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6-year Turkish-Israeli crisis ends with deal

I hate AKP's policy on Hamas. Hamas is a Terror Organisation, they shouldnt able to rule a Country. Palestine needs one civilian government, and one National Palestinian Army that connected to that civilian government.

Hamas is the main reason of massacring Palestinian people. They should be removed, just like PKK and ISIS.
We cannot justify supporting one Terrorist group with giving other Terrorist supporter examples. Our Israel policy was so wrong since Mavi Marmara crisis, we need to rewrite our all policy towards Israel, they also have to do the same.
Israel supports:

Greek Cyprus

Did I miss anyone else?

But, you have a problem if we support Hamas?
As much as I know Greece and Cyprus ain't terrorist organizations but countries, isn't that allowed ?
We do support the kurdish people, but not as in armed conflict against turkey.
Armenia? wtf?
do I need to write all the weapons we sold to azerbaijan?
Israel murdered Turkish citizens for no reason. We will never forgive them!
Israel murdered Turkish citizens for no reason. We will never forgive them!

As Erdoğan said ; "Did they (Mavi Marmara personnel) get a permission from us (Government) to go there?"

Let be honest, we sent them to die. Israel warned Mavi Marmara about military intervene. They went to die, and they died.
marmaras searched the problems they knew there is not alowed to go there and come there is there problem
the main reason not to help gaza its was to search problems
As Erdoğan said ; "Did they (Mavi Marmara personnel) get a permission from us (Government) to go there?"

Let be honest, we sent them to die. Israel warned Mavi Marmara about military intervene. They went to die, and they died.
Are you really Turkish???
Yes, also i am indeed not an Arrab. The real question is, are you really a Turk ? Because if you Triggered by the truth, there is a biiiig problem within you.

I'm also in favor of good relations with Israel, does that make me not Turkish?

Fatah was democratically elected by the Palestinian people, Hamas seized the Gaza strip after that. So supporting Hamas means supporting a coup right? Like the Güllen followers or Sisi right?

Hamas killed the Palestinian unity, at least the last bit that was left. If anything we should support Fatah.
Fatah is also a Terrorist Organisation. I remember slightly, when Fatah and Hamas fought against each other. Hundreds of civilians died.

Palestine needs one CIVILIAN political party that doesnt have any armed wing. Because in Middle east, if one people hold a weapon he goes crazy.
Nah man. Whether you support the Palestinian cause or dont (I dont), its legitimate that they have self defence capabilities. You lack some objectivity.

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