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6-year Turkish-Israeli crisis ends with deal

-Jew lovers-

It sounds racist dude. Btw for real fact; Human lovers. "Biiiz yaradılanı severiiiz yaradandan ötürüüüüü " sounds familiar? :)
Aray bhai jaan, too much over confidence is not a good thing ! if you want to destroy Israel, you'll first have to destroy America and Europe ! because Israel is their kid ! and at this time we (muslim and Eastern world) are not at all on a position to challenge their superiority in evey field ! and it should be clear, specially since 1967 !

Lol even without us Israel will still beat the crap outta you people :rofl:
The hell many Israeli companies help transfer tech to some western countries and our companies, they also do the same to even Russia(who had to procure drone tech from Israel).lol. Israel is still by farrrrrrrr the most Advanced and innovative country in the middle East , no country even comes close.
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Lol even without us Israel will still beat the crap outta you people :rofl:
The hell many Israeli companies help transfer tech to some western countries and our companies, they also do the same to even Russia(who had to procure drone tech from Israel).lol. Israel is still by farrrrrrrr the most Advanced and innovative country in the middle East , no country even comes close.

I agree with you about that how advanced and innovative a country Israel is but be realistic about that Israel by herself able to beat us alone.

Nahh dude. Without her nukes Israel is nothing but a fly.

Don't get wrong message from my words. I don't underestimate or take Israel lightly but the fact is that without nukes Israel is nothing. I mean after putting you sisters aside without nukes Israel is nothing...
Lol even without us Israel will still beat the crap outta you people :rofl:
The hell many Israeli companies help transfer tech to some western countries and our companies, they also do the same to even Russia(who had to procure drone tech from Israel).lol. Israel is still by farrrrrrrr the most Advanced and innovative country in the middle East , no country even comes close.

Israel is really advanced without any doubt and working serious technologies on component and complete product level. Their electronic, electro-optic industry is also doing well. Their missiles sector and UAVs are impressive and Land vehicles are also state of art. They are helping some advanced states to develop an equivalent system but Contrary to Israel, Turkey is working on some other complete product/subsystem solutions that Israel needs to purchase abroad.

-An active Howitzer industry, similar support vehicles and their subsystems
-Shipbuilding industry (Frigate/destroyer level, Amphibious naval ships, submarines)
-1500hp, 1000hp engine/transmission family, UAV engines, Turbo-shaft engine projects, turboprop engine projects
-Advanced helicopter industry: Italy/Turkey T-129 Atak, Domestic 5 t utility copter and advancing family based on those copters.
-An advanced automotive subsystem industry providing the spare parts for both civilian and military sector.
- Tf-X fighter and Trainer projects, Hurkuş trainer

Israel is playing the top on the areas that they work on but The range of their products in additions to mechanical subsystems and component level can not be the one compared to a big market established by 78 million people's country. On many systems, Israel is doing well system engineering and perform design activities to assemble many different foreign components under the umbrella of their designs, controlled by own electronic circuits running own softwares in order to reveal great products on many different areas. They are seriously advanced at electronic components, electro-optics, sensors, modules, semi-conductors and software level but I suppose Rest is like How I typed above.
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yes i m

well turkey get really advenced technology last years we cannot take it fron them

The problem wasn't Erdoğan. Erdoğan told what Fethollah ordered him. After 2014 (Erdoğan broke Fethollah collars on his neck), Israel-Turkey relations started to be repaired slowly. Few more years and we will return to our old gold relations.
but the relations very good edrogan hate isreal he want to to turn turkey into religious country he is dictator
He isn't even muslim, he is an elected President. He only uses religion to gain votes in elections. I could drink my vodka 10 years ago, i can still drink my vodka, i will be able to drink my vodka after 10 more years with Erdoğan.

Those "Religious Country/dictator" etc are just baseless propaganda.
so why he care about gaza so much?
why dosent he like isreal ?
He doesnt care about Gazze nor Israel.

He was CIA/Fethollah Gülen's puppet back in Mavi Marmara crisis. He followed orders. Again, he doesnt care about Palestine nor Israel.

After Fethollah and Erdoğan relations ended, relations between Israel and Turkey started to recover so fast. You supposed to see that. It will be even better.
AKP is now going to wash their hands with things like: "We are not guilty, it's all Gulen's fault! We are sorry we were mislead, they were lying to us" and etc.... Most AKP members were chest thumbing and talking against Israel for so many years and now act like they are innocent. Who was governing Turkey for so many year now? Wasn't it Erdogan? What kind of a head of state is he if he is being mislead about everything by a bunch of people for so many years?

I am for good relation between Turkey and Israel as I believe that Jewish people and Turks have always been in good relations in the past centuries. The Ottoman empire and Turkey have always been a safe places for Jews running aways from all the persecutions in Europe in past centuries. Thousands of people from Israel are Turkish Jews and I hope that relations between both countries will get better. Cooperation on all fields will help about that.
i dont know

what the turkey problem that they will have country in suria?
PKK is Pan-Kurdist racist terror organisation.

A Terror Organisation shouldnt able to have a country. It is like; "Hey, let ISIS have a country".
I hate AKP's policy on Hamas. Hamas is a Terror Organisation, they shouldnt able to rule a Country. Palestine needs one civilian government, and one National Palestinian Army that connected to that civilian government.

Hamas is the main reason of massacring Palestinian people. They should be removed, just like PKK and ISIS.

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