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6 Questions Pakistan Needs to Answer About Kulbhushan Jadhav


Jun 19, 2015
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As Jadhav faces a death sentence, where are the answers to these key questions?

Pakistan has sentenced Kulbhushan Jadhav, a retired Indian Navy officer who was arrested by the country in 2016, to death after convicting him of conducting “subversive activities” for the Indian government. He was sentenced by a Pakistani military court.

Jadhav was reportedly arrested in a Pakistani counter-intelligence operation in Balochistan in March 2016. But there are still plenty of loose ends in the story leading up to this sentence.

Also Read: Navy Officer-Turned-Spy or Businessman: Who is Kulbhushan Jadhav?

1. Sartaj Aziz Said Insufficient Evidence Against Jadhav
In December 2016, Pakistan Prime Minister’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, was quoted as saying that the government was presented with “insufficient evidence” on Jadhav. He had said that the dossier received by the government had only statements and there was no conclusive evidence against him.


The Adviser had said that the investigations regarding the network of Kulbhushan Jadhav are ongoing and the dossier shall be completed upon conclusion of the investigation. There is irrefutable proof against Kulbhushan Jadhav who had also made a public confession in March this year.

2. Authenticity of Confession Video
So, about that public confession: Pakistan claims that Jadhav is a high-ranking spy or at least a very experienced one because that’s what makes this arrest special.

Why would a high-ranking spy make a willing confession about his espionage activities to an enemy state, especially when the two countries involved are India and Pakistan with their intractable hostilities?

The punishment for espionage is bound to be high – life imprisonment or death, as in this case. No high-ranking spy would be unaware of this fact.

The authenticity of the video has also been questioned by India. The Ministry of External Affairs said that the video had Jadhav making statements with no basis in fact. The MEA also said that the fact that he made statements of his own free will challenges credulity and indicates that he was tutored.

The editing in the video also raised doubts about how much of what Jadhav said could be taken at face value.

Also Read: Jadhav’s Execution by Pak Will Be ‘Premeditated Murder’: India

3. Indian Passport?
Coming back to the fact that Pakistan claims Jadhav is a high-ranking Indian spy; what experienced spy would be caught in a target country with his or her own nation’s passport? And that too, an Indian passport with a false Muslim name?

Why would an Indian spy go to Pakistan without Pakistani documentation? What experienced spy makes such a rookie mistake?

4. Was He Really Arrested in Balochistan?
There’s also no proof of Jadhav’s arrest having taken place in Balochistan.

The Indian government says that Jadhav could have been arrested because he accidentally strayed into Pakistani waters. Every year, both India and Pakistan arrest many civilians from both sides who accidentally cross the border or stray into the other’s territorial waters. As an ex-Navy man, perhaps Jadhav was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Where’s the evidence otherwise?

Also Read: Sanity Will Prevail: Ex-RAW Chief Dulat on Jadhav Death Sentence

5. No Consular Access to Jadhav
India repeatedly asked for consular access to Jadhav but this was never granted. Consular access isn’t a far-fetched request. In fact, Pakistan claimed that India had granted it consular access to the Kashmiri teens who were arrested for ‘guiding the Uri attackers’. India later denied this, but Pakistan insisted that they had received this access.

6. Why Was the Trial Kept So Hush-Hush?
Finally, if there is as much evidence against Jadhav as Pakistan claims, then why was his trial a hush-hush military court affair?

A high-profile spying case that played out in a court of law and received plenty of media attention would have served two purposes. It would have scored some major points for the Nawaz Sharif government domestically while discrediting India internationally. Second, as more of this evidence became public, India’s claims that Jadhav isn’t a spy would be easily debunked.

So, as Jadhav now faces a death sentence, where are the answers to these questions, Pakistan?

hopefully Indus treaty will in danger ;)

In that case, i would say both Your Armed forces as well as Intelligence agencies Failed.

Such horribly that India now have no other "military/covert" Option left but only to stop water from flowing to, where it is meant to flow.

