poverty in 2000: 26.1% (from the graph)

India's poverty in 2004: 27.5% (from the link)

India's poverty in 2010 (after the economic boom): 37.2% (from the link)

Pakistan's poverty has gone down, India's poverty has gone up. India's poverty rate is twice of that of Pakistan.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty - The Economic Times


Mr. bilal haider at it again .

It has been pointed out to you hundred times on this forum that the increase of 100 million was because India increased it poverty threshold that year to inlcude spending on education and other stuff .

On the whole poverty in India has decreased .

But still if it helps your bruised ego you may continue posting it on the internet as much as you want , it wont change the reality . Poverty in India is decreasing and has increased in Pakistan .
Do we need to explain this every time to you guys it has been explained like a 1000 time here tbe reason why poor are gone up is because of new measures to measure poverty now a person has to afford money spent on food health and other tbings firstly it was only food

He is either Pakistani ghajini who Forgets every 15 minutes or he is constantly deliberately ignoring facts to help his ego .
This article from the Pakistani media says that according to World bank - below poverty line population has increased to 40% in 2010 .

Statistics reveal stunning increase in poverty

The poverty increase situation thus stood as follows: 22.3 percent of the population in 2005-06 to between 30-35 percent in 2008-09; now this population is beyond 40 percent.
80% of indian's on less than half a dollar a day.

Nearly 80% 0f India live on less than 20 Rp a day. - Report

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians - about 836 million people - live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on less than 20 rupees a day | Reuters
Inshallah poverty will one day dissapear from south asia. :cry:

as long as there is unhealthy competition, wrong domestic/foreign policies with regards to each others' neighbors and huge spending on military rather than eradicating poverty/building infrastructure/education/etc, then we wont see poverty disappear no matter how many times we say Inshallah!! Poverty will get worse and worse.
80% of indian's on less than half a dollar a day.

Nearly 80% 0f India live on less than 20 Rp a day. - Report

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians - about 836 million people - live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on less than 20 rupees a day | Reuters

Topic is abt poverty in pakistan not abt poverty in india. or it is just force of habit of some ppl to drag india everywhere.
Topic is abt poverty in pakistan not abt poverty in india. or it is just force of habit of some ppl to drag india everywhere.

Just use the report button, even the OP was from Pakistan and yet he posts news about India.

Best bet is to use report button for trolling and no value reasons.
80% of indian's on less than half a dollar a day.

Nearly 80% 0f India live on less than 20 Rp a day. - Report

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians - about 836 million people - live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on less than 20 rupees a day | Reuters

A) It has nothing to do with Pakistan.

B) This article is incorrect.

According to world bank , In 2005 only 41.6 % of India's population lived at below 1.25 $ per day .

The Hindu : National : World Bank’s new poverty norms find larger number of poor in India

I would trust world bank over some other less known organisation any day.

And this percentage is also going down quickly -

again according to the world bank -
India on track to meet poverty reduction goal: World Bank - The Economic Times

In India, the number of such people living on less than $1.25 a day is expected to go down from 435 million or 51.3 percent in 1990 to 295 million or 23.6 percent by 2015 and 268 million or 20.3 percent by 2020.

It shows that poverty in India is decreasing but increasing in Pakistan.

The report referring to 80% of people on less than half a dollar was a government report. And also there is much more malnutrition in india than Pakistan.
I think that flood disaster in Pakistan last really did some major damage to its economy and livelihood to its people. I hope Pakistan can resolve this issue real soon. Best of luck Pakistan!:pakistan:
The report referring to 80% of people on less than half a dollar was a government report. And also there is much more malnutrition in india than Pakistan.

Incorrect . The real government report will come out next year after the census of 2011 . Till then world bank is more reliable .

About malnutrition , yes there is more malnutrition in India than Pakistan but not much more .

In the year 2000 Accroding to the World Bank , 40% of Pakistanis were malnutritioned and 47 % Indians . Not a big difference at all .

Check out this link -

South Asia - India: Malnutrition Report

Check out page 2 of Report data and Findings .

Btw there are many other indicators on which India is doing better than Pakistan like literacy , education ,infant mortality, slum people rehabilitation etc.

This thread was never meant to be India vs Pakistan , but you have turned it into one . By trying to prove that India is poorer you will anyway not help your own situation even if you by chance succeed .

Incorrect . The real government report will come out next year after the census of 2011 . Till then world bank is more reliable .

About malnutrition , yes there is more malnutrition in India than Pakistan but not much more .

In the year 2000 Accroding to the World Bank , 40% of Pakistanis were malnutritioned and 47 % Indians . Not a big difference at all .

Check out this link -

South Asia - India: Malnutrition Report

Check out page 2 of Report data and Findings .

Btw there are many other indicators on which India is doing better than Pakistan like literacy , education ,infant mortality, slum people rehabilitation etc.

This thread was never meant to be India vs Pakistan , but you have turned it into one . By trying to prove that India is poorer you will anyway not help your own situation even if you by chance succeed .


I couldn't care less about india, just wanted to show indian hubris, and I have succeeded :)
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