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62 million Pakistanis now living below poverty line

Thats alarming, seriously guys the country seems drowning after Musharraf left. What else can we expect when PPP thugs & theives like Zardari, Rahman Malik(lyari gang war supporter,& creater of unrest in Karachi) are running the country.

62million is toooooooo much:hitwall:

Ya Allah rehem:pakistan:

Read Post # 14 my friend. 62 million Pakistanis are not living below the poverty line, about 30-35 million Pakistanis are.
Read Post # 14 my friend. 62 million Pakistanis are not living below the poverty line, about 30-35 million Pakistanis are.

But those figures are for year 2008, & in mid 2008 zardari took power & Musharraf left, it could be true as zardari is ruling our country.
Believe it or not but the ground realities are quite worrisome. I know many many families who has much difficulties in coping with the day to day expenses - who were living a normal life 5-years ago. The poor was always a poor, and the richer is getting richer every single day. Now, the problem is with the middle class, who has been pushed to the poor line too, hence no middle class - just either you are a poor or a rich.

The vegetable and fruit are of the same rate in local market and else where and a single Peshawari Naan costs 12/13 Ruppees. I don't know how the poor is going to get along with their lives but things are getting out of hands now resulting in Thefts, ransom and other crimes on daily bases.

Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz
Believe it or not but the ground realities are quite worrisome. I know many many families who has much difficulties in coping with the day to day expenses - who were living a normal life 5-years ago. The poor was always a poor, and the richer is getting richer every single day. Now, the problem is with the middle class, who has been pushed to the poor line too, hence no middle class - just either you are a poor or a rich.

The vegetable and fruit are of the same rate in local market and else where and a single Peshawari Naan costs 12/13 Ruppees. I don't know how the poor is going to get along with their lives but things are getting out of hands now resulting in Thefts, ransom and other crimes on daily bases.

Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz

Well we should not keep down our hopes, its 2011 & elections will be held in the year 2013, we have some hope, but i request people of Pakistan to vote right person, don't vote on ethnic base vote the right person who can deliver good. For me it seems like either Musharraf or Imran Khan should be elected, MQM is good party too but most of the people hates them.
it feels in pak we are reaching the levels of hyper inflation , costs of electricity /food and fuel has gone over the roof.
Myths perpetrated by the Indian media. Let me quote you some statistical evidence from all the past years.





Pakistan's poverty in 2008: 17.2%

India's poverty in 2000: 26.1% (from the graph)

India's poverty in 2004: 27.5% (from the link)

India's poverty in 2010 (after the economic boom): 37.2% (from the link)

Pakistan's poverty has gone down, India's poverty has gone up. India's poverty rate is twice of that of Pakistan.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty - The Economic Times

Do we need to explain this every time to you guys it has been explained like a 1000 time here tbe reason why poor are gone up is because of new measures to measure poverty now a person has to afford money spent on food health and other tbings firstly it was only food
rather it is expected that 7-8 million addition would take place yearly !!
Wtf man !!
I think we have atleast told u million times tht poverty no. Rose becoz apart frm affording food which was previous standard nw according to new standard of measuring poverty even affording food ,health ,education and many more things are added

In previous threads we have given u enough sources for it .
Still I dnt understand why u keep on giving half info in each and every thread related to +ve things abt India and -ve things abt Pakistan

In this case u bumped a 2 yr old thread
Pakistan despite its problems has done comparatively better than India in terms of poverty.I guess they"ll continue to do so.
Pakistan despite its problems has done comparatively better than India in terms of poverty.I guess they"ll continue to do so.
Yeah yeah
As if World's each and every problem is bestowed upon Pakistan .
India faces none of the problem .
Myths perpetrated by the Indian media. Let me quote you some statistical evidence from all the past years.





Pakistan's poverty in 2008: 17.2%

India's poverty in 2000: 26.1% (from the graph)

India's poverty in 2004: 27.5% (from the link)

India's poverty in 2010 (after the economic boom): 37.2% (from the link)

Pakistan's poverty has gone down, India's poverty has gone up. India's poverty rate is twice of that of Pakistan.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty - The Economic Times

Awesome..You proved India is dirt Poor..Now that automatically makes Pakistan uber rich, doesn't it?
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