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6 Air India planes to be converted AWACS

Ghost Hobbit

Aug 27, 2020
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a) Embraer was blacklisted due to bribery putting the Netra AWACS project into a limbo
b) IAF came up with the excellent idea of combining AWACS with refuelling
c) 6 Air India planes will be sent back to france to add AWACS and refuelling systems - 'win win' for India.

Lol....IAF still pissing in the pant :rofl:

Thank you for your valuable contribution to the topic.

for the others members...


our existing phalcon systems


our very first radome system. This hit a tragic roadblock but has now cleared developmental issues.


a) Embraer was blacklisted due to bribery putting the Netra AWACS project into a limbo
b) IAF came up with the excellent idea of combining AWACS with refuelling
c) 6 Air India planes will be sent back to france to add AWACS and refuelling systems - 'win win' for India.

Refueller + AWAC = Not a very bright idea!
They have studied the requirement for years. Must have their reasons.
DRDO, HAL and Indian military have a history of studying requirements for years and sometimes decades and ending up with crap. so that is hardly a good logic. You know the list.

If this was such a great idea, why nobody else in the world came up with it. Operational requirements for AWACs and refuellers are very different. By mixing these two neither of the two critical missions will be optimized.
DRDO, HAL and Indian military have a history of studying requirements for years and sometimes decades and ending up with crap. so that is hardly a good logic. You know the list.

If this was such a great idea, why nobody else in the world came up with it. Operational requirements for AWACs and refuellers are very different. By mixing these two neither of the two critical missions will be optimized.

None of those agiences have a history of studying requirements for years and coming up with crap. And since the last 20/30 years most AWACS surveilance has been in peacetime, there is eminent logic in combining surveillance and refuelling. They have not suggested that dedicated refuellers or AWACS be removed.
None of those agiences have a history of studying requirements for years and coming up with crap. And since the last 20/30 years most AWACS surveilance has been in peacetime, there is eminent logic in combining surveillance and refuelling. They have not suggested that dedicated refuellers or AWACS be removed.

when I said that these agencies study requirements for years and come up with crap, I meant projects like Arjun, Tejas, Insas etc. etc.

So you are saying that AWAC surveillance should be optimized for peace time because most of the surveillance is done in peace time?

please share the “eminent” logic?
None of those agiences have a history of studying requirements for years and coming up with crap. And since the last 20/30 years most AWACS surveilance has been in peacetime, there is eminent logic in combining surveillance and refuelling. They have not suggested that dedicated refuellers or AWACS be removed.
It will hamper either the refuel ops or air surveillance ops. Not really bright idea as some suggest.

Using this idea is more to do with limitation in funds, or platform. It a out of desperation move.
It will hamper either the refuel ops or air surveillance ops. Not really bright idea as some suggest.

Using this idea is more to do with limitation in funds, or platform. It a out of desperation move.

Again- for peacetime surveillance it's pretty efficient idea. But for warlike operations it will have issues. They have not asked for dedicatd AWACS or refuellers to be moved out. They asked for these to be additionally added.
Imagine controllers sitting across their consoles trying to concentrate with smell of JP4 permeating the air.
None of those agiences have a history of studying requirements for years and coming up with crap. And since the last 20/30 years most AWACS surveilance has been in peacetime, there is eminent logic in combining surveillance and refuelling. They have not suggested that dedicated refuellers or AWACS be removed.

that makes very little sense,

1) I don’t see how wartime or peace makes a difference in how awacs and refuelers are deployed.

2) the reason why most nations don’t combine the two is because refulers us usually fly away front he border in areas where they don’t have to be escorted or protected while awacs need to fly close to hostile borders to get more range out of their radars. Refulers fly lower than awacs as you don’t want a plane coming up for refueling to fly high up and waste fuel doing so. While awacs need to be higher to see further with their radars

3) refulers have to fly the wind direction to help with line up for fighters while awacs can fly in any direction

4) if this is the norm awacs cum refuelers would be the key target of the opposing air force as the aggressor would take out two key capabilities in one shot

5) the fule weight carried by an awacs/ refulers would slow the aircraft down and make it heavier. This will make it difficult to evade/ Manouver when attacked.

hey is this a dRDO only thinking without input from the IAF a lot like su-30 mki Franka monster 👹

that makes very little sense,

1) I don’t see how wartime or peace makes a difference in how awacs and refuelers are deployed.

2) the reason why most nations don’t combine the two is because refulers us usually fly away front he border in areas where they don’t have to be escorted or protected while awacs need to fly close to hostile borders to get more range out of their radars. Refulers fly lower than awacs as you don’t want a plane coming up for refueling to fly high up and waste fuel doing so. While awacs need to be higher to see further with their radars

3) refulers have to fly the wind direction to help with line up for fighters while awacs can fly in any direction

4) if this is the norm awacs cum reflects would be the key target of the opposing air force as the aggressor would take out two key capabilities in one shot

5) the fule weight carried by an awacs/ refulers would slow the aircraft down and make it heavier. This will make it difficult to evade/ Manouver when attacked.

hey is this a dRDO only thinking without input from the IAF a lot like su-30 mki frail monster 👹


Lol, you just posted all your fantasies in one go. IAF has been asking for this for several years. Peacetime surveillance requires less jets in the air at any time and less fuel carriage. Combining these reduces the overall opex for IAF. This is an excellent idea. Instead of having two planes in the air with different loads, you have one jet, one crew handling both missions- saving overall costs.

And after we induct the 1st 6- the next 12 will be easier.....
Imagine controllers sitting across their consoles trying to concentrate with smell of JP4 permeating the air.

I'm sure that's the case with Chinese refuellers.
Lol, you just posted all your fantasies in one go. IAF has been asking for this for several years. Peacetime surveillance requires less jets in the air at any time and less fuel carriage. Combining these reduces the overall opex for IAF. This is an excellent idea. Instead of having two planes in the air with different loads, you have one jet, one crew handling both missions- saving overall costs.

And after we induct the 1st 6- the next 12 will be easier.....

I'm sure that's the case with Chinese refuellers.

good luck to India they will need it.
congratulations to France for making a killing here in terms of orders and jobs for the French

good luck to India they will need it.
congratulations to France for making a killing here in terms of orders and jobs for the French


the only money france is gettting here is the modification of Air India planes to our specifications. The AWACS System and the Refueling systems were both designed and built in India.
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