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6 Terrorists killed in Balochistan during OP

Reliable or not?
Not sure about their reliability but they are probably guessing from the damage seen on the bodies. Could be Mi35 or could be a drone.
Not sure about their reliability but they are probably guessing from the damage seen on the bodies. Could be Mi35 or could be a drone.

It is this:

It is this:

I don't think Bell's carry the type of munitions that would cause diffuse explosive burn marks. These as far as I know have a high speed machine gun only.
I don't think Bell's carry the type of munitions that would cause diffuse explosive burn marks. These as far as I know have a high speed machine gun only.

Check the heli in the background

Check the heli in the background

Yeah I saw it the first time, lovely picture. So far we don't know much. We don't even know if that heli was used in the op or not. If it was, perhaps it was used for a variety of reasons such as command and control, fire support, transport, but it will not cause the kind of damage we see on the perps, the tiny burn marks on the face in one pic are highly suggestive of explosives which this one doesn't carry. The options are, drone, Mi35, Cobra HE rockets.

But I understand why you thought that, the pic does give that impression, you made a decent guess :)
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Sad news from 6 Cdo one of their officer is marytred today in a IBO. Got hit by the Sniper fire during a Ops in the Mountain area.
Bahi TTP is no match for either Pakistan army or Taliban. They will use all that gear against Army in "hit and run" type of attacks be it raids, snipers or others.

They can never dream of taking on Taliban because if they did Taliban will crush them.
I meant Afg Taliban are sharing gear with TTP.
You know the funny thing, I have spend a lot of time attending your Majilees (as mark of respect to my friends back in the days). MY GOD. its was painful to listen to surmons about Iran.

What is wrong with you guys? Wake up! I dont care about your faith , religion or whatever you believe in, non of my or anyone business. You will die and answer for your own deeds. But here in this life, we are living as a nation called Pakistan, when you are touting for a foreign nation Iran, knowing fully well that those bastards are fully active against the interest of Pakistan, even sponsoring terrorism, irrefutable evidence everywhere, I am fully entitled to question you and your kind.
What an absolute troll. Majalis do not have Iran in their topics 😂
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