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6-year Turkish-Israeli crisis ends with deal


Dec 31, 2010
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Six years of strained relations between Turkey and Israel due to a fatal raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla by the latter appear to have to come to an end following the announcement of a deal by the prime ministers of both countries.

A senior foreign ministry official told the Hürriyet Daily News that the deal would be signed “mutually and simultaneously” at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministries in Tel Aviv and Ankara on June 28. Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu will represent Turkey as his Israeli counterpart Dore Gold represents Israel.

Turkish PM Binali Yıldırım and his Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in separate but simultaneous press conferences that a deal for the normalization of relations between the two countries had been reached.

Yıldırım said the deal would be signed on June 28 and would be taken for confirmation to the cabinet in Israel and the parliament in Turkey, which would then be followed by the mutual assignment of ambassadors as soon as possible – a process that could be completed within “weeks.”

A welcome move by Erdogan ! Muslim countries should consider the fact that if they really want to help Palestine is by noramlizing relationships with Israel ! after all, Israel does't need muslims countries in any way but muslim countires need Israel !
The only way one can normalise relations with Israelis is : By killing and completely annihilating them.

Aray bhai jaan, too much over confidence is not a good thing ! if you want to destroy Israel, you'll first have to destroy America and Europe ! because Israel is their kid ! and at this time we (muslim and Eastern world) are not at all on a position to challenge their superiority in evey field ! and it should be clear, specially since 1967 !
Long overdue. And isn't saying 'killing and completely annihilating them' genocide? There should be no place for that sh*t in this forum...
A very sad development. It is quite regrettable but Turkey has its right to do what it thinks is in its national interest. Still, a tragic news...
This part of the world will never prosper and be a normal place to live if we only think how to destroy each other. Israel is here to stay and it doesn't matter if Muslims/Arabs want it or not so people should learn to live with it. Arabs had chances to win when they were allied and sponsored by the USSR but they showed they are bad warriors and commanders and lost all their chances to win so they should better learn how to live with Israel as a neighbor.

I will always prefer to have Israel as a country that is not my enemy, but as a country that is a partner in trade, technology developments, military, different other projects & etc and not as my enemy. I hope that also Palestinians will benefit from this agreement and that all aid will actually reach the regular people. Billions and billions of aid were sent in Palestine in the last decades but most of it went in someone's pockets. I hope Peace comes to this region some day and I hope this is a good step towards it.
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The only way one can normalise relations with Israelis is : By killing and completely annihilating them. Otherwise they will try their level best to destroy you, if you ever dared to came in their way. So, Turkish people donot take it easy, once they are your enemy, even if they are not your enemy, they will try to destroy you.

We donot need Israel in any way, or may be as targets for shooting. They are filth, why some people in Pakistan wants to get filthy? They tend to destroy or overpower every power they come in contact with.
Dude you're a moron of the highest order. How can shit like this be tolerated in here?
Two simultaneous U turns by Erdogan one with Israel and one on Russia I think he has been disowned by his Ummah brothers.
Two simultaneous U turns by Erdogan one with Israel and one on Russia I think he has been disowned by his Ummah brothers.
The third one is apparently underway with Egypt and a 4th one maybe with softer tones towards a solution in Syria including Assad.
apologizing to Russia and normalizing relations with Israel :o: what brought about this change of direction?
apologizing to Russia and normalizing relations with Israel :o: what brought about this change of direction?
Geopolitical realities (miscalculation of Syria crisis, over estimation of American reliability etc, and a sudden realization that there isn't a allied state in the ME maybe other than the half existing Palestine)

Two simultaneous U turns by Erdogan one with Israel and one on Russia I think he has been disowned by his Ummah brothers.

I really hope so
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