Good Luck with your Choices. :enjoy:
They won't.

you know thats the reason I am not in decision making ;) but atleast he deserve a fair trail , if its capital punishment then the proofs behind his involvemnet must be shared ...........
In that case, i would say both Your Armed forces as well as Intelligence agencies Failed.

Such horribly that India now have no other "military/covert" Option left but only to stop water from flowing to, where it is meant to flow.

Good Luck with your Choices. :enjoy:
They won't.
Look at the circumstances. Indian public thinks he's innocent, no solid proof out yet, Indian media will make a big deal out of it , the opposition parties will bring it up in sessions--so Yes Modi will do something for sure. GOI already scratched the release of 12 Pak prisoners who were due for return. It will be a public spectacle- in the name of the nation- to keep the public happy, and also because it is essential from a political point of view. Politics WILL drive the next move more than anything.
you know thats the reason I am not in decision making ;) but atleast he deserve a fair trail , if its capital punishment then the proofs behind his involvemnet must be shared

For Previous whole decade, Our Judges sentenced not even a single criminal and terrorist due to fear. fear of his life, his family. which rises security issues. so after the APS attack, Parliament Passed the constitutional amendment to Open military courts. which so far sentenced 114 terrorists. but only 4-5 are hanged other's challenged the decision in Supreme court of Pakistan. and all that amendment goes to the drain.

So now Parliament Passed a second amendment and if i am not wrong, Now any person who is sentenced by Military court can not challenge the decision in Supreme court. on other hand, Military court Provide them lawyer etc. same was the case of Kulbushan as per "media reports".

So trust me, the trial was fair.

and those who are saying that his confession video was "doctored". so bro when he made his confession it also contained information, names, and other details. which in no case will ISI share with Public due to it's nature. so the ISI skipped those Parts.
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I can understand but we dont even know the name of lawyer and what proofs were present in the court of Law , how many hearing took place .....
Again saying if he was direcrly involved some activity which you can prove and harmed people , I will never argue with you on the fairness of trial , but we know nothing when trial began when concluded and who was lawyer what were charges what were proofs in support of charges :) even military court runs on basis of proofs .

For Previous whole decade, Our Judges sentenced not even a single criminal and terrorist due to fear. fear of his life, his family. which rises security issues. so after the APS attack, Parliament Passed the constitutional amendment to Open military courts. which so far sentenced 114 terrorists. but only 4-5 are hanged other's challenged the decision in Supreme court of Pakistan. and all that amendment goes to the drain.

So now Parliament Passed a second amendment and if i am not wrong, Now any person who is sentenced by Military court can not challenge the decision in Supreme court. on other hand, Military court Provide them lawyer etc. same was the case of Kulbushan as per "media reports".

So trust me, the trial was fair.

and those who are saying that his confession video was "doctored". so bro when he made his confession it also contained information, names, and other details. which in no case will ISI share with Public due to it's nature. so the ISI skipped those Parts.
Jadhav still the right to appeal but India is destining it's self from Jadhav.
how about we give a middle finger as answer to all these questions?
we will eliminate pakistan's enemies only first pakistan kulbhushan was indian dog who caught and confess we don't need answer india. india shd give answer about Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Habiab zahir and we shd push nepalies too where is he ??? how come happened
These are not even the questions on first place as the same has been answered, even if ever forwarded to Pakistan, through official statements. Rest assure, if India is so confident, can reach International Court rather than posting the useless questions/repetition of same narrative/copy-paste journalism through in.yahoo. These are the same delaying/time wasting tactics that India rather than resolving the issue through diplomacy, tried hard with all the bluff and international friends club hush hush to influence Pakistan yet risking the life of a serving commander that is going to be executed for espionage, terrorist activities in Pakistan and responsible for many innocent lives.

Worthless practice, only to waste time and energy despite being answered many times.
This bastard was involved in killing thousands of innocent people in Karachi and Baluchistan, he must be hanged, and put a bullet in his head .. and send his body to India so they can burn him here, cause he will be burning in hell for eternity ..
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