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6 Terrorists from Afghanistan killed in another attack on Dir check post

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Forces kill 6 militants in Lower Dir

Updated 3 hours ago From Web Edition

DIR: Militants from Afghanistan attacked the Karakar check post near the Lower Dir area. The attack was thwarted by security forces who in retaliation killed at least six militants.

This was the second attack by militants from Afghanistan in the area during this week. Eight militants were killed when they attacked the Rig Pam check post two days ago.

On Thursday, Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pevaiz Kayani met with ISAF Commander, General John Allen and expressed serious reservations on the cross border intrusions by Afghan militants.

During the meeting Kayani told the ISAF Commander that NATO should take serious notice of the cross border intrusions.

Forces kill 6 militants in Lower Dir - thenews.com.pk
frontier corps did the killing.
fense the boarder as quickly as possible. since I think these attacks has something to do with diversion PA attention.
instead of wasting time pakistan shd nuke that area where the live simple =))))))) no need to spend money the strange thing is these so called terrorist will they kill pak soldiers and behead them the reason is pakistan is helping us these ******* they dont knw that Us is also their and the main problem is their instead of pak army why they dont attack them it means us is supporting them even taliban dont do that
Great work, but need more.

There should not be one terrorist attack or secterian violenence in Pakistan. Make the Intel tight
Pak Army & PAF needs to carry out strikes in Afghanistan where these US & Indian funded TTP are hiding, of course US can't go on direct war with Pakistan but instead they are using TTP to provoke Pak Army. INSHAALLAH only death awaits for US, TTP & BLA, BRA.
Looks like the Americans are trying to punish Pakistanis by not taking action against Fazlullah.
against Haqqani's you mean

seems like it

Exactly.....however I am sure PakMil is quite aware of the situation and hopefully we shall see some return of favor in Kandahar with a lot of interest pretty soon.......and not on TTP either, but the real handlers!
Forces kill 6 militants in Lower Dir

Updated 3 hours ago From Web Edition

DIR: Militants from Afghanistan attacked the Karakar check post near the Lower Dir area. The attack was thwarted by security forces who in retaliation killed at least six militants.

This was the second attack by militants from Afghanistan in the area during this week. Eight militants were killed when they attacked the Rig Pam check post two days ago.

On Thursday, Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pevaiz Kayani met with ISAF Commander, General John Allen and expressed serious reservations on the cross border intrusions by Afghan militants.

During the meeting Kayani told the ISAF Commander that NATO should take serious notice of the cross border intrusions.

Forces kill 6 militants in Lower Dir - thenews.com.pk

we need to call all our betallions, tanks and air forces to do surgical strikes in afghanistan, its too much now, we need to defend our borders!! for serious

these terrorists are alquaeda and foreign nationalitles esp the wahabi saudis are involved, remember how saudis back home do all the beheading stuff, and they have brought this mennase here in pakistan also

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I wonder if it would not be best if we vacated those far flung posts where we can't send our troops back up promptly jeapordizing their lives.

Regardless, PA should consider training it's troops over rules of engagement with these violent terrorists. It should be made clear to the troops of what faith awaits them if they get captured. Backed up with careful highlights of pictures or videos of gruesome deaths of their bretherns before them. There is no geneva convention. There is no ethical conduct in treatment of prisoners. You are dead from the moment you get captured.

With that in mind, any soldier would prefer blowing up the grenade in their hand with terrorists approaching then to be captured by them.
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